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Need help with possible endings.


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Is it possible to sacrifice Loghain but keep Alistair? Possibly letting Anora lead alone, while Alistair and PC rebuild the Wardens? It's pretty confusing and I haven't seen any guide yet that offers all the options, if that is even possible.


Secondly is there a best Good outcome or ending?



Thanks for any tips. :)

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the best ending is the one that satisfys you the most.


There is a possibility that Loghain sacrifies himself at the end.

There is no possibillity to my knowing that allows Allistair in the party if you choose to recruit loghain


see this pages for further information: MAYOR SPOILERS


game endings: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Epilogue


loghain: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Loghain

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Thanks for the link. :)


That's too bad and a bad design, unless I am missing something. Wouldn't it be obvious choice to offer Loghain a chance to redeemed himself and go out as a hero, rather than be executed as a coward? How is this something Alistair could not understand, especially if he and the PC have a good relationship, say 60% or higher? It would mean both Alistair and the PC live to rebuild the Wardens or whatever.


Any idea if this is possible at least with commands or through modding?



Thanks for any tips. :)

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There are console commands to add characters to the game, but those also can break your game, i wouldnt try that if i wouldnt be VERY desperate or atleast have a secure savegame stored at a secure location that i could reload with a fresh install if everything is messed up.


I also havent seen a mod jet that corrected that, not sure if its possible, it would involve alot of dialouge fixes i guess.

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Yeah, honestly I wouldn't think the dialogs need to be done, since as you mention the massive work involved, but however preventing Alistair from leaving is the key. I mention rational and reasoning for sake of story continuity and lore, for those whom might object on those grounds, I believe avoids breaking story or lore.


Though depending on how much an mod maker would/could put into it, it would be nice to see an edited good ending. There is a good chance a negative ending would be in place automatically if Alistair is seen leaving the group, so putting in a more accurate good ending would be great. :)



Thanks again for the wiki links, I learned alot about Bella, I didn't know. I couldn't figure out why I never got those dialogs, I was playing a female Warden. Next time I will use xatmos MetaGame Items mod to change gender before I talk to her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alistair doesn't stay in the party if Loghain joins you. Thats the way the game is designed, and I think overriding it using a console command (even if that could be done) is in no way a good idea, the game has quite a few plot dialogs that are buggy already. If I kill Connor and put Alistair on the Throne, then Eamon talks to me as though Connor is alive. If I destroy the ashes AND kill the high dragon, the epilogue still says the high dragon attacks people and the cult grows stronger. So I don't think a console command or a mod that changes events around or forcibly adds characters is a good idea.


As for Alistair's motivation for leaving, I don't think we should get into that here - the 'other' forum is already overrun with Alistair fangirl vs Alistair detractor threads.


As for best ending, its a matter of perspective - best ending for who? Alistair or Anora alone have their drawbacks, they appear to be best when they rule together. My favorite ending is:


Anora rules alone, Alistair is executed or becomes a drunkard - In fact I prepare him for this life of alcoholism by equipping him in Commoner Clothing and the Thane Helment (BEST drinking hat ever!) for the entire game.


Brother Genitivi commits suicide


High Dragon (which I killed and wear as an armor suit) some how comes back from the dead and torches the country side


Zathrian continues to stir up trouble until he gets bored and disappears into the forest


Bhelen dissolves assembly


Isolde dies during childbirth


Redcliffe is haunted and loses influence - no one wants to resettle there.


Cullen implements tougher anti-mage rules.


Yeah you can guess I am hard on Eamon and Alistair, but after a dozen play throughs with them being the only people I can't get rid of, I am sick of them. I also hate the village idiot (Tomas) who drags you to see Teagan the moment you set foot in Redcliffe. Even when I would decide to save the village I would take it easy until I saw him die, then I would really start to get to work on the undead. I wish there was an option to side with Connor and get an army of undead instead of Eamon's Redcliffe soldiers. Unfortunately Connor does not have those 'magical landsmeet' powers.


I wish I could hand Alistair over to Eamon after curing him and not see him again until the landsmeet. Oh well, I can only hope DA2 won't have 'must save' or 'must be in your party' type of people.

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"How is this something Alistair could not understand"

Alistair hates the guts out of logain, he spends the whole game whining about duncan's death and how logain must pay for it. It haves little sense, plot-wise, for him to be happy about logain tagging along.

That doesn't mean a mod won't crop up to enable it tho. I'm fairly certain it will happen sooner or later.



Mechanically, it does not seem to be an easy one-click thing. Triggering the right plot events should be doable, but it involves knowing exactly which are those plot things.

The real problems would be the final fight, the last night at redcliffe and the party selection screen. Those seem to have quite a few heavily coded things about companions and breaking that limit is going to cause a whole lot of troubleshooting.

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I know I will be hoping for a mod that lets me give him the Ser Jory treatment when he attempts to leave the Wardens.

Even though I'm something of an Alistair fangirl, I find that idea rather epic.


<as Alistair starts to leave after throwing his anti-Loghain tantrum in the Landsmeet>

PC: "...Hey. You forgot something."

Alistair: *pauses and looks over his shoulder*

PC: *le stab*

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I just finished a playthrough with a dwarf commoner, and I have to say its probably the most satisfying ending. Going from a casteless 'scum of the Earth' not considered worthy enough to hold a blade or compete in the provings - to a Paragon. The funny thing is in the origin your sister tells you that nothing will change unless you can somehow "defeat the darkspawn and become a Paragon". Having completed Dwarf Noble once I had a suspicion that the dwarf commoner would be able to become a Paragon as well. The origin was pretty satisfying too, the only one where you can show Duncan your skill in person before recruitment. I think however that most people who think about rolling a dwarf go with noble because of how easy it is to make money. Can't blame them though.


What was also very satisfying is that this time around I told Ser Cauthrien that I was rescuing Anora and got betrayed. Then at Eamon's place I told her I was pissed at her and would not support her in the landsmeet - So, as expected she lied at the landsmeet to further herself, only I had picked all the right dialog options and done the 2 tortured noble quests so I won despite her lies. Interestingly enough, I got all possible votes, except of course the old crazy man. So I think all those guides that tell you that you must tell Anora you will support her to win the landsmeet are wrong. Through trial and error I came to the conclusion that her support is irrelevant.


Anyways, after splattering her daddy's blood all over her face she still had the gall to ask that she be made queen - I have to say that there were some very appealing dialog options at that point. Too bad I didn't get to kill her as well.

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