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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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The plot thickens.. :rolleyes:






The two Brahmin howled out as Jonas guided his fellow raiders, to remove the supplies from the sacks strapped to backs of the two headed beasts. They were stabled outside an old factory building, along with another Brahmin, much skinnier than the two pack brahmins, and a few snarling dogs. Linney kissed at the savage rovers then removed a odd colored jerky from one of the Brahmins knapsacks. She tossed it at the dogs and giggled as they nearly killed each other to take a bite from the thing. Rodney, stubbornly stepped on one of the brahmins foot as he passed the it, making Slash laugh insidiously while they passed the main gate into the raider stronghold.


It was heavily guarded. Armed raiders were posted up at each end of the main gate, and patrols scattered the surrounding area. Even before Jonas' and his gang approached the main gate raider sentries had alerted the gate guards of the incoming haul. The raider base was made up of an abandoned parking garaged, that was mostly destroyed and collapsed. Raiders used the standing remains of the structure to serve as vantage points for snipers, and places to sleep. A few yards to the right from the wrecked car lot, stood the ruins of Mancho Industries. The Building housed the offices, and factory behind several prewar snacks; now it acts as the throne room for the vilest raider leader in the Northern Capital wasteland. An array of destroyed houses and craters bordered the stronghold, making the Main gate the only clear way to enter it.


There were 4 raiders acting as lookouts atop the Mancho Building. One of them looked over the ledge, then raised his sniper rifle to see through its sights. With it, he got a closer look at the the group that passed the gate. At first, capturing sight of Linneys sensual curves. She was still wearing her skimpy form fitting school girl outfit, only this time her top was loose, showing the right amount of cleavage to set him off. He snickered joyfully, then scanned over the other men, getting a closer look at the loot they carried. Purified water. An assortment of edible food. And medical Supplies. Finally, his sights were on Jonas, the gangs leader. He was carrying nothing but a gold bar, tossing it up and down with a hint of accomplishment on his face. A crowd of raiders rushed to Jonas and his men. All cheering them on for their arrival.


“Ahaha! What you bring us now Jonas?” One of the raiders shouted.


“Better be somethin' good I haven't eaten nothing but crap!” Another raider pushed through the crowd, and began to dig through Rodney's handful of supplies in search of food.


“Get your hands off you dirty old fool!” Rodney dropped the supplies to the ground, then commenced to pounce the raider, punching him across the face repeatedly, the raiders laughed, then began scurrying through the supplies that were dropped. Slash laughed uncontrollably as he watched Rodney.


“Make em eat your fists!” Slash screamed to Rodney. Jonas smiled, then patted slash on the shoulder.


“Give these fine people their take.” Jonas said as he turned he faced the crowd.


“Then guard our brahmins.” He said in a lowered voice. Many of the raiders saw the gold as nothing more than bars of junk. But if they got wind to its true value, and its worth in the wasteland, they may take the stolen gold for themselves. Slash grinned, then started to pass out the supplies to the men. Jonas wrapped his arm around Linney and headed to the direction of the Mancho building. Linney's bright blue eyes went wide as she got closer, the big 'Mancho' sign in bright bold red letters always fascinated her. Two guards armed with dull assault rifles were standing in front of the entrance to the building. One of them aimed his rifle out towards Jonas. He laughed and looked at Linney, who's face was growing red.


“We're here to see King Mancho..” Jonas said to the guard. His eyes were sharp, and his voice was uneasy.


“Yeah! So put that damn gun down before we rip you a new one!” Linney said full of rage. Jonas smiled, then kissed her forehead. Gently.


“There there love. He must not know who I am..” Jonas said in a calm voice.


“I don't care who you are. You think you can come here like you're some kind of big shot? Well I ain't havin' it.”


“So what do you want to do about it then?” Jonas replied to the raider as his hand explored Linneys body. His other still gripping onto the gold bar that eventually caught the eye of the guarding raider.


“I'm taking your loot. Giving it to King Mancho myself.”


“Get yourself some rank is that it?” Linney said to the raider. Jonas' hand slid down into her skirt. She bit her lower lip, and began to moan gently.


“Shut up witch! Before I give you something to shut you u-” Jonas caught the raider off guard by slamming the gold bar across his face, breaking his jaw in the process. Linney giggled childishly as Jonas grabbed the downed raiders assault rifle, then began to bash the butt end of the rifle into his face. After throwing the bloody rifle aside, he sighed and whipped his bloodstained hands on the raider guard who stood there, silent. He was trembling, and sweat trickled down his dirty face. Jonas reached for a razor tied to his side, then dug it into his chest, tallying another kill. He grabbed for the golden bar, then proceeded into the building. Linney turned away from the scene, but was enthralled by the way Jonas carried himself. She looked at the silent guard, who was even afraid to look at her.


