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Gore disabled without my input


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Uncertain what caused this, I had not installed any new mods or anything, but gore/dismemberment has stopped occurring in the game. When I shoot the dead, they flinch and then recoil. Shooting the living doesn't feel to be in its entirety without decapitations and that sort of excitement. Mini nukes won't rip people apart anymore, sort of a bummer. Nothing has been added to my ini (I checked) so if anyone knows something that can aid with this please respond.
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What does the console return when you type in this:


getgs icombatdismemberpartchance

getgs icombatexplodepartchance


They should be 50 and 75 respectively.

If they aren't then type in these:


setgs icombatdismemberpartchance 50

setgs icombatexplodepartchance 75


If that doesn't do the trick, then my next suggestion would be to start a new game and see if you can dismember/explode body parts in the new game.


If the answer is yes, then your current game has gone corrupt, if no, then I would look at getting rid of all my mods and trying a new game without anything but the vanilla content loaded. If that still won't let you dismember / explode body parts, then I would perform an uninstall and re-install. If that doesn't work, I would reformat my computer and try a fresh install of the game. If that doesn't work, I would just go outside and play soccer.

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