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Link OOT Ocerina of Time Follower


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I see a lot done on here for nexus. I see great mesh/texture mods, hair mods, ect.... I don't really see any good zelda character mods though. I see great clothing and weapons and lands but no follower/pc preset I see FF characters and such too.

Would any one be interested in making Link from Zelda OOT a not lore friendly version please!!!!

Possibility of incorporating voice on it as well. kinda like what this guy did for fallout http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11879/?

Please please!!!! I want to have someone to explore hyrule lands with with out it being odd that he's Hero of Time and Dragon Born. So out of character if you play as him to join certain factions lik Dark Brotherhood.

It would make me and I'm sure a bunch of other people happy to as well!


found somthing interesting http://www.damkool.com/en/video/rg1f-2RaHws/Skyrim-Zelda-Link-MOD that might help

Edited by Seshiri
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