“That's a good boy..” She patted the guard on t he head, then quickly followed Jonas into the building, bouncing lively with each step she took.. The interior was dark, and violent like any other raider camp. the lighting consisted of barrel fires and what ever sunlight crept in through the many cracks that scattered the building, and broken windows. The floor was stained with dried blood and littered with old clipboards and snack wrappers. The copper smell of blood, and rusted metal was enough to make Linneys stomach cringe, but even she knew to hold it in, or else she would end up with the other captives on the second level of the building. Graffiti was etched on the walls from corridor to corridor, each with its own design and meaning.


Jonas and Linney went deeper into the building and passed un-opporating machinery, to get to the office complex. There was a wide cubical, where the raiders stashed their best weapons, and set up dead bodies at the far end for target practice. Jonas looked past them, and saw two more armed guards standing infront of a double door.


Mancho's Throne Room..


The couple headed to the two guards. These ones, dressed in jet black military uniforms. One of them had a patch over his eye, and looked on with a cold blank stare. The other, wore a black officers cap with a faint, 'E' Insignia that was unfamiliar Linney, but very clear to Jonas. The men saluted to Jonas, who in return nodded.


“At ease.” Jonas replied. “Is King 'Mancho' In?”


“Haha.. right this way sir.” The guard opened the door for Jonas.


“Stay here Linney.” Jonas said.


“Baby but-”


“STAY.. here” Jonas demanded. Linney hated to be talked down to, especially infront of other people, and Jonas knew this. He frowned, then pressed his lips against hers, holding it for a deep and sensual kiss. After he pulled his face back she smiled, then skipped over to one of the cubicals, parching herself in a wheeled office chair. She found amusement in spinning herself around in the thing. And the two gaurds found amusement in watching her.


Jonas stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. The room he entered was barren. Across from him a few yards ahead as a lengthy business desk. Two chairs sat infront of the desk, with a fine antique look to them. The chairs, along with the desk were in pristine condition, and they stood out in the rooms emptiness. Ontop of the desk, sat a few papers in a neat pile. Aside from that, sat an old pristine gramophone. The record playing was filled with static and skipped from time to time. But Jonas was able to make out the soothing sounds of a violin playing past the irritating static. The entire room was pitch black, aside from a small lantern sitting on the desk in the middle of the room. Jonas cleared his throat.


“Lt. Colonel Price.” Jonas Saluted, even though he stood in complete darkness.


“Its King Mancho remember?” A southern accent called out from the black room.


“At ease Captain.”


Jonas lowered his salute, and smiled. Captain was a title he had strived hard for. And it was refreshing to hear his superior officer call him by it.


“You have good news I wager?”


“Yes sir. The shipment you suspected to arrive was dead on.” Jonas stepped forward and gently placed the gold bar on the desk.


“Ahh... Very good.” heavy, almost mechanical footsteps were heard of into the distance as King Mancho spoke.


“So what now sir? Whats the next step? And why do we have to work side by side with these... savages..” Jonas said.


A hulking shadow stepped towards the desk. Jonas looked forward, and faintly made out the silhouette of a black Power Armor. As the figure stepped closer to the desk, the armor was in fact, made out to be Power Armor Mk II. Official Enclave power armor. It had an assortment of designs drawn on it. And a blood red sash was wrapped around its waste. The man wearing the armor wasn't wearing a helmet. His face was pale white, in his early 50s. And his hair was gray, and cut short in a military fashion. His eyes were bloodshot red, and he lifted up the gold bar with ease.


“The next step... is we continue to do what we've been doing..” the power armored man said.


“But sir-”


“These savages are the only reason we arent dead now. Its been what? Almost 4 years since our precious Raven Rock was destroyed. Ever since that damned Brotherhood of steel has been hunting us down!”


“But they are weak sir! Haven't you heard? They are at war with the others; the Outcasts. Its our time to strike!”


“We can do no such thing!” King Mancho howled out. Jonas stood still, saying not a word. A few moments passed and King Mancho circled the desk as he examined the gold bar.


“We have no men.. our Enclave is no more. We need to rebuild. Regroup. Recruit.”


“By these raiders?”


“What other way to strike fear into the hearts of the masses? Fear is our only tool now my friend. And with that fear comes power. And when you have power, the people are on your side. You already know this.” King Macho chuckled as he looked at Jonas' figure. Scars tattered across Jonas' white chest. Blood stained hands.


