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Main manu options don't show


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I have recently installed a few mods to FNV, but each time I start my game it shows the main menu background but not any options like "Load Game" or whatever, so its impossible for me to load a map or begin a new game. I unchecked all the mods in the launcher, but I still got the issue. Is it possible that one of the mods overwrote some files which are neccessary for the main menu?

Any help would be muchly appreciated!



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I'm gonna ask a dumb question here as I did this to a game once. Out of curiosity have you changed your display settings? Like your resolution or anything?


Otherwise you might be able to verify your cache with Steam.

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Check to see that all of your mods (not just the ones you recently downloaded) are up to date. Most of the time when this happens it's because you have a plugin that isn't working properly with its master files, frequently because the version of the plugin you have is built to work with a newer version of the master file, or because you have both the up to date plugin and master but an out of date compatibility patch with something else.


This can also happen if you try to edit a plugin with another .esp as a master in the geck, since the geck will remove the .esp from the plugin's master list when you save it. If this is the case, you can reinstall the base version of the mod you altered, then either use Geck Power Up to edit it instead (since Power Up lets you save .esps as masters) or you can use FNVedit to mark the master as an .esm, edit it in the geck, then change it back to an .esp.


I doubt the second one is the problem, since you didn't mention making or editing a mod of your own, but it could be helpful to know.

Edited by falloutkoala
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