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Desperado: Innger Demons--Huge mod to take place outside of Cyrodil


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Well, right off the bat, I don't know squat about modding. This is just a place to discuss the ideas I have and see if it's possible to make a mod out of it. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that this hope is pretty far gone. Maybe an opportunity will arise in a while.




*Due to the fact that some writings in here would be considered adult reading, I'm going to denote it. There it is, now I can't be smashed for it.*


IF YOU THINK THAT THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE INFO FOR PEOPLE TO READ THIS, PLEASE TELL ME!!!!...and please forgive the flagrant typo in the title....


Quick Excerpt from concept:


The roofs blazed and blood flowed freely down the streets. Aiden stalked back to the pile of his clothes and his gear coldly. The night air felt good on his skin as he pulled a towel from his bag, systematically wiping the crimson liquid off of his body. The girl sat tied to a tree, screaming with horror through the sheet Aiden had tied around her mouth. She watched now as the psychotic man that had killed her friends and family like a savage beast, ripping them to pieces with tooth and nail walked towards her. As Aiden drew closer to her, she realized that it was better described as fang and claw. When he had arrived to the tree, Aiden bent and touched his mouth and nose to hollow of her neck, forcing her head back with arms strong enough to push a boulder with effortless nonchalance.


He inhaled deeply, letting his tongue trace along her skin, tasting the sweet flesh. “I only ever need one, dear. Only ever need one to make a meal. Aren’t you lucky? But first,” he purred as he removed the cloth from around the girls mouth, “I want to hear you scream.” It seemed that this wasn’t such a bad day for Aiden after all. The girl was very good at screaming. And she was absolutely delicious, just as good as she smelled. The dead girl slumped in the ropes that held her bound to the tree, her blood flowing sparingly from her gouged throat. Aiden hadn’t wasted a drop, and had enjoyed every ounce of her life. It was always refreshing to get a treat like that.


The Demon reasoned that the boy had probably stopped in this town and then gotten on the move towards the rising sun again, just as Aiden had instructed him to. Whatever the cause for Jameson not being in this newly made ghost town, Aiden didn’t care. He would just have to search elsewhere for the boy.





I don't have a lot of experience with CS, and what little experience I DO have is not good enough. I CAN write, though, and fairly well. I need help with making this mod. Major help. So far, all we have is someone who can possibly do exteriors, and we have a solid man for interiors.


What we really need are people who can mesh/texture and script new creatures, someone who can give me SOLID confirmation that they'll work with exteriors, A VERY CAPABLE SCRIPTER FOR QUESTS, DIALOGUE AND NEW OBJECTS, someone who can work with companions (pathing, editing; working with scripter, probably), someone who can mesh/texture new interior and exteriors... This mod is not at all possible for me to do. I DO NOT have the skills for such a product--All I can do is write.


As the mod progresses, I will keep writing until I finish the quest line out, and give detail in to their characters. I can also give direction as to how I see things, however, (this is important) I am completely open to knew ideas. In fact, I reslish the though of having other's inputs in to what Discord and its alternate plane (Still to be named) should look like and feel like. I want to remain an active member of the team if it is created, but not the "Grand Over Seer" or some nonsense like that. I would be the writer who takes help from everybody and lets influence flow in from every corner.


This mod is rather against all TES IV lore, however, this can be amended if the team thinks that that is best. It will be very fantasy based, and unlike anything else out there, or a mix of everything out there. However you want to look at it, it will be something entirely new.




And so, we dream of Grey Skies and Red Trees. No longer, though, are The Tree’s red leaves of its own pigments. Now blood flows like water, dyeing everything a vulgar shade of crimson. The flagrant wrongs that feel so right are coming to a climax, their architect reaching his summit. No longer is The Skies’ grey of its own clouds. The plaques of Discord and Famine mass their heavy fronts, the storm upon an edge, its master in his throne. So walk on, Swordsinger. Walk on and weep. For now we turn to December, where there is not but Grey Skies and Red Trees.


