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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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“Do what my mechanical friend here said, and Drop your weapon.” The man said in a deep voice that was almost sinister. Daniel dropped the gun to the side, as he looked to the malfunctioning Robobrain. It made a sensual moan each time it rammed into the wall.


“Destroy a defenseless robot. Whats the matter with ya?” The man called out. He began to wall along the balcony, assessing the men that have entered. Jack was astonished by the amount of Sentry bots, and Mr. Gutsy chassis that littered the room. Afraid that they would start any moment, and attack them. Zhou stuck his arms out, letting his cloak raise along with them. The cloak had a few charred marks on it, where the gatling laser had caught him, but he wasn't wounded. Daniel had his hands extended out at the waste, He looked up at the man recognizing him clear as day.


“Nice to see you too Renzo.” Daniel said to the man on the balcony. Their eyes met each other briefly. Then Renzo grunted his teeth. He jumped down from the overpass and landed not far from Daniel, he stuck the muzzle of the 14mm pistol into Daniels neck. Daniels eyes stared Renzo down, Renzo grinned with anticipation.


“Daniel.. Daniel Reckless right?” The elder man said in his deep voice. Then laughed out surprisingly.


“Been almost what.. five years?”


“About five..” Daniel answered.


“I should have killed you the first time we met.” Renzo said.


JUST GIVE THE ORDER SIR!” The Black Mr. Gutsy robot said. Its Red Sensors leering at the three intruders. Renzo held his free hand up to calm the robot down.


“Renzo.. Its not like that..” Daniel said.


“Oh yeah? So why are you here then?” Renzo asked.


“You know this old guy?” Jack said filled with laugher. “Just my freakin luck.”


“Listen friend this is a big misunderstanding-” Zhou tried to explain.


“You got five seconds to explain.” Rezno said, with his trigger on the gun ready to fire.


“Five seconds?! You got to be kidding me.” Jack said. The Black Mr. Gutsy aimed its plasma guns at him to shut him up.


“Well.. you see-” Zhou tried to speak.


“Five..” Renzo said.


“We were looking for a missing caravan-”




“Our trail lead us to this building-”


THREE!” The Gutsy robot joined in on the count down.


“We got attacked by Sentry Bots outside and-”




“What the hell man?! Are you serious?! Im not gonna die for this jerk.” Jack howled out. He stepped towards the door. Then looked back to them.


“I never seen this guy in my life until today. I don't know you mister. I don't want any trouble. So if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way.” Jack bowed confidently, then reached for the nob. He paused for a moment, then backed away from it. After blinking, he scratched at his head then looked to Daniel and Zhou.


“Robots still out there huh?” Jack asked.


“Oh.. you're a smart one Jacko..” Daniel responded. Renzo quietly laughed under his breath.


“So whats this about Daniel?” Renzo said. He felt less tense and studied Daniels face as he began to speak.


“Zhous right. We were looking for a caravan bound for Canterbury. It never showed. We suspect raiders attacked it-”


“Suspect? Know raiders attacked it.” Jack added. He smiled confidently and Renzo moved the gun from Daniels neck to aim it in the direction of the cannibal. Daniel sighed then rubbed at his neck.


“You talk too much...” Renzo said. He stared at Jack, who had a blank look on his face. Then smiled. Laugher followed he then holstered his gun.


“Damn Daniel. I'm just foolin with ya. Its been five years and there haven't been any assassins on my ass. So I guess you pulled off your end of the bargain. Didn't spend them caps all in one place did ya?”


“I did actually..” Daniel thought for a moment, remembering the night he shook the earth with Nova nearly five years earlier. He bit his lower lip and shook his head remembering the ordeal, then patted Renzo on the shoulder.


“How about your self Renzo. Hows Tinker Joe?”


“Still exploring.. Scaving where I shouldn't be. Still pissing the wrong people off.” Renzo laughed gently, Daniel Smiled and nodded as he listened to him speak. “Old Tinker Joe is still kicking. Repairing and selling robots out of that old Factory down south. Where are you're lackeys. The other two morons that tried to hunt me down. Clay.. and erhm. Leslie? Laura...”


“Lisa.. Clay and Lisa.” Daniel said.


"Ah ha! Lisa! I knew what it was. She sure was a looker that one."


“They.. died. A few months back.” Daniel responded. Renzo's eyes dropped and his smile went to a straight frown.


“Damn.. I'm sorry Daniel. I know how much they ment to ya..” Renzo placed his hand on Daniels shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, but all it brought was a brief moment of silence and awkwardness for both Zhou and Jack who had no idea of the ones being mourned. Renzo cheerefully looked Zhou and Jack.


“So who are these men? Don't look like Talon Company to me.”


“Well we're not..” Jack said, conferring with Renzo. Zhou smirked, as he cautiously rubbed at his black hair.


“I'm not with Talon anymore.” Daniel said.


“Well thats good. They were a bunch of cutthroats if ya ask me.”


“This here is Zhou, and the loud mouth thats head you were about to blow of is Jack.” Daniel said. Zhou politely waved, and Renzo nodded back to him. While Jack had an uneasy, impatient look about him.


“So can you tell you're damn toy to stop pointing its guns at us?” Jack rudely asked. The Mr. Gutsy began to hover across the platform, and down the ramp-way that led to the bottom level. It locked onto Jack, and circled him as it continued to hold up its plasma guns.