“Don't tell me you aren't embracing the fact. Its clear as day you have”


“Only to be accepted as one of these ruffians. Nothing more.” Jonas replied.


“Right.. you keep telling yourself that Captain.”


Jonas sighed, “So what do we do then sir?”


“With the gold, you liberated off of the hands of those bottom feeders, have it prepared for trading. Our Liaison from The Pitt will be arriving by night fall. He'll be able to provide us with the weapons, proper ammunition needed to start our little rebuilding process..”


“And the Vertibird? Is it still too soon to put it to use? I tire trekking throughout these dirty lands on foot..”


“In due time Captain in due time.” Mancho said. Jonas saluted to his superior, who in return mocked him by throwing up a lazy salute. Jonas headed out the door and was followed by salutes from the guards standing outside the door. Linney jumped up and hugged Jonas.


“I missed you baby..” She said with a playful smile. She gave Jonas a kiss, as she wrapped her arms around his toned body, and ran her little fingers down his back.


“Why don't you show me how much?” Jonas gripped her by the waste, lifted her up and proceeded past the guards to another sealed door that was on the opposite side of the complex. He kicked the door open, then tossed her body to the bed rest that laid on the ground. Jonas locked the door behind him, then joined Linney on the bed.

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Thx Herculine I'm really glad u like it. :thanks: This is my first written story lol so if my amateur style is enough to captivate even a few readers, its going to push me 2 better myself so i can work on my own stories after ive grown from this one :biggrin:







Hours had passed since they encountered Jack the cannibal. It was noon and he had led Daniel and Zhou west from Lucky's Spot, passing the desolate grounds of the capital wasteland. They crossed the ruins of an old town, taking shelter under as much shade as they could before moving on, soaking in the suns sweltering heat. The radiant beams were blinding, making the journey a less savory one. Zhou, particularly hated being out in such heat. His brown cloak covered him and gave him a chill sensation, but the torrid weather made his irradiated body very uncomfortable. His face was paler than normal. He drowned himself with water from his canteens to take his mind off of the hot sun.


Daniel, on the other hand looked past the suns heat. The bruises he gained from his scuffle with Jack were a distant memory now, for he was in this cannibals hands. Being guided to where, he did not know. A cannibal ambush he thought? Or maybe Jack really did have an idea where the brahmin were taken. They cautiously trusted Jack for the time being, on the account that he was leading them in the direction the faint Brahmin tracks left behind. Zhou alone picked up the trail, and only made it known to Daniel who was skeptical of Jacks ability to scout. Daniel carried his assault rifle at the hip, and followed the mysterious cannibals lead; his eyes never leaving him.


“So you said Raiders attacked the Caravan?” Zhou asked. He studied the ground, trying to make out the brahmin tracks as best he could, making sure they were heading in the right direction. Jack took in a deep breath through his nose, then snapped his lips at the air as if he were tasting it.


“The smell you see. I could smell the blood. I followed the scent man. Not far off I saw raiders heading in this direction. They had two brahmin with them. They were covered in blood.. I could almost taste it...” Jack dragged out the last statement he said. Sending chills down both Daniel and Zhou. Jack laughed to himself, remembering how the two weren't easy with the fact he was a cannibal.


“But I didn't feel like taking them on. I knew they must have killed someone. So I went in the direction they were leaving from. And Vua la. That Idiot attacks me.” Jack balled up his fist, then threw it over his shoulder pointing his thumb back at Daniel.


“Lets keep this friendly, kid.” Daniel said as he pointed the rifle to Jacks back.


“Says the man pointing a gun at me.. Listen I told you what you wanted. And I'm leading you to the Raiders. Do you HAVE to point the gun at me?” Jacko raised out his arms and waved them as he continued to lead the two. Zhou laughed, then rested his bandaged hand on Daniels shoulder. Daniel kept his eyes focused on Jack as he waited for Zhous words.


“I know you don't trust em Danny. Hell, I'm not sure if I do for sure myself. But the kids right. We've been on the right path. Cut em some slack will ya?” Zhou said to Daniel.


“Yeah. Cut me some slack Danny.” Jack smiled, as he turned around, to face Daniel but continued to walk backwards.


“I'm not going to eat ya!” Jack laughed then threw a few playful punches at the air. Mimicking the fighting stance Daniel was in earlier.


“Where you learn to fight like that man? Brotherhood of steel or something?” Jack questioned.


“Do I look like one of those power armored boy scouts?” Daniel said with a smirk. The young cannibal stared at Daniel with a juvenile grin. Looking at the Dark armor Daniel was wearing, he was able to make out the dark stain etched across the left side of the breast plate of the combat armor. The black stain was cleverly covering the Talon Emblem.


