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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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thx glad yall like it. I was trying to put alot of emphasis in the characters. :)


Planned on posting up the next chapter tonight but Ive been slacking, only got a lil done. lol I'll Prolly post it up in the afternoon sometime. Buut in the mean time here are some screenshots of My Character, Daniel, or 'Danny Reckless' in his Talon days.. and the outfit he wears in the story..






The band he has on his left arm isnt suppose to be there lol. The armor is from The Wandering Ranger mod.

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Grab ur popcorn n take a seat.. well ur prolly already sitting.. so just grab ur popcorn.. lol But heres the next chapter in Reilly's Rangers sorry bout the delay Enjoy, I love hearin yall feedback


P.S. to PETA..

no animals were harmed in the making of this chapter.. I love them with a passion really I do








With only small traces of sunlight, Daniel and Zhou headed out, leaving Canterbury Commons. Taking what little supplies they had brought; their canteens carrying the cleanest water they could afford dangled on their sides, a lightweight satchel slung over Daniels left shoulder, carried five stimpaks and a few spare bandages, and most Importantly, their weapons.


Daniels prides, his trophy's of the Capital Wasteland. He held a customized R91 Assault Rifle, with a black tint to it. The rifle was slung over his shoulder; its barrel, arched pointing the ground, close to his body anticipating an attack from any direction. This R91 Rifle was different from most. It was designed by Outcasts to fire Energy Cell Rounds, but after Daniel 'liberated' the thing from Fort Independence in his Talon Days, they weren't able to finish its functionality. The gun is faulty, overheats after constant use. This didn't bother him though. Seeing how the weapon was still able to fire normal 5.56mm rounds, with greater speed, power with laser like precision, he uses small bursts of fire to dumb down opponents, falling back to his side arm, a Silenced N99 10mm pistol or his Combat knife to finish the Job.


Zhou wasn't carrying a weapon. The dim sunlight only dawned upon the staff he was using as a walking stick. Its tip facing the morning sky was pointed, fashioning it into a spear if need be. He despised firearms, seeing them as the reason why the world was in the state they lived in, only resulting to his high powered sawed off shot gun, if absolutely necessary.


With Canterbury out of site, the warm awakening sun started to bask the ancient remains of broken down buildings and rubble while the two men passed them. Daniel explained the task at hand to his partner Zhou, his wing man in it all. Telling him of Dukov's ill intent to harm Cherry. The Deadline they must meet. Zhou wasn't surprised. Wishing to distant himself from shady men such as Dukov. The hustlers that make a living off of the misfortune, lust, and perversion of others. The scum of the wasteland. But he needed the caps. And now he was honor bound to follow through with the contract, seeing that an innocent life was on the line. He didn't want her life on his hands, as much as Daniel.


The path they had chose was a simple one. A wiring road heading west, cars scattered and bits of metal and debris blocking it off near the center. To the left were the remains of an old boarded up church parched on top a hill in all its grandness. Its door, creaking open slowly, but loud enough for them to take notice. Perfect place for a sniper.. Daniel thought to himself as he halted his trek, and planted himself behind one of the cars. Zhou sneered, and ducked behind one as well. They both cautiously, patiently waited for another sound. Another hint of movement. Until the faint sound, of a rifles bolt being cocked was heard.


“If thats not a sniper, call me the president of the united states..” Daniel whispered sarcastically, as he scanned the area, pausing at the remains of the broke car. The rusted car mirror dangled from the downed vehicle. Releasing his hand from his rifle, letting it rest on the ground, he grabbed for the mirror, pulling it from its wiring. After dusting the thing off as best he could, he leaned back against the car carefully. Raising the mirror up, slightly out from his side facing the mirror in the direction of the church. Broken boarded up windows, strips of paint missing from the exterior of the building was all he could see. Turning the thing in a slow motion, he had clear view of the door, faintly seeing it halfway open, and a distant make of a man kneeling down, aiming at the mirrors direction, and another shot rang out.




The thunderous roar of a shot blasted the mirror from Daniels hand, shredding the old thing to cinders. Daniel laughed as he shook his hand out, and dusted it against his armor. Zhou shook his head, but kept it low.


“How do you wanna do this?” He asked, looking in Daniels direction with a calm face.


“I'll give you some covering fire.. you run up their and kill the male without a father” Daniel said, as he reached for one of the rusted scraps from the car mirror.


“Kill him huh?” Zhou said hazily. Daniel rolled his eyes.


“Yeah kill him. He is trying to kill us after all.”


Zhou nodded, sat his staff down to the side and eagerly waited as Daniel prepared his routine. With the rusted piece of scrap in one hand, he tossed it up, letting the Marksman lose his focus and fire on the inanimate object. Just that second, Daniel rose up with his assault rifle, and fired controlled bursts at the door, silencing the coward making him hide within the confides of the church. Zhou made his move. Leaping over the the car he ran with intense speed up the hill in the direction of the church while Daniel continued to fire. Zhou Makes it to the door, barely breaking a sweat. Leering near the arch way he hears the sniper prepare another shot, just as Daniels gun over heats.