The Demon, Aiden, has long ruled over the lands of Discord from his Cathedral, deep in the Wilderness of Perdition. Now, though, his holdings are not enough. Reaching in to your schizophrenic, destraught mind, Aiden creates a firm hold where he recreates all that he has. Discord is now your every thought, your every action, and every feeling. Aiden sends his vast hordes of unspeakabkle monsters across the mountains and through The Tattered Gate in to the peaceful land of (NAME PENDING; Any suggestions?) to wreak destruction and bring his reign of shadows. As his grip on your mind tightens, he forces a decision upon you: Will you join him and gain more power than you possibly imagined, or will you try the impossible, risking every fiber of your being to resist him? And all the while, a mysterious voice echoes through your mind, as if carried on the wind: "In the clearing at the end of your path, give your regards to the Red Tree, whose roots above hold Fate and it's branches below hold lives most Desolate." Will you answer this mysterious call, or will you give in to dark temptation?


Either way you choose, a tale of epic proportions awaits. Battles to death against mythic beasts, an army of determined and unwavering Lychens, a horde of blood thirsty and insane Vampires, unlikely friends, shocking betrayals, The Red Tree, and much more awaits you in the all encompassing tale of Desperado: Inner Demons.




Discord: An alternate plane ruled by Aiden. Discord is a baron, desolate, and above all highly dangerous land scape. The player will make many sojourns in to this lethal realm throughout the both sides of the quest. There are few inhabitants in Discord, all of them living in Aiden's Cathedral. The denizens of the crypt; Aiden's Horde of Vampires, are numerous and lethal. Discord is not really a land, so much as a plane of existence. It is VERY immaterial. Aiden creates and exact replica of Discord in the players mind in order to make Discord material, to make it a true place so that he can unleash his hordes upon the lands in which the player resides.


The Un-named Land: I'm not quite sure of what I want to do with this. This land is NOT Nirn; it is a PARALLEL to Nirn. Such parallels, Nirn included, will become important in the main quest.

This land is where the journey will start. The way I see it currently is this--The player can either start there, thusly you start a new game here and go through a small tutorial type beginning here. However, if the downloader has a high level char. that they wish to continue, then I think that it should be left open for them, so they come in to this foreign land--probably through a Gate much like The Tattered Gate mentioned above--and will start the quest at a certain point.

This place is full of normal people of all races. Imperial, Khajitt (probably spelled incorrectly, sorry), Orc, Nord, etc. It is, as I said earlier, exactly like Nirn, but not actually Nirn. Unlike Cyrodill, though, Vampires are not the only children of the night. In this case, I am taking Bram Stoker's meaning of "child of the night" in to heart: The WOLF is the child of the night. The peaceful land in which this quest starts is full of a secret order; The Brother's Pack. It is a council of immortal Lychans that has defended these lands for centuries, starting with their leader, Blitzkrieg. They are a very reclusive people, and WILL NOT show themselves to you until you reach a certain point in the quest.

The Un-Named Land is not a partial reality, like Discord is. This land exists in reality; it is another plane of existence much like Nirn and Cyrodill


Biggest thing to know: This quest is NOT gender neutral. I want to change according to gender. For a male character, the Demon is male--Aiden. For a female charcter, the Demon is female--Cambria. The Shade with which you can choose to pursue a romance with is the opposite gender from the character. Meara is the female, Carlisle is the male.


QUEST: The quest will follow a few different paths. There is possibility to outright resist Aiden from the beginning, to rule alongside him, to overthrow and replace him, or to bring down his horde from the inside out. Essentially, there are two good paths and two evil paths.


Good Paths: Choose to openly resist Aiden (more fore offensive classes like Mages, Warriors, Battle Mages, Nights... Those types.) or to "join" him in order to covertly bring down his reign of shadows from the ground up (this path is more Assassin and Theif type stealth classes.) Both paths can be played by any class, but certain tasks will obviously be harder depending on your style of play. Either of these paths will directly involve you with Blitzkrieg and his pack of Lychans, and give you the chance to fight alongside them, and bring you many unlikely allies within Aiden's own realm.


