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No visible weight in inventory?


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I don't know that there is similar topic or not, because searching wouldn't give any good results. If there is already similar topic, please, combine this one with him.


I have an idea to create a mod that removes problem of weight from the game, allowing us to carry how much stuff as we want (don't complain about unrealistic nature of this change, it doesn't matter in this moment). But I don't want to make an another simply mod, which just changes maximum carry limit to some high value (what can be simply done by typing "player.setAV carryweight XXX" in console, where XXX is value we want for this limit). I want to do something more - if we no longer need to bother about weight, then why it's still visible?


I wish to remove visible value of weight from the items and our actual carry value from PipBoy menu. I mean - my idea is to change maximum carry limit into some extremely high value, and then remove visible informations about weight, like they were never existed in the game (but only from visual point of view, I don't want to remove it completely from game code). How can I do this second thing? I guess that I must change some settings of PipBoy menu in xml file or something. If yes, then how can I do that?

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