LITSEN HERE YOU COMMIE SON OF A -----, I HAVE THE FIRE POWER IN ME TO TAKE OUT AN ENTIRE CHINESE STRIKE FORCE. IF IT WASN'T FOR MY DAMNED COMBAT INHIBATORS YOU WOULD BE A STEAMING PILE OF GREEN GOO RIGHT NOW. I AM A MR. GUTSY CLASS MILITARY UNIT, MODEL NUMBER HR–5/22-1. GUNNERY SERGEANT SLICKSTER. DO I LOOK LIKE A TOY TO YOU?” It yelled out making its loud robotic voice echo thoughout the ruined building. The robots plasma guns began to hum, about to fire, but it reluctantly died down, its combat inhibators kept it from doing so. Jack laughed, then taunted the metal soldier with his middle finger.




“Take it easy Slick, these guys aren't the enemy today.” Renzo said confidently. He stepped over to the Mr. Gutsy and patted its round chassis to calm it down.




“Yeah, well it can't be helped.” Renzo smiled. Then looked over to Daniel who was dusting off the downed pistol, then holstered it.


“So whats the story with this place Renzo?” Daniel asked curiously as he strapped the 10mm pistol into place.


“Its an old Pre-war treasure if ya ask me. Guess Rob-co was Behind some of the General Atomics designs. Plenty of old bots here that haven't even been touched. Plenty of loot inside.”


“Hah.. Old Tinker Joe would wet himself if he saw this place..” Daniel said sarcastically. Renzo smiled as he viewed the ruined interior.


“Could barely tell it was a factory from the look of it outside. Bombs hit most of it pretty good. But its pretty much untouched. I was heading up north to take care of some business. Got here to take a break, see whats inside and soon as I did..”


“The Sentry Bots pinned you down?” Zhou questioned calmly. Renzo nodded to Zhou, and took in a deep breath.




“Sentry bots attacking the factory? What gives?” Daniel asked.


“I don't think its purposefully. I notice some sort of sensors outside. Wasn't sure what they were at first, but I seen the incoming Sentry Bots I figured they were heat sensors. Some kind of, security device that malfunctioned I wager. Been trapped here for about four.. maybe five hours.” Renzo said.




“A plan sounds good. What you got in mind?” Daniel asked. As soon as he did, an eyebot had carefully shown itsself from behind a rack or rubble. It its radio signal was full of static, almost lost until Renzo pulled it to his level to examine it. After opening the back of it up, and rerouting some wires he managed to fix the thing. It played a military wakeup call that was all too familiar for Daniel.


“You still have that damn thing?” Daniel asked as he grabbed at his head trying to block the sound.


“I don't go anywhere without Private Jam. You ready Private?” Renzo said to the eyebot. He patted it on its rear and pushed it to the direction of the door.


YES SIR!” The eyebot said, then it shifted into an invisible aura, Jack, Zhou and Daniel were all equally shocked and looked for an explanation from Renzo. Who smiled and headed for the door himself.


“Little project I'm working on. Stealth Eyebots. Pretty cool huh?”


“Ok, ok I get it. A diversion. Thats cute, really it is. But what about the Sentry bots? Once they realize whats up they are going to shred us to pieces. How we going to take them out, without getting fried?” Daniel asked.


“Well.. if you would let me explain to you the rest of my plan, you would know..” Renzo said with a sigh.


“STUPID CIVILIAN!” Slick stated in his high pitched military voice.


RETARD.” The eyebot said behind its invisible veil. The two robots chuckled in unison and Daniel shook his head. He eloquently placed his hand out to Renzo, as if telling him to finish his words. Renzo pointed to the side of the door, then headed to the direction. A site they all hadn't noticed when they first entered. A weapon crate that was half open. Inside, a mint condition Missile Launcher, sitting next to four missiles. Renzo grabbed the Missile Launcher easily with one hand, then tossed the thing to Daniel who barely caught it.


“How's your shootin' Tex?” Renzo stated as he lifted up a missile. He passed it to Zhou, who passed it to Jack, who passed it to Daniel who finally loaded it into the shoulder mounted launcher. After locking it into place he rested it on his shoulder. He smiled and said,


“Guess we'll find out.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice pic rbrophy I like that :) N I promise you bro Scar will prolly show his face.. prolly :dry: lol


My internet modem was down, so i didn't get a chance to post anything up lately, but now that Im back I'll post the next chapter up either later tonight or tomorrow morning. I did a lotta writing while my modem was down, So stay tuned for more. Lol Species If u thought the last chapter was funny, this next one is gonna have u cracking up..

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Renzo stood by the factory entrance with his back against the door and slowly began to push it open. His hand firmly placed the heavy doorway, he could barely see the outside. But he could faintly make out the sounds of the patrolling Sentry Bots - The wailing of robotic motors he knew all too well. The Hulking Bots had merely lost sight of their targets, but they still had the drive to seek them out, until it came across a new target in the wasteland. When the door was open clear enough, He guided the invisible Eyebot through the door. He quickly closed the door shut before one of the Sentry bots fired a stray of laser fire in the doors direction. Renzo looked to the others with a satisfied grin across his face.


“And that takes care of our cover.” Renzo said in a low voice to Zhou who was right next to the door. Jacko was scavenging through the remains in the old factory, completely unaware, or didn't care of the fact they were trying to find a way out. Daniel was on the second level of the factory, standing on a rusted catwalk carefully crouched to one knee. With the missile launcher resting on his shoulder, he was positioned next to a window. Daniel was cautious. he knew he if he poked his sights out at the sentry bots without an agreeable distraction, his head would be blown clear off. So he cleverly scanned through the cracks and bullet holes in the walls to see the heavy robots; and waited for the eyebots signal.