Evil Paths: Choose to join Aiden and to rule alongside him, or overthrow and replace him. The evil paths are even more class neutral, and can definitely be palyed by any style. However, there WILL be certain plot twists that can make the chosen path harder for you character, just as with the Good Paths. The Evil Paths will put you in command of both the Horde and Aiden's Elite Draconian squads at one time or another. You will be either confronted or joined by factions within Discord. You will also be faced with the challenge of eliminating the Lychans and destroying the plane, just as Aiden's cycles have always gone.


Both Paths will offer you the chance to become a vampire of incredible power and strength, or a noble and ferocious Lychan. These choices will come on you with some harsh suddeness, so be prepared to choose and choose quickly. Depending on how the rest of the mod goes, there may be "cure quests" to both that you can complete afterwards incase you change your mind.



Aiden/Cambria (written for Aiden): The Shadow, the Demon. He has unimaginable powers, and is second to none in the art of killing. Long ago, he knew of Love and compassion, and fought for the greater good of the world as a mortal being. However, the Love he knew died when his wife, whose name is scarred in his mind, was brutally murdered. In anguish, he damned himself and sacrificed his soul for the power to avenge his darling wife's death. Hate, though, consumed him, and he went beyond revenge--He created his Horde from the Void, the darkness as deep as his heart, and started a genocide of everything that has ever known Love. Now, the Demon travels from world to world with his insatiable Horde, destroying everything and leaving nothing. Love and Compassion are as poison to him. He let his inner light die with his soul...possibly. As the plot unfolds, Aiden's true natures will be revealed--He is a VERY deep character. That's all I will reveal... P.S. Dracula ringing any bells?


Meara/Carlisle (written for Meara: Meara is a Shade, created and owned by Aiden. She is beautiful, strong willed, and dangerous to cross, however, her love for Aiden has weakened her. She has served him for only one hundred or so years, which in comparison to Aiden's twelve thousand years of existence, is quite short. She is very insecure, but at the same time she is very adament in her beliefs. She is Aiden's favorite concubine as well, and for some time, his ONLY. She tries with every fiber of her soul to make the Demon see that he DOES have Love, and that there IS compassion left within him, but to no end. Aiden has beaten her close to death every time she attempts to "poison" his will. She slowly finds, though, that you, Aiden's catalyst, are exactly like him. She soon begins to fall for you, and the plot thickens from there. I don't want to give it ALL away.


Ared-Din: Aiden's Lieutenant. He is a highly intelligent but highly troubled Immortal, a left over from a realm that Aiden destroyed in his first years of power. Ared's proud people resisted Aiden valiently, Ared himself leading the effort. Upon crushing their resistance, and killing the love of Ared's life, Aiden took the warrior in as his own general. Ared's eccentricity and strong will, though, quickly got him demoted. He hates Aiden, despite truly loving the Demon's friendship, and Aiden thusly, Aiden distrusts his Lieutenant, though he harbos the same feelings for their friedship. Their rapport is somewhat odd, but rapport none the less, and their friendship has made many battles much for the both of them due to Ared's incredible abilities to fight and command troops. Perhaps there is an unlikely ally to be had in the ever plotting Immortal...


Metzin-Gambit: Aiden's General. Aiden created the "man" purely for the task of commanding and conquering. Metzin is heartless, emotionless, and brutal--more monster than man; All the qualities Aiden epitomizes and admires. Metzin is by no means equal to Ared in either single combat or in master generalship, but he IS unthinking, and poses no threat to Aiden. He is equipped with Aiden's Elite fighting force--Draconian type lizard men who take the sky as well as the land for their fighting domain. The last sight many a poor man has seen is the swish of Metzin's steel and the glow of cold, yellow eyes.


Blitzkrieg: The first Lychan and the leader of The Brother's Pack. He is a warrior, unparalleled in skill and ferocity, who has earned his name for his swift, volatile style of fighting, as well as his control over lightning and electricity. Blitzkrieg=Lightning War. He is honorable and truthful, a reminder of chivalry once known to all. He is a loyal friend and a vicious enemy. With him or against him, battle quickly becomes dangerous to even the most seasoned of veterans--He attracts many strong foes and seems to relish a battle thought to be hopeless.


The Red Tree: Almost nothing is known about this ancient being. Legends say that there is a land between Life and Death where there resides a single, red willow tree. This plane only exists for one person at a time. It is said that the person whom the tree gives itself to is destined to be either a hero worthy of song or a villain whose terror will be remembered for ages.


