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Atomic Wrangler Band?....


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Y'now every time I go into the Wrangler that empty stage just... bugs me. How hard would a quest be to knock up, to find a band to play "Live At The Atomic Wrangler"


There are the musician and dance animations to use and tracking down members of a split band might be entertaining, something like the Blues Brothers movie. Sub quests to recover band members instruments or persuade them to get back together etc. if it was really lavish.


But there is one more bit to this concept and that's the music. While it would be wonderful to get some good professional band into the game, licencing the music, the actual songs/soundfiles would be problematic. So does anyone in the modding community know any amateur / would-be musicians or a garage band for instance?


See what I'm getting at, some musicians just starting their career might be inclined to record a set if they were going to get a gig in 'New Vegas' and a recording made at an actual bar wouldn't require much (except the actual gig of course).


Just a thought....


[EDIT] and an obvious one apparently;



Atomic Metal Band [ http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38235/? ]


Which doesn't come up in searches for 'Atomic Wrangler' which I did before starting this thread...


Sorry :blush:

Edited by SayinNuthin
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