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Any fix for camera wall clipping? Mod or .ini tweak


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When im in first person mode i noticed that the camera clip through the walls when the camera is very close to the wall. This specially happens in narrow dungeon's corridors and in my opinion this break totally the immersion. I dont know if it is only my problem or is a general game issue. I wonder is there are any fix (mod or ini tweak).


Here is a screenshot. In this screenshot i forced the issue to show what im talking http://oi62.tinypic.com/28uo9pv.jpg




PD: Sorry for the possible grammar/lexical errors, english isn't my native language.

Edited by Narfiam
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Open Skyrim.ini, and under [Display], add or modify the following two lines:

fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (where XX is the field of view you want, 85 to 90 is recommended)
fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.0000 (where XX is the SAME VALUE that you set fDefaultWorldFOV, leave the '.0000')

When these two values are different, the terrible clipping occurs.

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Open Skyrim.ini, and under [Display], add or modify the following two lines:


fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (where XX is the field of view you want, 85 to 90 is recommended)

fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.0000 (where XX is the SAME VALUE that you set fDefaultWorldFOV, leave the '.0000')


When these two values are different, the terrible clipping occurs.


It isnt a FOV issue in my case. I found the problem fix anyway trying to change the distance and FOV options, I had the neardistance option in the ini in 25, that cause clipping in the walls in first person mode. Thanks you anyway, because due your solution i have discovered and investigated the root of the problem.

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