Minutes passed and Daniel was getting tense. Not only was the weight of the rocket launcher bringing up the old pains he received from his scuffle with Jacko earlier, he wasn't too keen on the idea of relying on an Eyebot, a sarcastic one at that for cover. Whats it going to do? Play a Butcher Pete for the Sentry bots until they malfunction? Daniel thought to himself. After his eyes did him no good through the cracks in the walls. He looked down to Renzo and gave him a disappointed look and whistled to grab Renzos attention.


“So that bucket of bolts going to work or what?”


“Be patient Reckless. It'll work.” Renzo said.


“BUCKET OF BOLTS? THATS PRIVATE JAM TO YOU CIVILIAN!” The Mr. Gutsy, Sgt. Slick said. The robotic voiced echoed through the decayed building. Renzo raised his hand to shoosh the bot.


“That damn things gonna wake the dead.” Jack said as he threw heaps of junk out from a pile. He was gathering scraps together for some unknown purpose. With each scrap he threw to the side, a loud shattering crash followed it. Zhou grinned, and opened his mouth about to call out Jack, but he paused before words left his mouth.


“Keep it down the two of ya,” Zhou said, “Don't want them to know we're in here remember?”


“They already know we're in here man. Just waiting for yall to leave so they can kill you guys.” Jack said.


Renzo let out a soft laugh then looked to Jack.


“Don't you mean kill 'us'?”


“I'm not going out there. Not yet atleast.” Jack continued to make a ruckus by throwing trash to the side.


“Just keep it down then.. Please?” Zhou asked.


“Sure sure sure..” Jack eagerly went through the pile, then clapped his hands together as he found what he was looking for. He raised up a red tubing wire then examined the size of it, along with the hilt of his homemade sword. When he made out that they were a perfect fit, he unstrapped the gas tank from his back, and began to fix his beloved Shishkabob.


“That will keep em busy..” Zhou said to himself as he sighed.


Renzo checked the time on his watch. It read 7:20 pm. He looked up to Daniel and winked to him, giving him an order to stand by.


- - -


Dust filled the orange tinted dusk sky, as the patrolling Sentry Bots continued their routined scans. Passing by the parking lot of the destroyed factory, and then the outskirts of the destroyed towns beside it. Like they did when they had been alerted by the presence of intruders by the sensors set out in front of the decrepid factory, they had came across another threat. A lone super mutant wearing nothing but a loin cloth was trekking through a ruined street. Enjoying the sunset. It had a joyish look to it, unlike its other super mutant brothers, who only bask in the the crueler things in life. This one, was different. It paused, and looked up into the sky as it held its bulking arms together, as if it were hugging its self.


“It Looks So Beautiful Tonight. No rain. No Storm. Although, I Don't Remember Ever Seeing It Rain. Or Storm. Or Anything I Think.” The supermutant said in a deep husky voice. It paused as it viewed the scenery for a moment. Then sighed.


“BUT, It Is Beautiful None The Less. Hahaha... I Go Now. Almost Tired For Sleep.” The Supermutant started ahead, and as it came across a downed street light blocking the path of the road, it decided to walk around it. Shuffling its large body around the street light, it hummed a playful melody as it mimicked its best to skip to the tone.


“HOSTILE DETECTED.” One of the sentry bots began to creep behind the mutant. It looked around, and laughed at the robot.


“SILLY Robot. I No Detected Hostil.” The Supermutant laughed gruffly then stopped as soon as he saw a troup of Sentr Bots beside him, their Gatling Lasers reering to fire.


“THREAT LEVEL..” One of the Sentry bots CPU stated, before assessing the Mutant. Taking account of the beasts Size, and possible strength, along with its FEV contaminated depose, The Sentry bot began to beep rapidly, alerting the others to do the same.


“Oh.. Because I Super Mutant You think I-”


“EXTEMELY HIGH.” The Robots began firing on the Supermutant, who shrieked in fear, and began to run for its life.


“RUN AWAAYYYY!” It cried out in pain. It frantically looked to every direction, seeing nothing but destroyed buildings and more desolate lands, not providing any real cover for his bulky body. It dodged the unison of rapid fire from the sentry bots, and ducked behind a pile of rusted metal for brief cover after being hit several times in the back. Its wounds, were too much to bare, and it couldn't muster the strength to continue running. Placing its brute hand on its shoulder, it brought its hand back o its face to see it covered with blood and blackened mutated flesh.


“I'M DYING..” it said with a troubled deep voice. The super mutants eyes scanned the area, as the Sentry bots continued to let out laser rounds against the metal barricade, their metal bodies getting closer and closer. The mutant listened carefully, as best as it could and heard the faint tattering of a motor, unlike that of a Sentry Bot. It leaped up from its shoddy defensive blockade, and ran in the direction of the noise just before the thing was destroyed by rockets.


“HELP ME!!” The Super mutant screamed out at the top of its lungs as it ran in the direction of the ruined factory building, to the unknown sounds it heard. Knowing whether or not it was friend or foe, the mutant got clear sight of the factory building in front of it and fell to its knees as it witnessed its ruined outlook. It was falling apart. Missiles have bombarded the building for who knows how long, and blackened holes littered the walls much similar to the charred marks it received on its back. It was weak, but limped its way into the parking lot of the place, still screaming out help me.


Inside the RobCo Factory, Daniel got a clear sight through one of the holes in the wall of the commotion outside. The supermutant, was running in every direction, screaming out as it dodged the sentry bots as best it could. He laughed, and began to position himself at the window.


