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Clone and NPC?


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I think I've found it. I Don't have the game at the moment to try it out but this is what I found if anyone needs to know. Hit the "~" console key within the game and type this:


player.placeleveledactoratme (base_id) - create/clone an NPC and place it at the player.


The base ID can be found here:




Initial ref:



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There is no CreateFullActorCopy function for Fallout 3. An easy way to find the FormID of an NPC's base form is to use the FOSE function GetBaseObject in the console. You'll then be able to use it as a parameter of PlaceAtMe.


PlaceLeveledActorAtMe will work only if you want to create a randomly generated leveled actor, rather than placing a copy of a specific actor.



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