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Need help developing a script


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so looking at your code above, am I right in thinking that basically the DisplayItem formlist will be a list of sub forms which each has a single item or list of the leveled item? so the ebony armor would have a form list that has just the ebony armor listed and chillrend would have a formlist that lists all 6 leveled versions for instance? that seems like a LOT of work to separate each item into it's own formlist XP If that's the case, I'll just tell people "stick it on the rack yourself you lazy *(&^%&!" lol

Yup, pretty much sums it up.


Now if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt which index is what (either item or leveled list) then you could have a mixed list for the display items. You would have to break the process up with at least two if statements. One to handle normal items and one to handle the leveled items. Right now, I can't even think of that off the top of my head.


An alternative process might be to use the 1 to 1 ratio form lists for normal items and do specific entries for the leveled items.



Sorry i pressed tab and enter accidentally posted while wondering should i post this LOL.

Anyway, If you can limit the amount of items being displayed:


Scriptname DBM_DisplaySortScript extends ObjectReference

Int[] Property Display_Items_Numbers Auto ; same number of slots as Display_Items
ObjectReference[] Property Display_Activators Auto ; same number of slots as amountOfRacks
ObjectReference[] Property Display_Items Auto ; make the length an even number
Int index
Int index2
Int index3
Int index4
Int amountOfRacks 

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
      While index < Display_Items.Length
          if (akBaseItem == Display_Items[Index])
              if (Display_Items_Numbers[Index] > 1)
                  Display_Items[Index] = None
                  Display_Items_Numbers[Index] = 0
              index = Display_Items.Length

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
      While Index < Display_Items.Length - 2
         Index2 = Index2 + Display_Items_Numbers[Index] + Display_Items_Numbers[Index+1]
         if (index == Display_Items_Numbers.Length - 2 && Index2 > amountOfRacks)
             debug.messagebox("remove stuff first")
             Index = 0
             Index2 = 0
         Index+= 2

Function InsertItem()
While Index < Display_Items.Length
      if (akBaseItem == Display_Items[Index]) ;if its an existing item inside
         index = Display_Items.Length
      if (index == Display_Items.Length && akBaseItem != Display_Items[Index]) ;if its not an existing item inside
          While Index2 < Display_Items.Length
                 if (Display_Items[Index2] == none) ; finds an available slot
                    akBaseItem == Display_Items[Index2]
                    index2 = Display_Items.Length
index = 0
index2 = 0
index3 = 0
index4 = 0
While Index < Display_Items.Length
      if (Display_Items[index] != None)
          Index2 = Index4 + Display_Items_Numbers[index] ; to make the next 1 or more slots have the same item if there are duplicates of the same item
          While Index3 < Index2
                Display_Activators[Index4] = Display_Items[index]
          index4 = Index2



From that then you will execute the displaying with your existing script using the Display_Activators array.

Edited by fantasy19
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Thanks for the info but the script IS working fine, I'm just having issues with getting the container exit to trigger it.


And yes, It's on an entirely new game. I only test with a fresh character


I suspect that the OnActivate event was happening still because I had it commented out, and perhaps SKSE doesn't observe commenting as cleanly? dunno. But I removed it all and just had the code listed above and it didn't seem to trigger at all, even when opening and closing the container again

Edited by icecreamassassin
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There is one difference between your script and mine where it works. You are applying the script to the container. I have my event on a quest script.


My quest runs all the time. Your container is only loaded at certain times. Perhaps that has an effect on what is happening.


I wonder how we can adapt the process to work on a quest or even the player alias (which is constantly active too).



I think I have an idea.


Setup a start game enabled quest to control the process.
Create an alias for the container you want the work with
on the container reference

ScriptName SomeName Extends ReferenceAlias

Bool property ItemAdded = false hidden

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	;opened the container to add stuff so ensure that the bool is false first
	ItemAdded = false

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
	;an item is added to the container
	ItemAdded = true


on the main quest script

ScriptName SomeOtherName Extends Quest

SomeName Property MyScriptRef Auto
{point this to the container alias. Note SomeName must be the same name used for the script on the container alias}

Event OnInit()
Event OnMenuClose(String MenuName)
	If MenuName == "ContainerMenu" && MyScriptRef.ItemAdded == true
		;a container menu was closed and the target container had something added so logically this closed menu belongs to the target container
		MyScriptRef.ItemAdded = false
		;do the display enable/disable stuff

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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now I'm getting a type mismatch error... I'm assuming because ItemAdded is defined as a bool in one script and a property of the script name in the other?

I've been doing learning this myself as we go along. Been updating the mod I'm working on to use functions and properties from one central script whenever possible. So I've been having to work through these various errors myself. Updated the earlier post with the code and I'm now confident it should work.

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