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Repair/cleaning overhaul idea


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Because Oblivion is such an all encompassing game, and there are so many different ways to play- one thing i found was that it simply is impossible to flesh out everything


for example, the repair command has so much potential


in the vanilla version all you have are a few stats and a button you press which increases a number, and presto- your weapon/armor is perfect again


what i would love someone to do would be an involved repair mod


part mini game/ part immmersion improvment


when you click on a repair hammer, you would have the weapon/armor taken out in front of you (i.e like when you press the grab key)


at this point a cross hair would come up, and you would press the action key to see a hammer hitting the weapon/armor


you could even, have artificial cracks drawn on the weapon before you start to hammer as indications as to where to hammer, and if you missed too many times the hammer would simply break, or even- the wepaon itself would become less effective


if you got the weapon/armor to 100 again, you would be rewarded with a shinier weapon- on another mod i see blood on the weapons whenever i fight, it would be great to add another item (oil based substance like turpentine) which you could buy from a store, and after the weapon had been used, you could rub it on via a similar method as the repair and clean your weapons after a particularly bloody battle


another use for the mod could be, if you own a player home with weapons on display everywhere, after a certain period of time, they gather dust and dirt on them, which makes them (slightly) less effective unless they are cleaned


for me this would improve the immersion of an already incredibly immersive game

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repairing the armor as you mentioned can be done with a quite simple script ; it will require OBSE.

I also suggest to use an anvil too , however i'm not sure if you can check the distance between an item and an activator. if this is possible , when activated , a script checks if you have any hammers in inventory. if so it will equip one (as weapon - one handed mace , 0 damage), then whenever you hit the armor , a script attached to the hammmer adds points to it depending on your skill , and removes points from the hammer.whenever the durability of the hammer reaches 0 it will be unequiped . Fairly simple , right ? :biggrin:


when I repair my pc , if the it's not finished until then , i'll give it a try.

Alex Valentine

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