The Center of All This: You. In the life time we spend chasing Angels and Dreams, how much more often do our Demons manifest within? How much of ourselves do we lose? But then arises the question, how do you measure that? Better yet; to what end? We ask these questions and then drop our chase of those angels and those dreams so we can now chase answers instead. But the Demons? No, they never leave. They stay, they thrive, they consume. They are the darkness in the light, the driving force that throttles it out. And our Angels? They were the light. But you let them die a long time didn’t you?

That final question is for YOU to decide the answer to, and thusly, you are who you choose to be. Will you bring ruin to a once prosperous land, or will you bring down the reign of shadows and let the sun shine through?




New weapons and armor

New creatures


Depending on how you choose to play, several smaller quest spread throughout Discord and The Un-Named Land

New NPCs and companions--possible romance

New script effects (HOPEFULLY!!!)

NEW LANDS!!! OUTSIDE OF CYRODIL. This makes compatibility less of an issue.

New maps for outside land--hopefully

New interior and exteriors

New "Diseases"--Posibility to become a revamped vampire (NOT vanilla style) or a Lychan (Werewolf)

New Fations

New allies and enemies

MIGHT include the four-legged friend from my "novel-in-the-works"

Probably lots more depending on participation and ideas that get thrown around



Half a Main Quest that still needs to be Oblivionized and made TES IV like. It's currently a novel that I'm working that has nothing to do with TES, but I actually based the novel off of the concept behind this mod...i.e. nothing. I REALLY need help with this.



Concept and EPICly failing at everything else: Blitzkrieg3801 (me)

Interiors: Death953

...that's it...


Feel free to comment however you wish (according to forum policies, of course) PM me, or email me ([email protected])


Please leave any sorts of suggestions, concerns, questions, criticism... anything.


Especially if you're interested in helping!


If you would like a look in to my book so far and insight towards the characters in the realms of Desperado: Inner Demons, Please email me, and I will send you SNIPPETS that show the characters.

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It seem's like a solid base to work off. Need's alot more detail though. Alot.


I'm willing to help with ideas, and general advice.


Also you say about joining him. How about the quest doesn't ened there, and you could maybe make an attempt to overthrow him.

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Interesting concept.. Id rewrite a few typos there and give less "MAYBE" and "PLEASE" over and over so it sounds more professional. Professional is always more attracting to serious modders like me who like to show off our skill in something that is typed in a way that the person who came up with the idea is confident, not down on his knees begging. I don't mean to be crude, I'm just saying how I've noticed successful projects start, and unsuccessful ones. If you do that I will check in and edit this not so it says only what is below this sentance:


Very interesting idea, I like the enthusiasm you have with writing, and sometimes that's all thats needed. Good direction, good communication, and good concept. From there the skills that need be usually come flocking to a mod that has such great potential. If I weren't swamped I'd probably help. Unfortunetly this is not so and won't be for months to come.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Im looking foward to how this develops.

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Hey this seems pretty interesting man, really it sounds epic. I have a few questions, though:


- Are you gonna lead this project, take further decision, keep writting, etc? Or it's just an idea you'd like to see modded?

- Is it going to be lore-friendly or pure fantasy? Nothing against fantasy, it's just to make it clear.

- Either lore or fantasy, who is Aiden? What's his "realm", Discord? Does it exist in Nirn?

- Wich are the lands he'll claim? Are they part of Tamriel, it's just a trip the player get with no connection to Tamriel, an oblivion plane, etc? Are these lands inhabited by "normal" humans who live in cities and all this stuff?


A bunch of work awaits you before you have a first playable version, but as ranokoa suggests if you have the patience and determination to write a novel then you can mod for oblivion, I hope you put in this the same enthusiasm than in your books. Good luck!

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To all who commented:


Thank you very much. I'll re-edit and add a bunch of stuff. I'll probably end up completely changing the foreword so that it clearly states my intentions X)). Stop back in in just a while and tell me what you think of the added content.

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It seem's like a solid base to work off. Need's alot more detail though. Alot.


I'm willing to help with ideas, and general advice.


