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Radiation Gun


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I am in no way a modder, i have a crappy computer that could never run this game and am stuck with the Xbox, but i love the game and often come up with ideas for it, and i thought "hey how about a gun that projects radiation onto a target, that would be fun!" i know it would not work on ghouls or muties, but i think it would be fun for townsfolk, raiders, etc, but do they follow the same rules for rads? i have never tried getting one in a rad zone long enough to kill


edit: also would the game engine allow the creation of a rad stream? i also see isues with the player possibly walking into his own stream, i know short-lived rads can be made in the enviroment because the mini-nukes and exploding cars do it on a small scale



I know some people would enjoy this

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It should function but like you said it will not work on ghouls (it would heal them) or muties or robots.

I was thinking of that but as a dirty bomb.




edit: also put in some damage becuase then it would do some damage to muties or robots (not really ghouls because the rads heal them).

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I seem to remember reading somewhere radiation doesn't affect NPCs at all. :(


There may be a way to fake it using poison, but that would also dodge the immunity of super muties and ghouls.

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there is a fallout 3 mod where you can have a kind of power fist

ad if you attack they get rad or something



http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2022 this one i gues



Radiation King: This perk will allow you to use your unarmed attack to give increased damage as well as radiation damage. There are also several branches of this perk including the Radiation King Burst, and greater Rad resistance leading to rad healing.






bye ;-)

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It turns out that Evilnecko is right. I read on "the vault wiki" that all NPC are rad resistant, that's why Cromwell doesn't die from rads. But what You'd need to do is set a variable for each creature called "Rads" and any rads would add x amount to that value and at the intervals you'd apply the effects.
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is the point of that that radiation affects npcs? i meant something more along the line of a gun, awesome sounding mod though, darn my terrible computer.


Just a idea, A green flame thrower that after a while of hitting the target will turn them randomly into a ghoul, super mutant, super mutant behemoth, those fish people(forgot the name), glowing ones, or one of those hard to kill ghouls in broken steel that have like a 80% to 90% immunity to all the weapons.


I thought I seen on a post that mods might be able to work for the Xbox. You can get good and cheap computer parts from http://www.tigerdirect.com/ that will make Fallout run good. The 2.6 AMD quad core works very nice with fallout 3 (Make sure you got the right Motherboard CPU fan and pin layout). Geforce 9800gtx+ is $134. Make sure you check the reviews first before buying anyting.

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I built a computer a year ago for $400 that runs Fallout 3 just fine. ;)


Today, any off-the-shelf desktop that doesn't use integrated graphics will run Fallout 3 respectably.

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