“So you're Eyebots signaling Muties now huh?” Daniel said. Zhou rose a brow and ran up to the cat walk to get a clear look as well. He looked shocked.


“What the hell..?”Zhou questioned.


Renzo carefully pulled out his 14mm, and opened the door slightly, catching a view of the thing.


“What the hell is right? Some distraction huh?” Renzo smirked, and motioned for the Gutsy to make its way to the door.


“Shouldn't let it go to waste should we?” Daniel said cockily. Posted looking out the window, he aimed the missile launcher at one of the Sentry Bots straggling behind the others as it was chasing the Supermutant. When it finally locked onto the robots trail, making a satisfying clicking sound, Daniel fired the rocket at the sentry bot. A stream of fire and smoke left the launcher in the direction of the Sentry bot. When the rocket made contact, a roaring boom echoed throughout the area, even the factory walls, as weak as they were began to crumble.


The explosion was larger than expected, engulfing the targeted bot, and the ones beside it in a hail of fire. As the smoke cleared the decimated sentry bots were in pieces, frigidity their robotic parts about trying to make sense of what happened. The others, alerted by the rocket fire, began to focus their attack on the upper level window. The super mutant fell to its knees and began to chuckle with blood oozing out of its mouth.

“AND...I Sleep now..” The Supermutant fell to its side lifelessly. Renzo had his eye on the opposing bots, Four in all and began to lose his cool.


“Where's that Eyebot dammit?!”


“HE WENT AWOL SIR! I KNEW HE WAS A YELLOW BELLIED COWARD!” Sgt. Slick said. The courageously excited Mr. Gutsy was eager to head outside, but Renzo let a sly chuckle, and held it back. Through the slightly opened door, Renzo noticed one of the sentry bots on the ground. Mangled, still smoking from the missile hit, its broken body faced the opposite direction, its arms swayed motionlessly side to side. Its Combat inhibitor, clear in his sights. He stuck his 14mm out the door cautiously, and aimed for it.


“Whats the plan Renzo??” Daniel shouted down. He ducked his head as loaded another missile into the launcher.


“Once the line of fire is off your ass - hit em again.” Renzo replied. He steadied his arm, and with careful precision, he lined the barrel of the iron sights of the 14mm pistol with the sentry bots combat inhibitor. He forced three repeated shots into the thing, sending the bot into a frenzied state. It began firing aimlessly in all directions. Hitting first the remains of parked cars, the factory walls, and then onto its former Sentry Bot allies. The others reverted their sensors to the thing, signaling a new threat, and began to attack it the same. One of them sent a rocket to the damaged bot, finally destroying it in the process.


Daniel found his opportunity, and peered through the window with the missile launcher aimed accordingly. He realized that a direct shot on all of the bots would be too tedious, and time consuming seeing how much destructive force the missiles contained. So he aimed for the center of the Sentry bots, sending the fiery bolt into the ground between the four. The explosion rang throughout the torn area, and once again the building began to tremble. Not being hit directly, the force of the blast that hit th ground let out a splash effect, that damaged all of the robots in the area as soon as it hit. Renzo kicked the door open, and out came the Mr.Gutsy Sgt. Slick. Its plasma guns aimed out in front of its black chassis, it hovered towards the smokey remnants where the missile had hit.


“TIME TO DIE COMMIE SCUM!” It screamed out as it approached. The Mr. Gutsy fired its twin plasma guns simultaneously at the nearest sentry bots destroyed arms, rendering the weapons useless. Renzo, a few feet behind the Mr. Gutsy, fired his own shots into anothers weakened faceplate, destroying its mainframe. After he emptied his clip into the thing, he released the empty clip, and began to reload. Sgt. Slick continued to hover the smokey scene laughing idiotically as it rained down hails of plasma fire at the Sentry Bots, finishing them all off. Moments later hovering off in the near distance past an upheaval of land and debris, the Eyebot, Pvt Jam began to uncloak its self from its stealth mode. It slowly approached its master Renzo and Sgt. Slick as it played a jazzy military trumpet solo from Galaxy News Radio. Renzo shook his head as he looked at the Eyebot, and holstered his weapon.


“EXPLAIN YOURSELF SOLDIER!” Sgt. Slick said. It aimed its duel plasma guns at the frail eye bot and began to circle it as it hovered towards Renzo.




“SIR I'M SORRY SIR! WONT HAPPEN AGAIN SIR!” The small Eyebot responded.






Renzo pulled the Eyebot down to his own level as he did before, and opened the casing for its control panel on its back. After more tinkering, mechanical adjustments, and a few unexpected sparks, he closed it back up and clapped grease and dust from his hands.


"Decoy! Not Detour!" Renzo said to the eyebot. he playfully patted it hard, and pushed it to the side before seeing Daniel and Zhou making their way to the parking lot. Zhou was behind Daniel, who was wielding the Rocket launcher still. His eyes were pealed on the downed bots, studying them immensely. He dropped his gaze when he heard the radio. Three Dogs familiar voice spoke out, and he realized the Eyebot was hovering near by. Daniel dropped the Missile launcher to his side and let out a gasp of relief.


“I'm going to kill that damn thing!” Daniel said in a cold voice. He began reaching for his 10mm pistol when he caught glimpse of something far more disturbing. Crawling towards him, was the brutish body of a badly wounded supermutant. It crawled, pulled, and fingered, its damaged body towards them, leaving behind a trail of mutated blood, and charred stringy flesh. Daniel pointed his gun at the Supermutant, ready to fire.

“PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME!” The Supermutant said in a clear and understandable voice.

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For anyone who doesnt know..

Funniest Random Encounter in FO3 lol








Daniels mouth widened, and he looked to the others who were shocked the same. The smell of the terribly wounded thing threw them off. The scent of thick, boiling, steaming, blood ridden mutated flesh was all they could make of the sulking thing as they looked past what was once a human face. The disfigured being crawled. It had the shape of an bulky male with greenish skin, with a muscly form. Prominent veins perched from its muscled arms. Much larger than any of them, they knew it was a super mutant. The one that had led the Sentry Bots back to the Factory. The one that had gave them the distraction they needed to destroy the pesky robots. Daniel didn't know whether or not to kill it, or thank it.


It was a supermutant after all. Known for their vile killer instinct, and hunger for human flesh. Unlike a cannibal, Super Mutants relish in the act. Hunting humans down across the capitol waste land to capture, or kill anyone they cross paths with. Few spoke. But rarely, have they ever came across one that begged for its life. The brutish mutant trembled as it crawled towards Daniel. It reached out to Daniels leg, who was only greeted by a grim shove to the shoulder by Daniels boot. The mercenary aimed his 10mm pistol at the Supermutant, preparing to fire -


“Wait!” Zhou quickly grabbed hold of Daniels hand, preventing him from firing. Daniel tried forcing his aim down while in the struggle. He managed to fire, but was unsuccessful in the attempt to end the super mutant with a shot to the head. After being overpowered by Daniel, Zhou caught his breath and backed away..


“Just wait..” Zhou said. Daniel shook his head as he stared Zhou down. He didn't say anything, but Zhou could feel the tension in his cold stare. Daniel lowered his gun at the Supermutant head as he watched Zhou.


“SIR?!” Sgt. Slickster hovered up close to the scene, right behind the Mr. Gutsy was the Eyebot. Renzo raised his hand, halting his robot companions from attacking.


“First that damn psycho wastelander.. Now this super mutant freak?” Daniel questioned.


“How many lives you plan on sparing today?”


“He's no threat to us Danny! Look at him!” Zhou replied. He they all looked to the mutant, and it was huffing as it watched on.


“IT – is a supermutant. They kill people like us. Now lets kill IT, and move on before more come.” Daniel said.


“I..... understand.. You would want me dead. My brothers have cast a shadow of fear over all of us.. super mutants. But please. I assure you - I mean no harm... “ The super mutant said. Daniel laughed and turned to Renzo, who was shrugging his shoulders.


“You believe this crap?” Daniel said.


“I'm telling.. the Truth. Please Believe me. I have no weapons. I did not come here to fight. I am.. Alone..” The mutant added.


“I was Traveling. And then. Attacked by those STUPID robots. I ran here. To try and hide. Please I am not here to fight you my - brothers don't even know where I am.. I just want... to thank you.. for Killing them.”


“See? Not all Super Mutants are dumb brutes!”


“Tell that to the Mercs dying everyday from Mutant attacks in the DC Ruins.” Daniel said.


“Where did you come from?” Renzo asked the super mutant as he scanned the area.


“I.. Live.. not far from here.. I was taking a walk... I usually do this time of day.. To see the sun set.. it a beautiful sight to see..”


Daniel's militant stance faded after he heard the mutant, then broke down in laughter. Renzo rose a brow above his eye and smirked. Zhou lifted up the damaged super mutant and sat him up properly. Their eyes met and the super mutant gruffly sounded out the words thank you.


“You going to be okay? Can you walk?” Zhou asked.


“Yes... Thank you.. So much.. I just need rest..”


“Get a room you too..” Renzo said. Then he headed over to the downed Sentry bots. Salvaging parts he could use.


“SIR?! MUTANT FREAKS GET A FREE PASS NOW TOO?!” Sgt. Slickster confusingly asked.


“Can it Slick.” Renzo replied.


Daniel holstered his weapon after his laughter died down. He stared at the super mutant, who was refusing to make diret eye contact with him, either because he was scared, or he was hiding something Daniel thought. But Zhou was right. In their journey to the factory there was no sign of a Super Mutant presence. The violent monstrosities would have shown them selves earlier on, while they were in the waste unaware. Not send in a scout, an unarmed one at that to spy on them. Mutants were dumb, probably didn't even know of the meaning or understanding of reconnaissance.


Daniels eyes watched the sky as the sun began to disappear from the horizon. And the super mutant was right. It was beautiful. At least to their understanding to the word. The orange glow began to fade down, a dark blue sky was blooming. The transition was calm, and the Sentry Bot raid was soon forgotten to him as he stood their. Daniel put aside his prejudice against the mutant, and realized that Zhou was right - There was no need for blood shed. Like Ghouls, that haven't gone feral. Maybe there were super mutants that kept their humanity? Thoughts ran through Daniuels mind on the topic as he watched Zhou, and the Super mutant. He crossed his arms and smiled as Zhou began to consult the thing on the wounds it received, as if he were a doctor.


“You've got tough skin there. If you were a normal man you would be dead right now.”


“But I.. No Man..”

“Yeah, we got that already.” Daniel rudely interrupted. Zhou turned his head to Daniel and sighed.


“You shouldn't be standing like this.. You should rest. Maybe camp here for the night. Head back home in the morning?” Zhou said to the mutant.

“Just a little rest.. And Ill be ok!” The Super Mutant said. Zhou laughed, and patted the brute on the shoulder.


“You got a name friend?” Zhou asked.