“Ha! So you're one of them Talon boys? That is so cool man! I bet you've seen a lot of action.”jack said excited.


Daniel smiled, as he thought of his earlier days in Talon Company. He served under them most his life it seemed. Trained to be a killing machine. With no morals. No regrets. Daniel knew how to properly handle any weapon he could get his hands on, and was a capable fighter when it came down to close quarters combat. He had gained prestige in Talon Company doing everything from attacking raider camps all across the capital wasteland, fending off Super mutants in the DC ruins, assassinations, kidnappings, and even attacking unarmed civilians. After many violent years of servitude under the Talon banner, Daniels reputation grew as a menacing individual. Past deeds have given him a price on his head. Daniel regret his former life. And in an attempt to elevate his karma, he renounced his affiliation with such group to start a new slate. A clean slate.


“Hes not with them Anymore.” Zhou answered.


“And what about you kid? Whats your story..?” Daniel asked Jack. He rose the rifle up with one hand, letting it rest on his shoulder.


“Aside from the obvious..?” Jack laughed to himself. Even Daniel and Zhou couldnt hold back a laugh.


“I don't know man.. I've been around I guess. Trying to keep myself alive like everyone else..”


“Well ya've been doing a good job.” Daniel responded.


“Really? You think so?”


“Yeah, your a pretty good fighter. A little wild, but-”


“Whats wrong with being a little wild?” Jack interrupted Daniel. He had an ear to ear grin across his young face.


“Well.. for one You don't think when you attack. Your fast, I'll give you that. But you can't just go around swinging your sword like a mad man.” Daniel laughed, making Jack blush. Zhou nodded agreeing with Daniel.


“Its scary and all, may strike fear in some weak willed waster out there. But it ain't gonna work on the best of us Jacko.” Daniel said, then winked at Jack. Who in returned spit at the ground next to Daniels feet. Dust covered the saliva, and Daniel grinned as they continued to head into the aimless direction ahead of them.



Nearly five hours had passed, and the suns bright glow was waning. The sky was getting darker but the air was still parched and febrile. For hours they had discussed their various encounters in the wasteland. They put their differences aside and laughed along side each other, reciting old pre-war songs and telling tales of valor amongst each other. The fact that their new acquaintance Jack, was a cannibal was soon forgotten after realizing above all else, he was a man. He was a kindred spirit, being a young man of the wastes he had to do what he had to to survive. And the acquisition of currency often came up in all of their stories.


“So this caravan.. When you take it back to Canterbury Commons you'll be racking in some serious caps I take it?” Jack asked.


“Something like that..” Zhou answered. “Why?”


“Well.. I am leading you.. It would be nice to get paid for this man.” Jack smiled innocently.


“We could definitely use an extra hand.” Zhou said just before Daniel stopped him by throwing his arm over his shoulder. Daniel grinned angrily then said in a quiet voice,


“First you save a wastelander that tried to kill us.. Now your telling me you wanna work with this cannibal?” Daniel gave out a sarcastic laugh, then shook his head no.


“I'm not splitting my caps with him.”


“If this is what Dukov said it is. Then there will be more than enough to go around.” Zhou said with an equally quiet voice. He didn't like the fact he was taking orders from a criminal like Dukov, and if the chance to under mind him by taking a little extra for himself came up, he would do it in a heart beat.


“We don't know where we are going. We could use the extra fire power. No pun intended.” Zhou smiled, then patted Daniel on the back. The two of them faced Jack. Daniel rubbed at the small shrubby hair on his chin.


“Tell ya what kid.. If you can keep your appetite in check, we'll give you a lil slice of the pie.” Daniel extended his hand out to Jack, and they shook hands. Soon after, Zhou did the same. They continued to walk ahead to find the ruins of an old factory. The building was covered with charred markings and bullet holes. The ruined structure was caved in from both sides, giving it the illusion of a pyramid. The letters B CO. could be seen on the building. Daniel looked to Zhou as they approached.


“So tell me where we're heading Jack.” Zhou asked with a concerned look on his face.


“Any raider this side of the capital wasteland answer to one man and one man only. King Mancho.” Jack said sarcastically.


“Raiders have a monarchy now?” Zhou questioned.


“Monarchy?” Jack asked.


“Don't worry about it. So tell us about this king Mancho.” Daniel added.


“Hes recruiting every raider gang out there to work for em. Gives em food, a place to stay, and a hell of a lot of weapons man. I'm talkin' flamers, miniguns. Rocket launchers. Freakin, plasma rifles. I'm telling ya man, King Mancho's raiders are loaded.” Jack when on and on about King Mancho, almost as if he were glorifying the raider.


