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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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Reilly's Rejects follows the exploits of a rag-tag group of wasteland Mercenaries, and Treasure Hunters. The Rejects, as they call themselves are mostly made up of former Cutthroats trying to make an honest living, and wastelanders, sick of the violence of the wasteland.


Wanted to make this into an RP on these forums. but I like the idea so much, I plan on making it into a Fanfic I'll be regularly updating here on the Nexus. Please Enjoy, tell me what you all think. :thanks:









Looking past the street from the cover of a broken down car bathed in rust, he could see one of the Super Mutants cringing in pain. Another lying in a pool of oozing blood and chunky flesh, its legs completely blown off and scattered amongst the charred grounds. The trap he had rigged only moments before had been set off and worked perfectly just as he had planned. It was time for Daniel to make his move.


Daniel emerged himself up from a crouching position, assault rifle fully exposed now, he grips it, and rests himself on the weight of the car for steady fire. Aiming it in the direction of the pursuing mutants. he let out a rang of shots. Hitting the standing one point blank in the face making it burst into a confetti of skull, blood and brain-matter. The headless brute fell to its knees, dropping its high powered mini gun to the ground. Right behind it, another Super mutant this one a lot larger shows no sign of it being damaged by the mines. It had a fully armored mask covering its face. It was a master, and Daniel knew this from seeing its blackened armor, said to have been stained by the blood of stupid wastelanders. It was wielding a monstrous hammer. with makeshift blades on each end.


"Please be as stupid as the other ones.." Daniel sighed, and poke his head up from the sight of his rifle. He whistled out, trying to catch the attention of the Master.


"Hey! buddy!" He rose his arm and waved out to the master super mutant growl in anger and begins to slowly creep to its taunter. Daniel smiled, and looked towards the street in front of the super mutant. where it he had carefully placed mines along the cracks of the decayed street. Continuing slowly, the Master grips the Sledge tighter, filling with rage as he walks towards Daniels direction.


"Do you need some encouragement or something?! Come on! Eat me!" Daniel yelled out to the beast. He lowered his hand and went right back to the sight of his rifle. Shots, one after another right into the mutants shoulder and down its arm making its grip weaker on the blade. The mutant continued to creep closer. Daniel squeezed the trigger, and let a barrage of bullets fly into the Super mutant Master. The rang of gunshots echoed throughout the desolate ruined streets of Downtown DC. Finally, as he was down to his last round, the Mutant fell to its knees. a quite bleeping sound set off, and an explosive erupted from underneath the mutant.


Daniel turned away, not wanting to see the remains. He slunk himself down and rested for a moment, and sighed. Of both relief, that he managed to survive yet another super mutant attack, and for being upset that he had wasted ammo on the mutant. Shaking the though, he looked over to his side remembering that his destination was in reach. He got up, slung his rifle over his shoulder and continued forward. He was tired, hot, and hungry. But promised himself he wouldn't stop until he got there. His darkened combat armor wasn't doing a good job of keeping heat out, but its gotten him out of so many situations, he refused to part with it.


Passing rubble of what was left of Seward Square. The scares of the war ran deep here. Streetlights collapsed over. Buildings caving in. and the Street; littered with outdated cars that's only purpose was to collect rust and sit. Passing the scales of the remained of buildings, Daniel was trying to find a familiar face. Someone who might be able to put use to his talents. But he was looking for that symbol. He focused his view on the walls around him, and then heard a faint voice from around the corner of a crumbling he had assumed was surely abandoned. He stepped closer to it and the voice; voices became more prominent. He stepped past a few broken chunks of wall and stepped into the ruined building, is where he found the symbol. Right in-front of him on one of the walls of the building, he saw it, an Emblem spray painted on the tattered wall. It was in the Design of a Four-leaf clover, with 2 cutlass sword's crossing each other in the foreground. Reilly's Rangers.


The best mercenary outfit in the Capital wasteland. but not next to Talon Company Daniel thought to himself. He laughed to himself as he headed deeper into the destroyed building, heading towards the voices. He witnessed a battered middle aged man wearing a heavy brown cloak and a Walking stick with his helmet in his hand. He was trying pleading with the voice from the other side, trying to gain entrance but to no avail. he finally gave up.


"This is BULL CRAP!" the man said as he stormed away. he passed Daniel without making eye contact, and threw his helmet down onto the ground hard enough to crack it.

Daniel looked to the door and noticed an intercom system right next to the door, then in the corner of his eye as he approached it he spotted a camera, panning back and forth surveying the perimeter of the entrance. The Rangers has done for the wasteland, what most couldn't. Mapped out the land, gave traders and caravans the best routes for travel. Where to avoid. Thinking Daniel will make a perfect candidate, he stepped to the door.



