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Far Cry

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Hey, my name's Ziggy! (or Gloom, whichever you prefer.)


So, I've just gotten my Gaming PC and have been playing Ziggy's Mod, etc. I'm enjoying my time so far, but like any other game; Far Cry has some flaws that I'd like to edit for my liking.


So here's where I need you, how do I actually "edit" Far Cry? Are their any tutorials? (I've been looking on YouTube and have found nothing.)


Thank you for any replies!
~Ziggy/Gloom. :blush:

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You'll need to DL Rick's Gibbed Dunia 2 tool set and unpack it (it's a ZIP/WinRAR file) from:




DL the last/latest one on the list on that page


then watch this how too mod FC3 game files with the Gibbed Dunia 2 Tool Set video:



Keep in mind the guy in the video is modding a vanilla copy of the game. If you want to do something with FC3 AFTER you've installed a mod...................the process is a bit different than in the video.


Also........you'll have to wade through a lot of reading, but the official FC 3 forum at Ubisoft has quite a bit of info in it too:




Hope this helps! Goodluck!

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