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Assassins creed weapons


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im looking for some weapons and outfits from the assassins creed game. such as knives and the hidden blades. I can only find the hatchet and cape on the nexus, and I don't really see why. I would like to have the hidden blades because I use knives a lot and there cool. if its not possible it would be nice to just get the gauntlet at least. also the knives in the game are cool too, but I don't want the stiletto which appears to be the only one on the nexus. also the outfit would be cool too! I would like it to be a bit mix and match though with several pieces so I can go for different styles and looks. (I don't want to be a straight up rip off of Etzio) also male and female versions as well.


anybody think they can help me out? if these already exist you think you can show me where to get em?

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