“F- friend?” The super mutant said. He was confused. Obviously familiar with the word. Being a mutant for as long as it has, it was refreshing, even liberating to hear it from a human it had just met.


“Yes. Friend.”


“You My friend?”


“Sure, why not. My names Zhou. That there is Daniel.” Zhou pointed to Daniel.


“Im not your damn friend!” Daniel said. He turned his back to the two of them and headed over to Renzo.


“Don't mind him.”


“I would hate Super Mutant too.. If I wasn't one..”


“So whats your name?”

“Oh yes! People call me.. Uncle Le-”


The Factory door busted open, and through the door Jack was standing with his shiskabob switched on. He laughed, and howled as he swung it about turing all the eyes in the parking lot.


“Fixed this bad boy! No thanks to you!” Jack pointed the flaming sword at Daniel, then gave him the middle finger with the same hand. Daniel laughed.


“Fixed your toy huh? What else you find in that crap hole?” Daniel asked. Jack scratched his head and powered down his sword. After strapping the thing to his side he opened up his duster and pointed to an assortment of items he looted.


“Well lets see here.. Found me some lighter fluid.. Keep this TOY of mine up and running. A few extra wires just in case it gets broken again. Some caps of course.” Jacko grabbed a small bag of caps. After dangling it wildly, he tossed it over to Daniel. Who was surprised at the act.


“For me?” Daniel said. He gracefully opened the small bag, and without counting them in full, came up to the assumption that it was at least 200.


“No need for em. Can't buy, or sell anywhere in the capital wasteland..” Jacko said as he dug his hand in his duster, reaching for something.


“And whys that?” Daniel asked.


“I tried to uhh...” Jack smirked, then shook his head just before he was about to finish.


“Don't worry about it man! Check this out!” Jack pulled out a chrome plated revolver. He aimed it at Daniel, who nodded.


“Nice.. a Smith & Wesson Model 29 Revolver. Looks brand new.” Daniel said as he stared down Jack.


“Yeah man! It is. Found it in its case and everything.”


“It loaded?”


“Hell yeah-”


“Well get that damn thing outta my face then!” Daniel howled out. Jack shrugged, unaffected by Daniels tempter, but turned his attention to the super mutant sitting down, trembling from Daniels loud voice. The super mutant was trying to hide the fact he was there, but as soon as Jack caught sight of the disfigured creature, he was terrified.


“Holy Sh-” Jack aimed the Revolver at the Super mutant, and began pacing towards it in slow motion. Zhou tried to cry out to stop the cannibal, but his words were too low and too late. Jack fired the first round into the Super mutants chest, making it reach for its heart. It huddled itself to stand up, and Jack continued to step to it. The second and third went through the things bulging hands, and directly into its chest again. The next two passed the body entirely, flying past the things bulky head. Jacks final shot hit the super mutant directly into the face – piercing its thick skull. As the bullet left from behind the mammoth mutant head a stream of sloppy blood and shattered skill followed it. Jack continued to squeeze the trigger, although all the rounds had left the thing. The clicking noise from the gun echoed the area, until Daniel lowered the gun from Jacks hands. Zhou, looked down at the dead mutant and let out a harsh sigh.


“Jeesus..” was the only thing Zhou said. He stared down at the super mutant for a moment, then to Daniel.


“Did you guys know there was a super mutant out here?” Jack said.


“You know how dangerous those things are!”


“I mean – I think I just saved all of our lives right now.. Yet no one is thanking me?” Jack turns to Renzo, who was still minding his attention to the sentry bots. And then to Daniel who just shook his head. Zhou stood there, silently watching Jack.


“We need to get going..” Zhou said.


“My thoughts exactly. Renzo,” Daniel said, “Business up north? Where you heading?”


“I got a job. All I'm gonna say. If your missing caravan is on the way Sure, I'll tag along.” Renzo stepped towards them. They all looked past the Factory. Not knowing what lay ahead, they decided to take a intermission before carrying on. Daniel and Zhou were both equally tired. Up since before the sun rise, they encountered that sniper, a pack of mutant dogs, a Cannibal whom they decided to let join them, Sentry Bots, and now old marks who were eager to join the adventure. Daniel thought about what is was like before, when he was in Talon Company. He was filled with remorse, and regret from his past deeds. And now, he questioned his actions towards the defenseless super mutant killed before his eyes.


He knew Zhou had, although brief, an attachment to the creature, that was once a man. If he could have stopped Jack form pulling the trigger, would he have the bitter feeling he had in him now? Daniel thought, as the group rested. He wanted deep down to apologize for the Super mutants death, but figured it would fall upon def ears at the time. He could feel Zhou's animosity in the air towards it all. So he thought it was best to just leave it quiet. Jack was impatiently sitting at the edge of the parking lot on an old car. The night sky was settling in and it left his vision dim and unclear. He loaded his newly acquired revolver, and spun the chamber as he watched the wasteland.


“We should really get out of here before more super mutants show up.” Jack said nervously to the others.

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The cool night breeze carried itself across the wasteland. The moonlight and star studded dark sky was the only light the during the night. Except for one man in the vicinity of the Mancho Factory. He held onto a battery powered lantern that glowed in the night. It guided him to the structure. Hes frequented the place many times, this not being his first visit. But with each visitation, the raiders on patrol always were paranoid.


