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Is it possible


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I don't think so. All races (meaning not creatures) are set to the same body models which only differ between genders, so honestly making a playable clannfear is not possible. Though maybe you can try imitating this by a clannfear-suit of a sort or a transformation. But I don't think either way is easy. Not that I have any idea how people make models for such costumes or script transformations.
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Does making a blankish race. Then have a script that auto equips a clothing just like a clannfear and bounds it forever on that race. Is possible.

yes, but that only really works when the creature fits to the human skeleton. Otherwise it will just look very wrong.


but maybe you can try this out:


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I will try to keep it clannfear, but I also want to dress mine in armor and have it wield weapons. So, I need to animate (or get help) a copy-clannfear from the mod to carry weapons and find a way how to put a experience system and armor on it. Thanks for link. All I need is some help on animating and experience system. I will try to make a blank race (bold imperial!) and force the poly-morphing on it forever with scripts.
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to equip armor you would have to remodel every armor in the game, I don't think oblivion can have two variants for different races so all the NCP would look like that.

well, he could just make special copies of each set. Whenever a clannfear equips one of the originals, a script just swaps it with the adjusted copy.



@clannfear1: This is a lot of work and not exactly the easiest stuff to do. I wish you luck!

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