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Teddy army, Killer teddys (fun mods)


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theres a teddy bear outfit in monster outfits mod. if you edited the content (with permission of course) you could setscale the size of a bunch of npc's and combine it with the centaur spit or turn a melee weapon into a rattle or somthing. shouldnt be to hard to achive it that way....
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theres a teddy bear outfit in monster outfits mod. if you edited the content (with permission of course) you could setscale the size of a bunch of npc's and combine it with the centaur spit or turn a melee weapon into a rattle or somthing. shouldnt be to hard to achive it that way....

true, and the outfit could be set up so it can't be used-removed by the player

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Hai guise, sorry about the delay. The power has been out at home the past while so I can't turn on my pc.

Right now that mod is just an armour replacer, it doesn't even have dismemberment dealies on it.

Hopefully the power will be back soon and I'll upload it then. the model I used was just the normal fallout teddy bear with a tidied mesh and a turbosmooth applied to round of those hard corners.

I havn't a clue about adding perks/new characters to the game so if someone else could handle that end Id be more then happy to supply better models


Bdw, I love the idea of having a teddy companion ala the movie AI, twud be ossum! ^_^

I also love the idea of packs of rabid mini teddies in the waists, it would explain why you see so many of them playing chess, drinking and even tied to train tracks with "help us" signs.

As for the gnomes and their murderous ways i think that a whole other mod :P

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