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Construction set quest problem


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I'm running the 1.2.404 version of the construction set.

The script editor seems to work fine but when i attempt to open up the quest editor.

It appears unresponsive to any mouse click on any portion or tab.

I've tried using the Q tab on the main window as well as the option under the character menu.


This is my first attempt to create scripts from scratch. (Meaning Ive tinkered with ones from the game and downloaded mods.) and Ive never had an issue.

I've also saved the script off as a 'plugin' thinking that I might be able to reload it. Either as the active file under the oblivion ESM or as an inactive file.

When reloaded by its self the quest editor still remains greyed out and unresponsive though the script editor easily finds the script.

When loaded with the oblivion esm (weather set as the active file or not i can't locate the script.

Even when renaming it AAA(name of script)

This issue is present in both the 1.2.404 and the 1.0.303 versions so it has to be something I'm not doing correctly.

Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance


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