“Darn it..” Daniel said as his hands tingled from the burn. Letting the gun sling to the his side, he ducked behind the car, dodging another shot. This one, a lot closer than the last.


Zhou listened. Watched. And waited for the sniper to rooster the bolt of the rifle. Then kicked the broken door inward making the man break his fall, and drop his weapon. As he reached for it, Zhou stomped on the mans hand, then punched him across the face. He was a skinny, frail man that wore a small, dirty white shirt. Light blue suspenders covered with sand and rust. He had dirty brown hair, and a face with smudged with both blood and mud. Zhou lifted the man up by the shoulders, then gave him dual chops to the neck in a single succession, rendering the man unconscious.


Zhou looked around the room, then back down to the man. Probably hasn't eaten in weeks.. Zhou thought to himself. Seeing how his skin was tight, and structure was almost bone like. He reached down into his cloak, and pulled out a sack, and his canteen. The small bag containing bits of jerky, and mire lurk cakes. Zhou scurried though the room, finding an empty mug. Opened up the sack, taking out a few scraps of food, laying them a few feet away from the man. Unfastening his canteen, he filled the mug, half way, and sat it next to the food. He grabbed the mans weapon, a rusted hunting rifle, and headed to the door after putting away his sack and canteen.


Daniel was slowly approaching the church, wielding his silenced 10mm. He smiled when he saw Zhou wielding the mans weapon.


“Damn clown. You killed em didn't ya?” Daniel said.


“Yeah.. well-” Looking past Daniel he saw a pack of dogs, alarmed by the sound of gunshots no doubt, swarming up the hill.


“We got company!” Zhou said, as he pointed towards the dogs four in all. Daniel quickly ran towards Zhou, aiming his pistol back firing at random. One of the dogs was hit in the neck. It yelped out a bark as blood squirted from it, stumbled back and fell over. The others were still in pursuit. With the Hunting rifle still brandished, Zhou aimed from his hip at one of the beasts, shooting it point blank in the face. The dogs head exploded, letting out bits of blood, fur, skull in every direction. Daniel laughed as he looked back to the dead dog, then was pounced on by one of them, his gun slid from reach. Zhou grinned angrily, as one of the dogs leaped towards him. He swung the hunting rifle at the dog, smacking it across the face with the butt of the rifle. Daniel held the dogs face back from his own, avoiding the blood and slobber from hitting his face.


The dog was covered with bits of fur, and bloodied scarred skin. It was irradiated. A mad dog. Who's only intent was to hunt, and kill anything it came across. And this time Daniel was on its menu. It snapped at Daniels face, but his militant background proved useful as he carefully dodged its attempts. With one hand he continued to hold the dogs head back. With the other, reaching for his knife holster by his thigh.


The dog Zhou had stunned for a moment was now growling, crawling up from the ground and circling him preparing for another attack. Zhou slowly cocked the barrel to prepare another shot. As the devilish dog growled out, and leaped for him again, Zhou arched the rifle up to his shoulder and fired again. The blast knocked back the dog in mid air, it being shot directly in the mid section. Before getting back up to its feet Zhou cocked the gun again, and shot it in the face, leaving it like he left the first. He lowered the rifle, and looked over to Daniel, who was still pinned down by the dog.


Avoiding the snapping jaws of the fierce Dog, he continued to reach for his combat knife that was buckled on his belt. Zhou looked on, then scanned the area to be sure there were no more approaching canines. The dogs breath, and slobber beset Daniel, making him queasy but as soon as he unlatched his blade..




Daniel muttered to himself as he grabbed hold of his combat knife, sliding it out of its sheath. He quickly rose the knife, and shoved the sharp object into the dogs neck. It squirmed, and before the blood spilled onto Daniel, he haste-fully shoved the dogs lifeless body onto the ground, letting it soak up the blood. He panted, pulled the combat knife out, and whipped its bloodied blade on the dead dog. He laughed with a sinister smirk as he stood to his feet, after holstering the knife and grabbing the 10mm from the ground. He looked at Zhou, who stood calmly, and dropped the hunting rifle to the side.


“I think he liked you..” Zhou said trying not to smile. Daniel laughed as he whipped dog saliva and blood from his face and armor.


“Weren't going to help me huh?”


“I knew you could take care of yourself.” Zhou stepped to two of the downed dogs Grabbing them by the legs he dragged the dead bodies to the door of the Church, dropping them inside.. Daniel followed, readying his handgun and stepped through the door. He looked to the ground seeing body laying thier. He looked to Zhou and went down to check the downed mans pulse. Still pulsating.


“Thought I told you to kill him?” Daniel stood back up and circled the room, looking around for anything useful he could pocket.


