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Why aren't slave collars attaching during dialogue?


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Hey guys! So today I need some help trying to get slave collars to attach to NPCs through dialogue. I thought I had it all set up, but I guess I don't. So, eventually in the conversation, you say something that is supposed to put the collar on the NPC. In the Dialgoue Editor of the GECK, I have the Result Script as:


Women1.giveitem SlaveCollar 1


Then, the next line they say is supposed to activate:


if getstage 000NeSideStory < 20
set WomenWithCollars + 1
Women1.addscriptpackage 000WWCRunToJail
ShowMessage 000successfulscript


Unfortunatly, none of this happens! What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks =)

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