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Everything posted by Thalassicus

  1. How do I create a spell which applies a script to targets in an area? I copied the fireball spell and effect, and replace the "value modifier" effect with "script". I then created a simple script using event OnEffectStart. event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster) Debug.Notification(caster + " hit " + target) endevent However, this appears to only run on the actor I aim the spell at, and does not have an area effect like fireball did. What might I have done wrong? Area is set to 15 in the "spellmaking" part of the effect.
  2. I would also like to know if this is possible.
  3. I installed a mod which includes the poses below. Poses #1-3 correctly place the right hand behind the body, while the fourth does not, resulting in problems when #4 blends with movement or attacks. http://i.imgur.com/NJFz708s.jpg http://i.imgur.com/q45FkGks.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FAaTtmos.jpg http://i.imgur.com/j3fIIDGs.jpg Mag+1h ~~~~~ 1h+1h ~~~~~ Mag+1h ~~~~~ 1h+1h How can I make pose #4 match the others? I've been googling without coming up with much information. Do you know of a guide for editing animations? I think the animations involved are below, though the names are difficult to decipher: 1hm_idle.hkx : 1-hand main weapon ? mlh_idle.hkx : magic left hand ? dw1hm1hmidle.hkx : dual-wield 1-hand main, 1-hand main ?
  4. I figured out what I needed to do. I had to copy the script from here: Data\scripts\Source\Dawnguard to here: Data\scripts\Source
  5. @blacksupernova Thank you! That was very helpful.
  6. I managed to get her casting the spells I wanted: frost cloak, incinerate, and thunderbolt. I found the spells her leveling script told her to use (creation kit -> actors -> serana -> script properties) and did a "removespell" for each of those IDs. They were custom spells not listed in the skyrim wikis. I can't figure out how to open the script itself (edit source is disabled), but I could view the properties of the script. I then added the three spell IDs I wanted her to cast. I followed it up with equipspell for left and right (thunderbolt and incinerate), then a resetai to get her to choose those new spells. I tested it by spawning 5 bandits for her to fight with "placeatme 39cf7 5".
  7. When I attempted to edit a script, the "edit source" and "open in editor" options are not available. This is a script in Dawnguard. What am I missing? I tried googling phrases like "skyrim edit dlc script" without finding useful results.
  8. I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to remove the Ice Storm spell from my follower. I googled varieties of the phrase "remove spell follower" without success. I don't understand why developers give this spell to followers. They use it constantly, it's too slow to hit moving targets, and causes allies to attack us. I followed these steps: She continued spamming Ice Storm. I next tried a "resetai" command to end combat, but that didn't change anything. I also tried removing her spells with UFO, but it doesn't appear to support this follower. Do I need to edit the actor in the creation kit to remove Ice Storm? Or is she using some special form of Ice Storm that's different from the normal one players can acquire? Update: I looked in the CK and found she does indeed use a copy of the Ice Storm spell, identical in every way except the slow does not affect dragons. It's a strange distinction. I'm now trying to figure out how to change her leveling script to a different spell. The "edit source" option is not available for the script.
  9. I managed to get something working. The key part I was missing was a call to target.StopCombat(), which forces the actor to find new enemies. I put together the script below to check most of the major enemy factions. It appeared to work in my simple test of 2 spawned bandits... though I have not done extensive practical testing yet. scriptname CommandTest extends ActiveMagicEffect {Targeted actor temporarily allies with caster.} int property rank auto bool property isEnemy auto string targetname faction property PlayerFaction auto faction property BanditFaction auto faction property factionOld auto faction[] property enemyFactions Auto bool[] property isInFaction Auto int NUM_FACTIONS = 11 event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster) rank = target.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) targetname = target.getLeveledActorBase().getName() target.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3) debug.notification("Changed "+targetname+" relationship from "+rank+" to 3") int i = 0 while i < enemyFactions.Length if target.IsInFaction(enemyFactions[i]) isInFaction[i] = true target.RemoveFromFaction(enemyFactions[i]) debug.notification("Removed " +targetname+ " from " +enemyFactions[i]) endif i += 1 endwhile target.AddToFaction(PlayerFaction) target.stopCombat() endevent event OnEffectFinish(Actor target, Actor caster) target.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), rank) debug.notification("Changed "+targetname+" relationship from 3 to "+rank) int i = 0 while i < enemyFactions.Length if isInFaction[i] target.AddToFaction(enemyFactions[i]) debug.notification("Added " +targetname+ " to " +enemyFactions[i]) endif i += 1 endwhile target.RemoveFromFaction(PlayerFaction) target.stopCombat() endevent
  10. Is it possible to do block comments in papyrus, or are we limited to single-line comments?
  11. I spawned two bandits to test the script with debug output added. The bandits continued attacking me after casting the spell, and the script printed: Change bandit relationship from 0 to 3. (10 seconds later...) Change bandit relationship from 3 to 0.