“He's like us Danny. Trying to survive.”


“Trying to kill is more like it!”


“Living with out food or water will do that to a man. What other choice did he have?” Zhou pointed to the frail mans body. His faint breathing revealed his skinny, bone-like body. Daniel sighed, and looked spotting the food in arms length away. And a mug of dirty water.


“If we don't kill him.. And he goes out and kills someone else..” Daniel shook his head as he left the church.


“Thats a chance I'll be willing to take..” Zhou watched over the body of the man for a moment, then headed back outside, down the hill to the road. He covered his eyes, seeing as the sun was perching out. Morning sun slowly began to brighten the day. Daniel handed Zhou his staff as they went back to the road, headed in the same direction they were before they were attacked. Still, anticipating another from any direction.





Lucky's Spot Diner was standing like it always was. A Beacon for caravaners between Megaton, and Canterbury. The Lucky's sign rocked gently as the wind passed, Clear view for all to see. And the day old bodies of the caravan attack still remained. Collecting flies. Buzzards sore the sky circling the area, and a few crept down picking at the lifeless remains. Their heads, on the other hand, were not there. Missing. Severed from the bodies by the attacking raiders, to be used as trophy's for their successful ambush. Not far from the Diner, there was a small cliff. On the cliff sat a single outhouse. Its cover providing perfect shade for the wastelander overlooking the diner. His eyes were scanning the area, watching the birds of prey, then watching their meal. His meal.. he thought to himself.



After pulling his pants up he pulled himself up from the stool of the porta-potty. Whipped his hands on himself, then stepped out of it. Beside the out house, sat a motorcycle gas tank, with two straps on it. Laying beside it, a vested black trench coat that he quickly dressed himself with. Then, placing the after strapping the gas tank over his shoulders as if it were a backpack, he reached down beside it where a large sword like blade rested. Its hilt connected to the gas tank pack, by red wire coil. He held onto it, squeezing a length trigger on the hilt, and it sparked a small burst of flames that surrounded the blade. He released it, letting the fire die down and lowered it to his side as he began to head down the cliff.


Reaching the base of the cliff, the mans slow steady walk, became a full on charge towards the diner. Passing by the shrubbery of dead trees, and dried up bushes, crumbled rocks and debris his speed increased, making his long black jacket wave with the passing wing. he lowered goggles from his forehead to cover his eyes. He held the blade up with both hands, making it cross his left shoulder as he ran. Reaching Lucky's Spot he swung the bladed weapon at the scavenging birds, flicking on the flames on with the swing. The birds flew away before being burnt. He continued to swing at the birds with the flaming sword until they all left the area. With a laughing decree, his victory showed as he examined the downed bodies, then pulled a knife from his jacket.


“Lets see what we got here..” He pointed the blade at the downed bodies, as he arched his goggles back over his head, licking his lips deviantly while doing so.


“And the winner is...” he twirled the knife in a circular manner, before hovering over one of the headless body, then digging his knife into it.


“You! Mister sandman..” He sang a tune as he continued to run the knife into the dead body, then pulled away a strand of cloth. He sat the knife down, then began feeling on the flesh. Not bad.. still might have some taste in it.. He thought to himself as he licked the blood from the knife.





Daniels eyes were glued to the Lucky Spot sign. Knowing the route the Caravan must have followed, he figured they must have either strayed from the path, or were ambushed along the way. With no recent sign or caravan tracks leading towards Canterbury since they left, they had to go even further than they thought. Zhou's eyes wandered the surrounding. Looking south he could barely see the Monument in the DC Ruins past a few broken buildings, broken bridges and an abandoned farm yard. He was no stranger to these lands and knew its dangers. More than most even. The decaying scars he carries with him are proof to that.


“Smell that?” Daniel said, as they were nearing the diner.


“Ha ha.. Enough with the jokes Daniel” Zhou said with a collected voice.


“Not you man.. smells like... gasoline..”


“Can't smell right these days.. you know that” Zhou said as he tried to determine the scent. Daniel smirked and began to creep down, as they heard a sound off in the distance. The sound of a roaring gasoline tank. Daniel motioned Zhou to duck, and they both took cover behind a car as they approached the parking lot of Lucky's Spot. Zhou's sulking body creep along the rusted car, trying to get a better look at the sound.


He saw a man leaning over a dead body. A knife in one hand cutting strategically along the ribcage, and in the other, a flaming sword scorching the body. The smell of burnt flesh was emanating through the air. The bitter scent sent Zhou to back to his crouch, catching him off guard. Daniel looked over, confused as to why. Looking onto the scene, the mans flaming sword died out, and he began to rip ribbons of burnt flesh and meat from the body, and began to feast on it. Human flesh.. Human meat.. Daniel thought, after witnessing what his friend had seen. He kneeled himself down to Zhou, watching in the direction of the brutality.



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