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i cant stand downloading mods


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Plug and Play is nice, but alas, that is not how it is. Perhaps it will be different for TES5.


I guess the question is, "Is the game worth the candle?" Do you get more joy out of playing new mods, than suffering out of trying to download them? Downloading and installing mods does get easier as you gain experience. But if the best choice for you is to never download and play mods, then don't do it. It is your game, and it is played for fun.

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without certain mods i couldn't even imagine starting this thing. if that means spending a lot of time studying mod manuals and fiddling around with tes4edit, then thats what i'll do. the reward of an individually customized gaming experience outweights the struggle with load orders and compatibility patches.
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Even WoW didn't have a mod installer for several years... completely automated third party server/client services like that are rare, since they cost money to run (thus Curse trying to implement a premium service). Before then, you had to check several different sites to update mods, more frequently than Oblivion (with every patch), and there were frequent problems with mods. Here, there's only one webpage to check, updates aren't needed often, and content conflicts are more easily handled (especially with the bain installer).


And some games support very little modding at all. The Simcity 4 modding community had to figure out many of the files from scratch. Then there's Civilization or Half-Life, or others, which have insanely good modding support by the developers.


I'm thankful for what we have, when we have it, with whatever game.


Honestly, I think user-driven development should be incorporated into the project lifecycle of games universally, and earlier in the cycle: pre-alpha testing stages. I look at all the user-made content that's been created free of charge and incorporated into games (wow and civ4 are good examples), and strongly believe it could be a major cost-reducer for development companies. Maybe I'll be able to make a difference once I finish my software engineering degree. (...well, a person can dream, can't they?)

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