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Ghost Mod (npc's that haunt you after they die)


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Hi all, I rarely chime in being the social phobe that I am but... I really like this idea too. I hope it gets off the ground. Best of luck!!!


Side note: I'd love to see someone create a Sadako mod where she comes out of one of the wells in Skyrim and pursues/haunts the player. LOL

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this is possible,similiar things have been done before,but not to this level...i think it should be a low chance that this accures,so that its like a 3% chance that they apear and haunt you,as having an army of ghosts following you around the world (even if only when your ring is equiped) would look silly and probaly cause tons of lag... XD...imagine this scenario


you run into falkreath and 40 ghosts are chasing behind you...a guard looks at you and is like: wow,you don't see that every day

i think it would also be useful that there would be a way to stop the hauntings,maybe go see a priest of arkay (one in falkreath and a follower) or something

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