“So basically, any raider looking to make it on Mancho's good side, takes their earnings to him. They get respect and move up on their lil food chain.”


“So then the raiders that took out that caravan must be giving it to this clown. Some kind of offering.” Daniel sighed, then continued to look around the area.


“So where is his little kingdom?”


“Few more miles north of here. He set up shop at an old factory. About a million raiders there.” Jacko said excited.


“A million raiders huh?” Zhou asked. He shook his head.


“Well.. maybe not a million. But there were a lot.”


“First off, how do you know all this?” Daniel brought up.


“Lets just say that.. I've been there..”


Daniel lowered his assault rifle and aimed it at Jack. The cannibal threw up his arms and yelled out.


“Wait wait! I'm not a raider! I've been there before. Use to sneak in grab a bite to eat is all.” Jack said defending himself. Daniel lowered the barrel of the rifle as he watched him with a curious glance, then continued to walk forward.


As they approached the front of the building they decided to take a short break. Zhou rested against a broken streetlight, and waited for Daniel to pull out a fresh looking bottle of water, and scraps of brahmin jerky from his satchel. Daniel handed it to Zhou, then removed the same for himself. He knelt down and stared at the front of the building. After noticing the crumbled R and O on the ground, he made out the building must have been a Robco facility in its old days. He looked at the front door, and noticed that it was slightly open. Jacko stood to the side, uninterested in the food the two men were eating, he looked out into the wasteland trying to sniff out his next prey. Until he heard something. His eyes jutted as he listened carefully. Making out the dim sound of bulky metal. Humming motors. And rolling wheels. He slowly turned his site to every direction, then started to head back to the two others to warn them of the impending danger, until he caught the glimpse of the thing; things out of the corner of his eye.


HOSTILE DETECTED. COMMENCING NUTRALIZATION.” Robotic voices called out in unison. Jack ran towards Daniel and Zhou, who were already aware of the incoming threat. The sentry bots came from every direction. They couldn't make a correct guess as to how many, but they knew they were out matched. One of the bots raised its bulky metal arm, and fired out a missile towards Jack. The others began to hurl a rain of Gatling laser fire towards the men. Jack turned his head to the incoming missile, then increases his speed making it pass him. It exploded into the destroyed building, making the remaining letters fall off.


“GET INSIDE!” Daniel shouted out as he pointed to the entrance. Zhou was the first to make it to the door, dodging the repeating red laser beams that followed him. The end of his cloak caught by stray laser shots. Jack managed to dodge another missile then landed close to his feet. The explosion rocked the ground beneath him, causing him to leap up away from it. He landed his body with a roll, then managed to join Zhou inside.



Daniel thought as he hid behind a pile of rubble he used for cover. The gatling lasers had locked onto his location, and sent continuous rounds into the wreckage. A missile had passed over his head, barely missing the cover, and hit the building adding to its tattered exterior. He was pinned down and if he attempted to make a run for it would be his life. He looked over to the door, noticing Zhous head barely poking out. He was holding up a small canister and rolled it out to Daniel.


''A smoke bomb..” Maybe not the best cover he thought, but it would conceal him for the time being to make it into the building. The Sentry Bots had would still be able to track him, but the smoke cover would throw them off until they realized what had happened, and switch over to infrared sensors. The smoke set off then as it spread, the gatling lasers stopped firing for a moment. A single missile shot over Daniels head, hitting the wall again, and at that moment Daniel ran for the Door. The shrieking of the gatling laser rang through the air as Daniel sprinted towards the doorway, avoiding the rapid laser fire. He jumped in through the arch way, and Zhou sealed the door shut, just before the streams of laser fire followed him inside. Daniel huffed and puffed, as he dusted himself off, he looked to Zhou and nodded to him, showing his thanks. Jacko laughed as he looked into the room.


“You two always getting into these kind of messes?” He asked.


“This would be considered a slow day..” Zhou said sarcastically.


“I hate robots.” Daniel said. Looking towards the room he grinned unpleasantly. Racks of dismantled Sentry Bots and Mr. Gutsys littered the ruined Robco building. A lone Robobrain was barely active. Running into the corner of the building, its arms swaying about. Daniel slung his assault rifle over his shoulder then equipped his 10mm sidearm. He aimed it at the robobrain. Just as he prepared to fire he heard the cocking of a pistol and the humming of plasma based weapons.


He looked up, on a platform above them and Noticed an wastelander wearing green khaki combat pants, and a brown combat vest. He had a brown aviator cap with goggles on his head. He looked young, but his grayed Mustache and goatee gave out that he was much older. He had light tan skin and was pointing down a SIG-Sauer 14mm pistol, and tapped at the railing with it to motion Daniel to lower his weapon. Aside the man hovered a Black coated Mr. Gutsy class Robot, wielding its tentacle like arms up to don its dual plasma guns.