"Who is it now? Oh damn man! Hey look butcher this ones actually got Armor on." a voice is heard from the intercom. Sounding more manly than feminine, Daniel immediately knows who it is, Brick. the groups Heavy Gunner. The camera ceased to pan back and forth, and focused on Daniel, who simply looked at the Camera and gave it a calm, polite grin. Daniel pressed the button on the intercom.


"Let me talk to Reilly."


"Just great! Another waste-lander thinks he has what it takes to join Reilly's Rangers again? I'm gonna tell you Like I told the last one, We don't just pick strays up from off the street! You gotta earn the green kid."


Daniel laughed, and shook his head, "Listen "Brick", I'm a friend of Theo's. Tell Reilly to get her ass out here." With that said, Daniel gives the camera a cold stare.


Minutes later Reilly bursts out the door, looking extremely angered.


"What the hell are you doing here Talon?" Reilly said full of callous.


"Whoa whoa whoa.. not happy to see your old friend?" Daniel extends his arms as if she was about to jump into them.


"You have no friends here. Theos dead."


"What the hell? What happened?" Daniel dropped his arms showing concern.


"Statesman Hotel Contract.. everything went to hell and back.. doesn't matter now its over with."


"Why didn't you tell me? Theo was like a brother to me back in Lamplight!"


"Well this ain't 'little lamplight'. This is the DC Ruins. He signed up for the life and that's what happens. Besides, you have enough Brothers in Talon Company turkey."


Daniel shook his head then whispers under his breath, "Friends dropping left n right these days..Clay.. Lisa.. now Theo.." He sighed then brought his attention back to Reilly. "If you needed the back up, I would have helped. And Cut with that Talon crap, I'm not with them anymore."


"So the hell what? So you think you can come here? Try to join 'MY' Rangers?" She looked even angrier than before, Daniel gave a half smile and nodded quickly.


"Yeah why not?"


"Bullshit Daniel! No freaking way! We don't let Ex-Talon Mercenaries in."


"Talon Company aside. Reilly, I saved your ass back in Oldney. You know me."


"Going to bring that up huh?" Reilly shakes her head very irritated. Daniel crossed his arms and nodded yet again, adding a full smile to the mix. He then gazed down Reilly's frame, as she was sporting a low cut shirt over a loose baggy fitting sweat pants. He was purposely staring at her chest, and this clearly made her feel uncomfortable.


"Fool.." She said swiftly, "I thought I knew you. But I don't. Not anymore. Not after.." She turned away from Daniel. Lowered her right hand and began to tighten it up.


"After what? what are you talking about?" Daniel demanded.


"I saw what you did in Hagerstown."


"Hagerstown? What are you talking about a Hagerstown I've never been seen or heard of Hagerstown." He said very collected, trying to conceal the truth from her. But she knew. She turned back to him and gave him a very blank stare.


"Don't you freaking lie to me. I saw you! What you did to those people. Right after Talon Company was commissioned to 'raid' or what ever it is that you people do, The people of Hagerstown hired the Rangers to protect them! You bastards! we were too late..." She said.


Daniel reflects for a moment remembering the events two weeks back. Hagerstown had become stricken with sickness and disease. Talon Co. was sent in to stop the spread by any means. He remembered the innocent children that were burned. The fathers and sons, fighting to save their daughters and mothers from the cruel Talon. And he remembers pulling the trigger on a Man trying to save his son. Daniel stepped back from Reilly, remembering all of those things. The Rangers were probably sent in to bring them to safety, heal their sickness and stop the spread of disease without bloodshed. Daniel took all this in, and felt like he had been slugged in the stomach.


"We're not murderers.. and we don't let wanted men into the Rangers.." Reilly said calmly, then her fist inclined hand loosens up. She turned her body to face him.


"So I suggest you leave. Now! Or we'll hold your here for the Regulators to haul your sorry ass away.."


"Or we could always collect on some fingers" Bricks voice shrieks through the intercom.


"Okay okay, lets not get to hasty now. I'll leave!" Daniel walks away, and turns his head to get a view of Reilly's rear end as she walks into the compound. He pauses for a moment to capture the image of her ass shifting up and down while she stepped inside, but then loses it as she slams the door behind her. Heading back into the street, Daniel thought about what Reilly said. And she was right. He was in fact, a murderer. Killed countless people in cold blood. Those choices will forever be branded to his name, what defines him as a Wanted Man. But He didn't have to make that his legacy he felt. He looks to the Man sitting in a bench. The waster was snacking on what smelled like a mirelurk cake, an aroma Daniel knew too well. So he joined the man, sat beside him and dug into his satchel strapped to his side, pulling out a badly prepared mirelurk cake, with burned hashy crust on it. He held it up to the Waster in a friendly, greeting like gesture. the two of them laughed and ate their similar meal.