Also you say about joining him. How about the quest doesn't ened there, and you could maybe make an attempt to overthrow him.


Thank you for your suggestions. I am truly thankful that you took the time to look over this and give your two cents. I hope the exapansions i've made make a difference.

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It seem's like a solid base to work off. Need's alot more detail though. Alot.


I'm willing to help with ideas, and general advice.


Also you say about joining him. How about the quest doesn't ened there, and you could maybe make an attempt to overthrow him.


Did this achieve the sort of detail you were looking for?

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It seems you have the story pretty well elaborated, it looks promising. If you want my advice I'd suggest you start gathering all the resources you could need because there's a lot of stuff there. Probably you could find some werewolf, a black wolf reskin would be great as well, basically meshes and textures, because you'll have a lot of work only with the landscapes.


Want a suggestion for a beginning? You hear rumors about a mage that stays in a nearby town that says that he has the power to make people face their own fears, and that those few who survive this deadly trance awake strengthened. So if you go to see the mage he tells you that, and if you agree he performs a ritual and you're sent into your own mind, when the adventure ends you're back where you were. Obviously the mage will ask for a payment beforehand. And indeed, when you finish the quest you'll be a few levels higher than before :)


(possible) spoiler: if the player decides to join Aiden and raze the land the player will be somehow hurting his own mind, causing some int and/or will loss, some signs of insanity, etc, nothing that could make players blame you for it, though.

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It seems you have the story pretty well elaborated, it looks promising. If you want my advice I'd suggest you start gathering all the resources you could need because there's a lot of stuff there. Probably you could find some werewolf, a black wolf reskin would be great as well, basically meshes and textures, because you'll have a lot of work only with the landscapes.


Want a suggestion for a beginning? You hear rumors about a mage that stays in a nearby town that says that he has the power to make people face their own fears, and that those few who survive this deadly trance awake strengthened. So if you go to see the mage he tells you that, and if you agree he performs a ritual and you're sent into your own mind, when the adventure ends you're back where you were. Obviously the mage will ask for a payment beforehand. And indeed, when you finish the quest you'll be a few levels higher than before :)


(possible) spoiler: if the player decides to join Aiden and raze the land the player will be somehow hurting his own mind, causing some int and/or will loss, some signs of insanity, etc, nothing that could make players blame you for it, though.


Hmm... This means I need to elaborate more. Discord is only a partially substantiated realm--It cannot exist without a mortal catalyst. The Un-Named Land is COMPLETELY substantial and free from the mind, not to mention, Aiden is far too powerful for any simple mage--He is a world jumping Demon with no sense of right and wrong who can bring even the greatest of warriors and the most brilliant of mages to their knees. So, unfortunately, I DON'T think that would work.


Now, something VERY promising is the Start as a Child mod just a few down the forum from this one. THAT would make my story a LOT easier. And longer. It would essentially make an entirely different game, almost.


I might play in a Mage when it comes to the gate to incorporate an already existing player, though.




As for sources in the Lychans... I don't know. My idea of them is more like the crazy white one from Underwolrd: Evolution. The werewolves currently on TES are... Alright, but... I don't know. Within my 38 pages of text, there is NOT a werewolf of such... common nature. I'm referring to the Francesco wolves... Too small, not enough fur... COULD work, though. It would make the job quicker.


Exterior/Interior sources are starting to pour in between myself and Death953, the guy who's helping me with interior designs. And the Fortress that won the Millionth Member Comp is also a very keen want, though I doubt we could get permission for that. There are also a few static resources that look pretty good, too.


We definitely like the weapons of Myths and Legends 2 (I believe that's the name) and...I think it's the amber recolors that he got the texturing from.

Armor could be a bit trickier. If the Drizzt mod above get's published, I'd DEFINITELY like to get permission to use that.


The unfortunate thing is this: Both Death and I have tried scripting, me especially, but we've had some rotten luck. He's better at it than I am, but... We need somebody that's REALLY good at it, because this entire mod is dependant on new scripts--It will DEFINITELY require the latest OBSE... The entire project is currently in a very fragile state--about as substantial as Discord--We have yet to find people to make the ideal real.

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