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Leliana quest is not working


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If you're referring to the pet nug Leliana wants, you must have returned at least one nug to the Nug Wrangler near the Diamond Quarter entrance. There's an "idle dwarf" in Dust Town you talk to to get him to provide you with the nug. Also, I don't think you can start this quest if you are already at +100 influence with Leliana.
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if you try to get that random encounter for her personal quest... with the assassins sent from madelaine, you can only get that if your standing with her isnt over 60 or so, if youre over that it will just not give you that option.



see also here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Leliana


Note: Talk to Leliana after Lothering and once her approval is around 30+, make sure to ask her about "minstrels and spies in Orlais." which should prompt a random encounter that starts her quest after you leave camp with her in your party.


The Marjolaine dialogue may not appear if your approval is too high and/or you are in a Romance with Leliana. In this case, Save and try breaking up with her to see if you get the dialogue. Updating the game to patch 1.02 should also fix this bug.



[using Console command Cheat] When above mentioned solutions to get Leliana's quest do not work, there is option to use console command to lower Leliana's approval (and rise it after getting the quest). Namely, without quotes, "runscript zz_addapproval 9 -50" lowers Leliana's ("9") approval by 50. To get approval back: "runscript zz_addapproval 9 50". Also, it has to be noted that there is console command "runscript zz_app_debug" that starts approval debug helper where you can lower/raise approval or check some options (like romance) - still this command should be used with uttermost care as a last resort as it could mess up entire game.


use the console with caution

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