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Gulty Pleasures


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What games are your guilty pleasures. The ones you keep out of sight from friends, but get out when you're alone? The ones you "bought for alittle brother", when they're really for you?


Do tell, my friends. Do tell!


Mine probably has to be Praetorians or The Sims: Life Stories.





Oh, and sorry if there's already a thread like this. If there is, feel free to report this post and get it removed or closed or whatever.

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Strangely enough, Fallout 3 and Oblivion were two games that I hid for several months from the rest of my friends (they aren't RPG fans). Tomb Raider Underworld was another such game for some time...
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Pokemon? I'll have to remember that about you two. ;)


I don't know if it really qualifies but I have to wait until all the kiddos go to bed as well as not being able to play it with most anyone over for company (although I cannot really keep playing anything when guests come over).


The game is GTA IV. If there were an option to simply cut out all the cussing, there would be no problem really. I'd even let my 5 year old drive around the cars and motorcycles. He wouldn't know what to do with the hookers ;)


Because of this, I really have not played that game much at all and have basically let it collect dust for quite some time now.



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Ahhhhhhhh pretty much all my games on PC, all my friends are PS3 fanboys :P

The only one i dont keep a secret is Mass Effect


Why ?




EDIT by LHammonds: Watch your language!

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Star Wars: DroidWorks


*hides head in shame*


Really though, you just reminded me that in all honesty, there's no reason to really be ashamed about hiding a game. I'm trying to do this hiding business quite less now than I used to in the past. It's just like a passion: if you love something a lot, you shouldn't be ashamed to hide it from either yourself or others.



Of course, that's coming from a guy who never plays GTA...

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Star Wars: DroidWorks


*hides head in shame*


Haha! I used to love that game! got boring at one point, but it was intresting to say the least!

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Some princess games from Disney, and my Barbie Dolls when I was at first grade. Everyone called me bimbo because I was princess-like and liked pink.

I do actually still wish the new Barbie Dolls in secret whenever I'm at the toy store.



Phew, at least I got this secret out ^.^

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