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Breezehome invisible walls?


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Hello I have a problem with a mod I'm creating... there are 2 quests the alchemy lab upgrade and the child bedroom quest (Hearthfires only, I think) both available from Proventus Avenicci and both of which add wall panels and a couple of doors where none where there in the original unupgraded house -


well I removed these walls but NPC's will not cross over where the walls used to be, I've re-navemeshed the area but theres some kind of invisible barrier, almost like Collision Box - L_NAVCUT type, but nothing shows up in teh creation kit.


Since these invisible markers/walls only appear when the quests are active it must be something to do with them, scripts perhaps.


Any Breezehome experts out there?


edit: 12/5/17: ok thanks for the reply but I figured this out 3 years old lol. For the record incase anyone googles this issue there is a navcut primitive but even if you remove it and the walls in a mod NPC's will ignore this and behave as if they're still there. Not sure why this happens but I ended up rerouting them around it. Hearthfires data has a habit of getting baked into the savegame I'm not going to try this out again as its history now but at a hunch I'd say if you started with a brand new game this wouldn't be an issue.


Elianora's Breezehome suffers from the same problem of "remembered" walls and other objects iirc. I don't have any issues with Proventus.


n.b. if you go trawling through Nexus archives you'll find huge amounts of unanswered questions it doesnt' mean they need answering just that people have either solved it or moved on regardless. Necro posting on very old threads is generally frowned upon.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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  • 3 years later...


First off sorry no one has found this question till now...


#1 Okay, before we start... a few simple questions (Sorry, if you already know this info, but I typed it just in case...)


Did you try to remove the walls in the game with disable* or markfordelete* OR in the CK?

* Disable - just means you temporarily removed the walls until the next play thru or get the info in the CK to fix it or wrote the reference numbers down...

* Markfordelete - means deletes it from the Skyrim Game itself, you will need to re-download Skyrim or put it back in manually with a (Mod) fix...


#2 Are you trying to (Mod) / modify Breezehome or fix the bugged dialogue from Proventus? This bug is kinda simple to fix... I get it constantly, so I only buy it for Lydia to live there... (Because of it), There are many other mods that modify Breezehome and will have the same problem due to Proventus...


I just always install one of the many House mods right outside Whiterun... there are quite a few...

Edited by BuliwyfWolfgar
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Glad you got it fixed... That would be because navmesh actually acts as an invisible wall, for the feet that is. If you take a follower to Dragonsreach, the balcony on the left, as you go towards the throne Balgruuf sits on. No npc can go up on the balcony, unless you have a mod that fixes the navmesh at that doorway..., but your follower can go to the one on the right. Radiant Raiments has the same issue once you walk in Endarie or her sister Taarie will go around the pillar. There is an overlap there too... The mod author of Radiant Raiment Overhaul missed it too... Everyone complains that Taarie will not go inside after the execution... However, if you build put up a barrier while ingame with Jaxonz Positioner they will teleport through it to the other side or somewhere else. But will not teleport past a overlap or broken navmesh... generally... the player is generally the only one not bound to navmesh, that is unless an npc hovers or can fly...

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