  12. I'm working on a command spell to temporarily make an enemy into an ally. If we cast this on a bandit, the target should begin attacking the player's enemies, including other bandits. Is this simply a matter of removing the target from enemy factions like BanditFaction, and adding them to PlayerFaction? Or is there some problem with doing that I'm unaware of? I'm new to Skyrim modding, and it's taking a long time to learn how to do this, so I want to check I'm not wasting my efforts. I checked the calm and mayhem effects to see if either of those could be useful, but both were hardcoded and unmodifiable.
  13. Occasionally when I edit a post the normal text gets replaced with html code. What might cause this, and how should I prevent it? For example, one of my posts that looks like this: ended up like this:
  14. I'd like a spell to play a random sound from a list when cast. I added all the sounds to a sound object, which says it can play a random sound from the list. It picks random sounds each time I click the play button. I assigned this sound set to the spell. When I cast the spell ingame, it randomly picks one sound from the list, then continues to play only that 1 selected sound each time I cast the spell, instead of randomly choosing new sounds from the list.
  15. Oddly enough this has happened to me three times I've visited him. I've started just not going to his out-of-the-way meadery and visiting more conveniently placed fences instead.
  16. <p>I duplicated the soul trap magical effect to create a version with no visual effects, then added it to a spell. It worked okay on my first attempt, but I later changed something which messed up the effect. I added debug ouput, and after casting the spell on Evette San (actor ID 198B3):<br /> <br /> Soultrap effect started for [Actor < (00000014)>] targeting [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000198B3)>]<br /> <br /> What might cause it to target a script with that ID instead of the actor? I've unsuccessfully experimented with all sorts of settings over the past hour to try and fix this. I'm struggling to figure out how I broke it.</p> <p> </p> <p>Edit: I took a break, and when I came back I think I figured it out. I think it has something to do with the projectile. I changed it back to the default TurnUndeadProjectile, and that appears to have solved the issue.</p>
  17. What data determines the smithing perks required to temper a piece of armor?
  18. A text box replaces any value I enter over 100, with 100. How can I override this? I'm attempting to scale skill-trainer maximum values to match a different skill progression rate, where skills range up to about 200. I changed iTrainingMasterSkill to 150, and now I'm attempting to do the same for every master skill trainer. I used to do this by manually deducting gold and adding skill points via the console, and would like to create an in-game approach. http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/861/trainerv.png
  19. What times of day is Mallus Maccius available as a fence? I walked into the Meadery at 1 pm in the afternoon, and he amusingly complained I'm "not supposed to be here." I stuck around as the fence reported his own guildmaster to the guards for trespassing, then attacked me! :biggrin: I wish I could tell the guard Mallus was the one who poisoned the captain. I'd throw him in jail, and replace him at the meadery with someone who will actually do business with me. Who are they going to believe, their Thane the Dragonborn who's never had a spot of bounty in Whiterun, or some lowlife who gained control of a meadery under suspicious circumstances?
  20. I wish a mod existed to make unspent training points roll over to later levels. If you forget to train one level, or just don't feel like hunting down a trainer right now, you could catch up at the next level! :biggrin: So like... level 20 lets us train 5 times at a trainer of our choice. If we forget to do that, at level 21 we can train 10 times. We're not penalized if we forget. I often get so involved and excited with exploring I end up with 100,000+ gold I could have spent on training, but didn't remember, and now can't spend that gold on anything useful. I end up manually deducating gold from myself with the console and manually advancing skills. I'd much rather do it the way it was intended, through the trainers.
  21. The prisoner himself is the one who places a bounty on my head. I kill one of the prisoner's guards, the prisoner witnesses it, and places +1040 bounty (40 for assault and 1000 for murder).
  22. Not a surprise for me: http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/19.jpg http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg
  23. The skill-boost stones make both us and enemies level faster, so it just makes the game shorter, technically with no impact on gameplay. I lean towards stones that improve combat: Warrior: Lord Stone for +50 armor and 25% magic resistance. Mage: Atronach stone for magic absorbtion. Thief: Steed stone for carry capacity and reduced armor weight (affects detection)
  24. Apparently it's only the tooltip that is bugged. Even if it says 0%, the effect is still 20%.
  25. I was incorrect.<br><br>AA is disabled but Skyrim is not loading. It worked fine yesterday and I have not changed any settings. It's been working off and on for two weeks now, and I have not figured out the pattern or cause of this intermittent problem.<br>
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