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Better Werewolf System


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If you find the words like kick-@$$ offensive, then I guess don't read. That's about as moderate as language gets, as far as I'm concerned, but it does stay that moderate. There's my warning so I don't get nixxed.


Well, I tried like heck a little while ago, and got hardcore rejected. This however would give A: me a step towards where I'm going, and more importantly B: the community one heck of an epic "werewolf" system.


I have no idea how to even start going about this, so this is just a "could this maybe possibly happen?"


Ok. Material:


Werewolves are just way too...bland, as of yet. There are several good mods for Vampires already released and upcoming, but...There's only ONE for werewolves, and it's kinda outdated, there are a LOT of issues that it can cause as far as compatibility with any sort of race mods, as it turns out...yeah. I feel bad complaining about it, though, because I really can't fix it--I REALLY don't know how. For me, it's high time that somebody let us hear the wolves' howl again.


I'd also like to see the more Lychanthropic side of the "werewolf" brought out in a mod. The wolves now are more like simple beasts who can shift to a man for the convenience of human interaction. True Lycanthropy is much more potent and makes a much more powerful being--even the mere man is stronger, and have some more... command over a certain element--In some myths, Lychanthropy is related to the elements, and each Lychan has a command over a certain element depending on what they were like in life. This could probably lead to a different magic system that I'd love. MM and LAME are both incredible, but they lack the chaos factor that I like, as well as the overall control of your immediate surroundings... But that's a topic for another time.


My ideas for the new wolves:


-The color of your fur when transformed is the color of your hair in game--can of course be changed w/ in-game menu if a character so dearly wants.

-You have to feed off of humans in order to keep sane; if you don't eat, then your transformations will become sporadic until you get stuck in wolf form until you DO feed. This can be an adjustable time period. You will also suffer from physical and mental damages i.e. attributes and possibly scripted affects depending on who takes this job.

-Eye color (choice options in menu, if wanted) consistant between wolf and human

-HAIR length affects FUR length--If you're slider for hair is set to the right in char. gen menu, you have long, ragged fur when in wolf form. If it's short, then you have cropped, spikey hair when in wolf from, as well as anything in between.

-Powers as a Lychan as above mentioned.

-Appearance more kick-ass like in Van Helsing. I'll probably be uploading more pictures in a while.


...pretty much, these are just suggestions for anyone who has a clue of what they're doing with scripting and has the want to perfect his/her vision of the Lychan/Werewolf/Wolfman.





Well, if you looked it over, Thanks! If not, ah well.


Comments, concerns, your two cents. Put it there. It only takes 2 seconds. I like feedback. Thanks

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