"So what are we man? The freakin' Rejects or sumthin'?" The Waster said as he looked to Daniel. The two of them shared another laugh.


"Reilly's Rejects.." Daniel replied.

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Ok i wrote this last night, worked on it a lil more just now. The First half of Chapter one is in monologue, As if Ron Perlman were speaking it lol I pictured his voice in my head as I wrote it. came out pretty bad ass I think. gives a basic layout of what has become of the wasteland in the Reilly's Rejects story. I'll work on the next half of chapter one later today. Sooo in the meantime check it out tell me what you think :thanks:








War....War never changes...After the fall of the Enclave in 2277, The Capital wasteland delved back to its old forte. Raiders, Slavers, super mutant raids, the worst of all possible scenarios. The Heroes of that time calling themselves Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel are no more, just a shadow of their former selves.


The year, is 2280. After Elder Owyn Lyons died from unknown causes, The brotherhood had lost its moral. Many of them, including Lyon's Pride were taken out by Super mutants in their constant attempt to Retake Downtown DC. Recruiting who ever is wiling, Lyon's Brotherhood isn't at its full strength. The Outcasts, having word of Lyon's death, aim to retake the Citadel. The two former brethren in arms are now at each others throats day and night, with foolhardy scavengers standing on the sidelines, picking off what ever they can from dead remains. Talon Company has fallen apart. The Outcasts have seized Fort Bannister and Commander Jabsco is being held there as a prisoner. The remnants of the brutal organization still hold onto their roots. Killing, raping, taking what they can from the weak. And the Regulators, still out trying to serve that “wasteland justice” as they call it.


All the settlements have remained. Vault 101, With Amata as the new overseer, The Vault Dwellers trade Fresh food, water, and a place to stay in exchange for supplies and caps which they use for trading. It has become, now more or less, the Tenpenny Tower of the time. Many High class people, leaving the safety of the Tower to witness what its like to live in a real life vault they have only dreamed about. As for Tenpenny, He runs his Tower with an iron fist as always. Still Ghoul free, Tenpenny tower houses the richest players in the Capital Wasteland. Even Eulogy Jones has settled in the towering confine, while Grouse, the former gate guard runs operations in Paradise Falls. Slavers and raiders from Evergreen Mills work hand in hand, systematically attacking settlements and-cities in order to take slaves with ease.


The Capital wasteland has become a corrupt cesspool of brotherhood war, and raider violence. Making the mercenary, a highly sought after profession. Escorting Caravans from town to town, securing a building for settlement, taking out a target, you name it, they do it. But there's always a price, Not always the easiest life, but at times can be the most rewarding in these troubling times. They are looked up to as Gods. And Right now, Reilly's Rangers are on top of mount Olympus. Mapping out the Capital wasteland was only the tip of their iceberg of success. After much needed RNR, due to the Statesman Hotel Contract back in 2277, They got busy helping the Brotherhood take out Super Mutants in DC. When the Brotherhood and Outcasts began their brutal war amongst each other, Reilly's Ranger became the heroes of the DC ruins. Expanding their ranks to former Brotherhood members who are fed up with the dying search of technology, and Rivet City Security personnel itching for a little bit more action than the average guard duty. Reilly's Rangers are the Best of the Best. Everyone respects them, everyone wants to be them..... But this is the story about The Rejects.


The Rejects.. the band of Mercenaries who didn't fit the clean cut image, or lacked the experience to be accepted into Reilly's Rangers. They come from all backgrounds. Cutthroats, trying to make an honest living. Wastelanders who are fed up with the violent wastes and set out to do something about it, but profit at the same time, and the cast outs from society. The ones no one will accept. the loners with no place to go. All are accepted into the Rejects, no matter the shape, size, color or creed.. For they all share the same goal. Keeping the wasteland safe; as long as they get caps for it.


. But with the increase of violent Super Mutant attacks in the downtown DC ruins, and the war between the Outcasts and Brotherhood of steel spreading destruction all across the capital wasteland. Will the Rejects Survive? Will they submit to the harsh wasteland, or profit from it?




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thx species, I love your story as well :) I read up to her accepting the job from Blackhall and I just know im going to love the rest.


Thats where i get all my ideas when Im playing. Later on after i get a few more chapters done, Ill take a few screenshots of Daniel and his crew, maybe even a few pics of him in his Talon Company days. Now Imma get back to my inspiration lol Ill have a lil more later on tonight so stay tuned. :thumbsup:

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