DROP YOUR WEAPON COMMIE SCUM” The black Mr. Gutsy robot exclaimed.

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Lol yeah thats the kinda feel I was going for. All the characters I'm writing about, aside from the ones that are NPCs in Fallout 3 are the characters that I played as while i was playing FO3. Jack the cannibal was the wildcard, lol hes a lot of fun 2 write. But I promise I wont have him going into Little Lamplight and start eatin a bunch of children lol
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Daniel rested his body against a ruined house as he watched a fellow Talon mercenary, a female mercifully attacked Tinker Joe. His Protectron defenders scattered amongst the ground not far from another Talon Mercenary, wielding a Minigun. They all wore Talon combat armor, but he alone wore the matching black helmet. The man was Caucasian, and had three scars across his lips. He puffed at a cigar as he watched the female. The woman was barely twenty, like Daniel and his comrade. She had short, shoulder length black hair that swayed as she punched the old man. Her skin was tan, and had sharp beautiful features that made even Tinker Joe Blush as she attacked. When she noticed this, she didn't hold anything back.


Aside from Daniel sat a makeshift campsite, made from building sideboards and scrap metal. A wheeled stool sat beside a desk made from large sturdy concrete bricks. A dirty mattress laid on the ground. Next to it a working radio that was playing GNR radio clearly. Daniel smiled as the song 'A Wonderful Guy' played. He knew the song wasn't fitting to the moment, but its joyful melody gave the beating a comedic overtone. It was Day time, and Daniel looked to the south spotting the heightened Tenpenny Tower a few miles from their direction. As the song came to an end, Tinker Joe finally spoke.


“Ok ok! I'll tell you where he is! Just don't kill me!” He was coughing up blood and his words were barely legible.


“You lied to us once old man! We checked Tenpenny, and you little 'protegee' wasn't even in that damned Tower!” The woman said angrily, she proceeded to slap Tinker Joe around, until her arm was grabbed by Daniel.


“Easy doll face, Old timers gotta have something useful to say this time.” Daniel said reassuringly, but it didn't stop the woman from kicking Tinker Joe while he laid on the ground. The other man spat his cigar to the ground, stomping on it to kill the smoke.


“We already got guys stationed at The Robco Factory, and he hasn't showed since we stormed Tenpenny. So tell us something we want to hear Joe, Or My friend Clay here is going to riddle you with holes.” Daniel said to Tinker Joe. He motioned to Clay, who aimed the minigun at Tinker Joe. Clay held his finger on the minigun accelerator letting the massive coil spin a shrieking sound as if it were preparing to fire.


“Aaaiie! Alright!” Tinker Joe closed his eyes as he covered his ears from the noise.


“Past Tenpenny Tower.. there's an old subway station-” Tinker Joe coughed before he could finish. Clay rose a brow and continued to let the minigun make its noise.


“Isn't that place infested with Ghouls?” Clay questioned.


“He's lying Daniel! Like last time! Giving the mark more time to escape!” The woman said. She equipped her Laser Pistol that was strapped to her thigh and pointed it at The old man whos eyes filled with tears and blood.


“Lets stop playing with the old man and kill him!” She screamed.


“Yes! The place is filled with ghouls! Why he hid there, its the perfect cover no one would be stupid enough to look for him there I swear to you!” Tinker Joe said as got down to his knees. Daniel laughed, then banged the radio as it signal diminished. He stepped to the woman and Lowered the weapon in her hand.


“Lisa.. Calm down for a second will you?” He said to her with a sarcastic grin. He motioned to Clay to Stop the Minigun and the motoring sound ceased. Daniel knelt down to Tinker Joe and looked him directly in the eyes.


“Look Tinker Joe. I like ya. Sure you got your little.. Protectorn Fetish.. Thats cool. I'm not here to judge you. But if we go there to find out that you lied to us, again. For the third time. We will come back. And My friends here, will kill you.” Daniel patted Tinker Joe on the shoulder then rose up. Clay laughed at the comments Daniel made, while Lisa scavenged through Tinker Joes supplies like they did with each visit. They left the site with a few energy cells, bottles of water along with Tinker Joes Laser Pistol and his collection of Caps.


Nearing the Abandoned Metro station, Clay was at point, his Minigun at the ready. Daniel stood Close behind wielding a Drummed Combat Shotgun, Lisa was not far behind him. She had a Chinese Officers sword in her right hand, and held her Laser rifle in the other. The Sign across the top of one of the standing posts read “Warrington Station”. Neither of them had been there, but heard rumors around the wasteland, and in there recent visit to Tenpenny tower that it was infested with Ghouls. Putting the tall tales aside, The three stepped down the entrance staircase and walked into the Metro.


