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File name character length/type limitation


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I find the limitations to the file name length and characters to be extremely extensive. Why are we barred from using things like parentheses and other characters for the name of the mod? Why are we limited to such a small number of characters for the file name?


Is there any way for this to be improved? It really puts a harsh limitation on how descriptive I can be for my mods.

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It was an issue (in the early days) when files would become "lost" due to issues surrounding the naming of the files. The Linux base system along with the coding of this site (and integration into standard software) made it problematic until these limitations were enforced at the initial creation of the page / file.


To help ease this limitation, Dark0ne gave us categories that each file can be placed under...thus allowing more information about the file to be relayed without specifically stating it (Main File vs Outdated File).


Dark0ne also added short descriptions to be associated with each file and does not have the same character limitations that the actual filenames have.




You could have a filename and description as follows:


Category: Main File

Filename: Lost Paladins 1_0

FileDesc: Lost Paladins of the Divines 1.0 - English Version



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