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Modeling Swords


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Okay, I have decided that since my scripting skills are increasing to the point where this specific script I really wanted to put onto a weapon I can now do, I want to learn how to model a sword >_<


So I have a few questions:


If price was no object, should the object be under 100$, or at least not a whole lot above, what is the BEST, (easiest, noncomplicated, friendly UI, no nights staying up hours on end wondering WTF JUST HAPPENED?) 3d modeling program


Where can I find a tutorial to 'specifically' learn how to model a sword for oblivion, or at least edit a preexisting vanilla sword.


What is the best texture program

Where can I find a tutorial for that for this whole mess?

Where is the best tutorial for NifSkope for a sword


Other information that I might not be including here?


Keep in mind, this is all for a 1 hander sword.


Thanks :D


Oh ya, one more question. how long does it usually take for your first modeled sword with no experience to come out nicely? (hours, days, weeks?)


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Now to answer you first questions, some of the best modeling programs are a matter of oppinion and come down to personal prefrence, for oblivion 3ds Max would probably be the best, but under $100 then go with blender. Photoshop is you best texturing program but again for pricing get GIMP. For tutorials I posted something in these forums as an easy way to start modeling a sword (at least the blade) but I would also look here: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...word_in_Blender Best of luck
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Personally, I use this program: Anim8or


It's not the best of all, Blender is much more full featured and better supported, and you

will still need Blender for conversion to .nif and for applying a texture in a way Oblivion will

understand, but for the actual meshing this program is a lot easier to get used to then Blender.

(It's free as well)


The UI is friendlier but still takes some getting used to. Also there are some scripts

(not many though :() that can make more complex meshes automatically.


This video series is how I learned to add meshes to Oblivion: Video

However, you can skip some of it if you use Anim8or, but if you want

to use Blender it tells you how to.


I use GIMP for re-textures, since it's free. I used this tutorial: Link


My first weapon was a staff, and I had it done in a couple hours.

I was already pretty familiar with Anim8or, though.


Edit: Sorry, must have posted simultaneously.

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Anim8tor was the first 3d program I ever leaned to use actually, then I switched to Cinema 4d and the difference in capabilities and UI, the programs almos can't be compared.


To answer your other question though, 3DS Max is $3,990 to download with a subscription

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I'd agree that there are a lot of better programs, but not free ones.


A program that has a single main developer who charges nothing

and one that has many developers and charges $995 dollars for it is,

of course, going to have a more featured and impressive program.


Anim8or isn't the best of all, as I said, but is an free alternative to

meshing in Blender, since it's UI is so daunting.


Of course, if I could afford it I'd go with one of the ones you mentioned.

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oh I agree with you completely, I don't use blender because I haven't figured out its UI, thats why I use Cinema 4d because its the easiest to use, figure out, and navigate. But back on topic, a bit of advice for a sword, find a 2d top view and trace the blade in the 3d program, then the handle can be made from editing a cylinder, and the rest depends on your modeling syle and shape of the sword.
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