It was dark. Flickering lights were the only lights they had when they shut the door behind them. The smell was dank and musty. The feel of illuminant radiation set their guard up, realizing that the rumors were not false. They crept down the tunnel, passing rad roaches that skittered away as they approached. A few quickly slunk under a nearby Train car. Lisa prepared to fire at one that strayed behind, but Daniel forced her to hold her fire, as he heard someone, or something approach from one of the adjacent tunnels. Ahead of them, stood an open doorway with lights coming from it.


Daniel ordered his two friends to cautiously keep forward. A looming shadow of a slumped over figure crept towards them from the tunnel beside them. It was too dark to make out what it was, but as the shadow neared the smell of rotten flesh was present, they knew it was a ghoul. They continued to pace themselves as they headed towards the doorway, and Clay mistakenly stepped past a tilt over Bucket. The bucket scratched the dirty ground, and sent out a loud creaking sound as it dragged below Clays foot. The Ghoul quickly stumbled around the corner and faced the noise. Before it got any closer, Daniel shot the mutated thing across the face with his shotgun. The Ghouls feeble body slung to the floor while its head exploded. Blood and chunks of flesh splat against the ground in front of them, and the three mercenaries heard screams from beyond the tunnel. Subsequently came a mass of pattering footsteps.


“And here they come..” Daniel muttered to himself as he stepped ahead of Clay. He patted Clay on the shoulder, giving him the okay to start up his Minigun. Lisa smiled, then holstered her sword in the sheath that was attached to the back of her combat armor. She equipped herself with the other laser pistol she acquired from Tinker Joe, and wielded the two pistols simultaneously. Daniel grabbed a Grenade from his side, then lobbed the thing into the incoming horde of Ghouls. The explosion was as quick as the grenade was thrown, covering the area with an illuminant spread of fire and shrapnel in every direction. The Ferals were consumed in the explosion and their oncoming rage was halted for a time. Clay let his minigun shred down the inflamed ghouls, and Lisa began firing her laser pistols wildly at the crowd. Daniel waited for the fire and smoke to die down before taking carefully placed shots at the Ghouls that were still alive.


“Peice o' cake..” Clay said with a satisfied grin. Lisa and Daniel laughed agreeing with the comment, then looked past the smoke to see a green glowing silhouette past it all. The figure showed itself from the smoke, and appeared to be a very large Glowing One. Past it, a Lone Ghoul Stood wearing a black suit of leather armor. He wielded a Chinese assault rifle and aimed it at the Talon Mercenaries. Lisa and Daniel both cautiously began to reload their weapons.


“Who the hell are you people? Think you can come here into my home and kill my brothers?” The Ghoul said in a deep raspy voice. After cocking back his assault rifle he began to fire at them.


“NO FREAKIN WAY!” The ghoul said ravingly. The Glowing One leaped passed the gun shots and headed into the direction of the three mercenaries. Daniel fired off a few shots at the approaching super ghoul, only to find that his rounds were either missing, or barely slowing it down. Lisa was trying her best to keep the gun wielding Ghoul's shots at bay with her own. In an attempt to fire the minigun, all Clay got was smoke.


“What the hell Clay?! Shoot!” Daniel screamed out.


“Damn thing is jammed!” Clay unfastened his Minigun, flinging the pack to the ground. The glowing ghoul pounced on him while doing so. Lisa continued to fire at the Armored Ghoul until he went into a retreat to reload his weapon.


“Come on boys! Dinner time!” The ghoul yelled out. He pulled the lever on a nearby wall and Next to him, an iron gate door rolled up. Behind it stood a huddled group of feral ghouls. Shuttering when the door finally came to a complete open, they wailed out and began to run down the Tunnel in pursuit of the humans. Daniel turned his head to the exit whence they came, and Noticed that a similar door had released ferals as well; also rushing towards them. Lisa started to back away while shooting at the enraged ferals coming from both direction with her dual laser pistols.


“Run or shoot?” She asked calmly. Clay held the Glowing one back, then punched it viciously across the face enough for Daniel to lob its head off with a well place shot from his combat shotgun. Clay stood up and reached for his 10mm Sub-machine gun.


“RUN OR SHOOT?!” Lisa asked demanding. Her eyes wide and full of disarray.


