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Comparing The Specs..


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Well... I have a Radeon 8500 series from ATI has enough power to take on Oblivion, yet all the colors are missing and has a "rainbow" effect on all buildings... everything except the tree's leaves are not colored in, which I find to be very strange o_O ... I think i'm going to have to upgrade my video card or graphics card to get all the color in :( ... the game runs extremely smooth yet there's no color in my Oblivion world, as well as my TESCS in the Render Window... oh yeah and whenever I change the settings to lower the video graphics (when they're all lowered) I hit "Return" and BOOM! CTD and an error report to go with it :dry: ... I have no idea how to change the video settings without CTD'ing... All I can think of is interpreting the Configuration Settings for Oblivion. >:(
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Bizarre. You can try editing some of the video options from the launcher before entering the game (under "Options"). It only offers limited settings, though. There's also the ini file in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion I suppose, and I've heard about a mod recently that allows people with lower end graphics hardware to play the game properly. But I'm afraid I can't remember where the thread is. ^^; Just poke around the forums and hopefully you'll find it.


EDIT: Wait, here it is. http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...=0entry135786, second post from last, the ES4 Shader Mod.

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