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Main Title Music Persists After Game Load


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Greetings to all,


It would appear that I have encountered an issue that I am unable to figure out on my own. I have joined your community in the hopes that one of you may know the solution.


My issue is that after starting my mod in Fallout 3 and loading a saved game into the Wasteland the Main Title music continues to play replacing the music that you would expect. At first I thought that the music was attached to a building I had placed into the game and so I thought nothing of it. However, after abandoning and rebuilding the 12+ hour mod [ for other reasons ] I discovered that the same issue occurred. Although I was able to create the second version in under 6 hours the fact that it was vastly superior and yet retained the issue frustrated me. After troubleshooting I found that by piggybacking from a saved game located in an interior to the Wasteland save remedied the issue. The same holds true for simply walking into and back out of an interior. I am unsure as to why this resets the music back to normal or as to why the Main Title music plays to begin with. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


It is also worth mentioning that I have randomly dragged one of every item used into a test mod one at a time and that I did not experience this issue upon playing it.

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