“Both!” Daniel called out. He grabbed for another grenade and tossed it in the direction of one of the waves of incoming ferals. Lisa took wind of it, and shot at the thing with her sidearm. It exploded, startling the ferals back, giving Them enough time to head towards the doorway. Clay was behind, still recovering from the Glowing ones attack, He fired his SMG at the Feral Ghouls, catching stray bullets from The Ghouls assault rifle.


“Dammit don't be a hero Clay!” Lisa screamed out as she looked back towards her friend. Daniel was first to get to the door. He pushed it opened to find that the entire floor was littered with land mines. It was a then, straight hallway that led to another door at the end. Daniel shook his head and turned back to Lisa. Clay was sluggishly withdrawing from the ferals. But using his SMG to hold them back.


“Freakin' Landmines!” Daniel said. Lisa kicked at the wall as she approached the door. Looking in, they noticed that the mines weren't that well placed, and that with careful maneuvers they could easily pass without setting them off. Daniel rushed back to help Clay, slinging his arm over his shoulder to help him walk. Lisa covered the two men as they approached the door.


“Watch your step brother, You're not dying on me today.” Daniel said to Clay. Clay had been shot several times, but he was strong, and he had barely noticed the fact.


“I don't plan on dying Danny.” Clay said. Daniel headed in first, and guided Clay, and Lisa through the mines. Lisa had shut the door behind her. They were cautious, but knew they had to make haste before The Ghouls flooded the room and the entire room would be in ruins. By the time they reached the middle of the room, they heard loud banging on the door. Ferals had reached it, and proceeded to bang down the door.


“A little further..” Lisa muttered, as she passed the mines. She carefully watched Daniels movements and Clay ahead of her. But she was nimble, even more than the two of the men. Damn slow pokes, I should have been point.. she thought to herself to mocking them, but her thoughts of grandeur were cut short after hearing a loud crashing noise.


Lisa turned her head to the door behind her to see that the ghouls had forced it open. The leading Ferals lips were soaked in blood and saliva, dripping from its mouth. It Leaped into the room only to be met with the beeping of a mine. The explosion rocked the room, and took out one of the light fixtures on the ceiling.


“They're coming!” Lisa as she held back from being knocked over by the force of multiple explosions.


“No crap!” Daniel responded.


“So hurry you're asses up!” Lisa pushed at clay, who cringed in pain. More Ghouls rushed into the room, exploding landmines along the way. Daniel made it to the door at the end and ounce he opened it, it lead to a dark room. There was a floor pad on the ground he could make out, and strings attached to it. He reached for the light switch to the side and turned on the light. Combat shotguns had lined the entrance, and he shook his head displeasing.


“Booby trap!” Daniel called out. He stepped past it and helped Clay do the same. Following Lisa were the flames of explosions and Feral Ghouls reaching for her slender arms. She leaped past the Trap and tumbled across the ground. A lone ghoul ran into the room, and stepped on the floor placement. A shockwave of shotgun fire convulsed the room. Blood and guts splattered from the Feral Ghouls body, leaving it in a pile of decomposed organs, bones and rotten flesh. Daniel looked to his black combat armor, and shook his head as he whipped blood from it. Lisa Stood herself up and sighed as she looked down the corridor. It was filled with smoke, and writhing ferals. She laughed as she patted Daniel on his armored chest.


“Thats gonna stain for weeks.” Lisa remarked.


“Yeah, tell me about it.” Daniel said. He grabbed a ruined cloth that laid on the ground, then whipped his hands with it. They were all silent, hearing the faint noise of music coming from the next room.


“Shh.. You hear that?” Daniel asked. Clay used his head to motion over to another door that was in the small room. The three of them stood strategically against the door. Daniels hand rested against the door. He carefully opened it, and peeked in to me sure there was no trap springs. After seeing there were none, he looked to his teammates and the three counted out to themselves. One.. two..


Daniel pushed open the door and in they rushed. The three of them held their guns out but found themselves in an unsuspected ambush. In front of them hovered twin Mr. Gutsy class robots prepared to fire their plasma guns. An Eyebot was hovering above, and loomed around the three Mercenaries. It mockingly played a Military Reveille wake up call, forcing Daniel and his friends to lower their weapons. Aside from them were readied turrets aiming directly at them. Daniel shook his head.


“A Trap..” He said to himself. Walking past the Mr. Gutsy Robots was a man wearing outdated military BDUs. He had tan pale skin, and a thick brown mustache and goatee. He was wearing a brown flight cap that covered his hair and his ears. He scratch at the mustache as he stepped ahead, revealing that he was wielding a 14mm pistol, a Sig Sauer. He smiled as he looked over Daniel, Lisa and Clay. And spoke with a deep, grizzly voice.


“So I hear you've been looking for me.”

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