All the raider guards, aimed their weapons at the approaching man. When he was in range of the search lights, he was made out to be wearing a worn out of combat armor. It was green, or at a time, was green. It was badly damaged from both, bad maintenance and bullet holes. He had dark skin, and although it was night, he wore light colored aviator sunglasses concealing his eyes behind a orange tint. The lean mans head was shaven. And if it wasn't for his battle worn combat armor, the fact that his face, and features were handsome were overlooked. He extended his arms out, revealing that he had no weapon, but it didn't stop the nearest guard from shoving a combat knife to the mans neck.


"Who the hell walks to a raider base? Who the Hell are ya?"


"Names Tyson.." The combat armored man said.


"Aaand?" The raider dragged out the word, then followed it up with laughter.


"I'm from the Pitt.." He shoved the raider to the side and gave the guard a punch to the face - cracking his knuckles across the raiders jaw. When the raider reached for his wounded face, Tyson grabbed for the combat knife and pointed it at the raider. Another stepped between them, and halted the other guards from firing on Tyson.


"Take it easy fella.. We don't want no trouble with them boys in the Pitt.."




"So your Tyson huh? King Mancho's been expecting you." The raider said. He guided Tyson past the gate. Inside, spot lights lit the area. Raiders were howling wildly, ans swinging weapons like mad men as Tyson entered their domain. Barrels filled the main courtyard of the area past the gate. Raiders, both men and women with rifles, hand guns, and makeshift melee weapons scattered the area like fiends. They were preparing for something. Not every night do raiders forgo sleep to shout throughout the night. Something was about to happen. An event of some sort. Tyson's eyes stayed forward as he passed the rioting raiders with there angry eyes, filled with violent intent, the madness, the chaos of it all – not caring.


"So we shouldn't keep King Mancho waiting should we.."



Inside the Mancho Snack factory, Tyson stood outside of King Manchos Office. He stood with an eye on both of the Black Uniformed Guards. The glare left them silent for a while. Until one of the guards laughed, and finally broke the silence.


“Tyson! Good to see you're alive!” said the guard with the eye patch. He extended his hand to shake Tyson's, who reluctantly did the same. Tyson said nothing but nodded.


“So since you've been to the Pitt your too good to talk to us now huh?”


“No.. Not that. How have you been Clive,” Tyson turned to the other man and nodded in his direction to great him. “Barker.”


“Same ol' same ol' my friend. How are things up there?”


“Its... Hell..”


“I've heard. Say, does their skin really peel off in the middle of the night?” Clive asked jokingly.


“Mutant Freaks if ya ask me. Every one of em.” Barker added.


“Price in?” Tyson said, disregarding the statements.


“Oh you mean..” Clive lowered his voice. “King Mancho..”


“Yes. Is he in there? I got news for em that just can't wait.” Tyson said.


“No. hes not actually.” Barker said to Tyson. Barkers black Enclave hat covered his eyes, and he looked to Tyson as he pointed towards the door across the hall.


“Up the stairs. Past the upper level. He's on the roof by the bird.”


“So its here then?” Tyson asked.


“Of course! We wouldn't leave it back at Raven Rock after what happened last time?” Clive added. Tyson was in the enclave, and remembered good and well what had happened. The self proclaimed saviors of the capital wasteland, the Brotherhood of steel made it their goal to wipe out all remnants of the Enclave. Taking out Raven Rock once and for all was one of their highlights, along with the destruction of Andrews Air Force Base. Tyson was there, in Raven Rock when a lone wanderer managed to take out the base from the inside. After the espionage was successful, Brotherhood Paladins swarmed the place to clean up the mess.


Tyson was there, he survived that day. After being badly wounded, and non responsive, he was left for dead by the Enclave. Only recently, He made himself known to their ranks yet again as their inside man in the Pitt. He nodded to the two guards, who returned a salute. Tyson headed down the office cubical and eyed three doors. Directly in front of him, where the guard Barker had pointed to, a door that was labeled Sewer access with bold red letters. To the side of it, an unmarked, doubled door. He tugged at it, and after trying to pry it, with no luck it refused to open. He turned to his left, at a door on the adjacent wall, also unlabeled.


He could hear faint sounds coming from the door. Unable to make them out, he listened briefly, and after the sounds turned to laughter and a familiar voice, he tugged at the door. It was weakly locked, and Tyson managed to open it with ease.


“Well I'll be..” Tyson said as he slowly opened the door to the side. He witnessed Jonas, one of his former Enclave comrades half way clothed. His scarred, pale body was laying on top of an unknown woman to him, Linney. She was naked, but Jonas was concealing any thrill from site, other than her slender legs. She was the first to see Tyson. And after her eyes widened she threw a dingy sheet over herself after pushing Jonas to the side. She looked shocked, embarrassed that she'd been caught in the act. Tyson winked at her and turned his attention to Jonas, but not after noticing the slave collar locked against the woman's neck.


“This is what enclave Captains do in their spare time? Have sex with the local Slaves?” Tyson laughed, and rested his body against the arch of the doorway.


“Tyson! Dammit can't you knock!” Jonas said as he made himself presentable. He looked over to Linney, and told her to put some clothes on. She looked to Tyson, as if wanting him to turn away but he didn't budge.


“Carry on slave..” Tyson said to her. She used the sheet to cover herself as best she could as she searched through the room for clothes. Tyson didn't pay her any mind, and looked directly to Jonas as if hes seen an old friend.


“I heard you were here.. wasn't sure if the rumors were true.” Tyson said.


“Rumors huh? What kind?”


“Oh.. you know.. Rumors of a Raider with the marksman skills of a highly trained Enclave sniper.”


“Well you know me.. I don't spread rumors Tyson – I make them.” Jonas laughed, then rushed to Tyson to give him a delayed hug. Tyson laughed, and wrapped his arm around him, not wanting to touch the man after his previous action.


