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Creating a custom Follower with Armor and Face from different Mods


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Hello everyone


I have a little question:


I want to create a custom follower from one of my mains. So i have tried to do it over .esp creation. The follower is there but the face isnt correct (I imported it via savepcface XXX)

I tried to use TESsnip to force the Armorsmods in there and this worked, only the face want showed correctly.


Now my question is: Is it possible to create a follower depending on:


- apachiskyhair (Using the Havoc one)

- demonhunter outfit

- custom eyes from another follower

- a second armor mod.


I tried this far:


- Created the follower normally. She is there and i can take her alog, so theres no problem.

- Tried to make an outfit. with the ESP file it works fine as long as i Force esp to have multiple masterfiles via TESsnip

- Ingame she has the outfit as it should be, but the head doesnt take the textures.

- Via ctrl + F4 save the face under facegendata

- make an .esm file (she only took the eyes but nothing else hairs came along for unknown reasons)

- i duplicated the hairs, maybe thats the reason.


What can i do to change this?


How can i make a Follower out of multiple mods?


If you could lend me a hand and mybe tell me step by step id be very grateful


PS: im not uploading any of these mods nor the result.



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If for personal use, I'll give you what I think is the easiest method.




It is a short tutorial that explains the process of temporarily making ESP files into master files so you can link to their assets/records without needing to duplicate/replicate anything.


Once you have everything set, you should be able to import your NPC file and it take everything.


FYI - the hairs worked in your mod because Apachii Hair is an ESM (a normal master file)

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Thank you for your hlp, i'll try it as soon as i can. It was the Havoc version of the Hair, and the files was marked .esp thats why i was wondering. Bit thank ou so much anyway :smile:



PS: Will the Facial Textures be applied aswell?, means i have a very darker textures and only got the default Nord Face when loading it. Does this Method change this aswell? (the step with ctrl + F4)

Edited by quentinsane
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It depends on where your facial textures and coloring come from.


If you made your character with stock colors and features, it should work.

If you made your character with a mod that adds additional colors/features, it may not work depending upon how the data is stored.


I believe RaceMenu adds a blank entry for the color and fills it at run-time with the player chosen color. That results in a lack of designated color when importing the NPC file. Also, the imported NPC file does not contain any extra layers such as additional warpaint.


If you use any such program, you may want to try searching for a tutorial which explains how to import such character faces for use with NPCs.

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Ok i guess this could be the case sine i used the racemenu mod. The color i certainly not in the default skyrim pack. In the creation Kit Editor you can also vary the colours i guess.

I checked your homepage and i guess i've found a way. Its almost as you described,

So correct me if im wrong.

1. Ill make a spf mychar snapcshot of the Characters Face
2. Ill make all .esp files in this case: The Armor Mod, The Hair Mod, The RaceMenu Mod, temporarily as MAster (As described on your Website "How to make an esp plugin that is dependent upon another esp plugin.")

3. Ill Load my follower .esp into the creationkit along with all the mods i need (in .esm format) Since it has already the "Followerspecific" Setup its only about the Looks

4. Ill Cerate the colour as described in "Getting Custom Colours Setup"

5. I follow your instruction basically until "Save Plugin" for all the Custom Parts (Without the Preset Entries)


And that should basically be it no?


PS: Do i Need to ctrl + f4 the facegendata?


You're the best :smile: thank you so much.

Edited by quentinsane
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CTRL+F4 is always needed for any NPC aside from presets for the player character.


I have my doubts that changes made for a player character in the RaceMenu mod will stick for an NPC. You may find that it still does not work. In which case you'll have to do some manual work.

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I sticked to the plan and the follower now has his standalone armor, colour, hair etc, but now skyrim CTDs ^^ ill have to do some troubleshooting on this one


But your guide is great thanks for this one :) although i didnt make a preset it still was a great guide

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Solved the problem with the CTDs, removed a master file dependency. But the face doesnt load yet. still default breton skin but i have the body textures and the armor, as well as the inventory etc. Only the face left :) im making progress

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Hmm I now tried to Import from Face safe through the RaceMenu Mod (Saves .dds and .nif File from the char) and plugged it in with GIMP and NPC Nif Merge tool, but didnt help :(


Tried to make Follower to .esm, didnt work aswell. I even tried with another Follower, didnt help aswell as you can see in Screenshot.


http://oi57.tinypic.com/2lvxmpz.jpg My Settings


http://oi57.tinypic.com/zvsehl.jpg What it looks like ( I tried in this screenshot another Hairset than it is, but with no effect)


http://oi57.tinypic.com/2u8wljc.jpg what it should look like


Is there a trick or something to solve this?


I tried:


Making it an esm with FOMM

Import the Face Data from my character: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim


Compared to other followers, had the same settings in

Checked ColorForms and made them available for NordRace

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