“Well then you know why I'm here.” Tyson said.


“Word from the Pitt then?”


“Yes. I need to speak to King Mancho..” Tyson smirked as he said the words.


“Yeah.. about that King.. He really is starting to believe it.” Jonas replied.


“Its the power. The control over these helpless raiders.”


“Its the Chems! The Psycho. The Jet. What ever drugs he can get his hands on. Hes insane..” Jonas said. They both went silent. The Lt. Colonel Price they had once known was a shadow of his former self. Once a respectable Enclave officer, if there were such a thing, he now had no morals, no bounds that he once had. But as far as to call him insane? Jonas swallowed his tongue, recalling the countless times his superior had saved his life. They turned his eyes to Linney who finished dressing herself.


“Slaves now too huh?” Tyson Questioned.


“That's Linney. She's uh.. Not a slave..” Jonas said. Tyson waved to her, and she quietly made her self comfortable on the mattress on the floor. Tyson looked to Jonas, and tugged at his own neck with his hand, while he cleverly pointed towards Linneys. Jonas laughed, and brought his face to Tyson's side so he could let out a quiet whisper.


“She uh.. likes it when I put that on her when we.. You know..” Jonas said quietly. He laughed then patted Tyson on the back. He guided Tyson at the door and followed behind him. After telling Linney to stay put, he shut the door behind him. And headed to the door leading up stairs directly across from them.


Making their way past the violent crowd of raiders, Tyson and Jonas both headed to the roof. Tyson was familiar with the building, but this time around was taking careful note and cautiousness as he passed his surrounding. Never before has he seen such a gathering of raiders. He asked Jonas what the occasion was. But he exclaimed how he would leave the grand details to their highness. But from the look of the place. The morbid dead bodies, and skulls that were used as decorations and decal, it looked to be sinister.


The stairwell that led up to the upper level of the building was circular. It was surrounded by broken windows with a clear view of the main courtyard, and main gathering of raiders. Reaching the highest level, The two made it through a door, which was also guarded by black suited Enclave officers. Tyson knew, he was where he needed to be. As soon as the doors shut behind him he saw the belly of the beast. The main cache of weapons, and mark2 power armors. They were lined up along each wall. Used microfusion cells were piled in a corner, while next to it, malfunctioning plasma rifles and stripped energy based weapons. Tyson smiled as he viewed the power armors, remembering a time when he wore such a thing.


After Jonas gave him the tour, which Tyson was already familiar with, They passed the room, to meet another doorway that led to a catwalk outside. Up the rusted stairway, they made it to the roof. There, stood five Enclave Armored Soldiers Guarding a Vertibird. Standing near the edge of the Building looking down to the crowd of mad raiders, stood King Mancho. In his accessorized enclave power armor. He held a man by the neck as all the raiders cheered and cried for him to die.


“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. MARUADERS AND RAIDERS OF ALL AGES! THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT? THEN THIS IS WHAT YOU SHALL HAVE!” King Mancho said in a booming charismatic voice. all the spotlights were on him, and his red eyes were blazing with excitement as sweat poured from his face. He grinned madly as he watched the crowd, while dangling the man over the ledge. He pleaded for his life, but all it did was make King Mancho's armored hand squeeze down, and choke his neck. The red eyed king finally lounged the man into the air with a powerful thrust. The man flew lifelessly in the sky and gun shots echoed rapidly as the body filled with bullets. Blood rained down onto the raiders below, who cheered even more. When the dead body finally hit the ground, raiders joined to parade the thing with there combined firepower.


“No one steals from the raiders!” One of the men from the crowd said. Other returned the chant and they all hailed King Mancho.


“I'm a fair man. I've called you all from your respected locals, in hopes of.. Bridging the gaps between us. They, call you raiders. Rogues. Villians of the wasteland to be avoided, killed, and whiped out all together. Tonight.. I call you my brothers!!” King Mancho cried out to the crowd.


“THIS IS OUR WAY! YOU BETRAY ONE OF US - YOU DIE! CROSS US. DIE. Send Regulator spies here..” Mancho pointed to the dead man in the crowd. “DEATH! YOU JOIN US... Well.. My friends you know the result to that now don't you?” Mancho grabbed a loaded assault rifle from a crate beside him, and tossed it down into the crowd. The raiders howled out like mad men, begging for more.


“WEAPONS! So you can continue to do what you've always been doing! Kill! Rape! Ravage these lands! Do what that wilt. But do it – in the name of King Mancho! That's the only thing I ask of you in return my friends!” King Mancho preached to the crowd of men. He ordered one of the Enclave soldiers to his side, and they both began tossing assault rifles down. Tyson and Jonas made their way to the edge, and looked down the the raiders. The melting pot was filled with the harshest of them. And they were all bloodthirsty the same. Maybe, Tyson though, Jonas was right. Had Lt. Colonel Price gone insane? To recruit an army of savage raiders to his cause? Tyson saluted to King Mancho and cleared his throat.


“Sir.” Tyson said.


“And my ammunition? When will it be ready? As you can see.. I'll be needing it.” King Mancho said.


“We got a shipment that will be here before the night ends. I just came back to see if you had your end of the bargain..”


“Ah yes.. Ashur was always a cautious one wasn't he? The gold is here. In my office; Janus, escort our liaison to my quarters. Show him the gold and send him on his way. I want my bullets.” King mancho said in a cold voice. He turned back to the crowd and let out a fierce dominant scream.

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