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SFW and Fun Pregnancy/Child-Rearing Mod


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Hey all,


Been on a skyrim hiatus due to pc cooling issues and lack of time.


Anyways papyrus has been very frustrating so far as has the creation kit.


To partially save my sanity I'm hoping somebody can take over the creation kit side of things, sorting out dialogue and so on. We could have a base and keep adding to it, I need to focus on coding lol

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Thanks I appreciate it :-)




Seems the month hiatus has worked wonders! I have finally fixed the major mod breaking bug which almost drove me insane!!!


So now finally the conception function works, all the checks work and it is successfully setting the flag which persists through the save game.

Work can now finally progress lol

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Majority of the nitty background code is done. ATM there is no dialogue interaction yet, will be added. Once the whole base mod is working, then dialogue will be added.


The mod is in a super mega early pre alpha stage. Since the last test a lot has been added/changed.

Should the mod past the next round of testing the base code will become alpha. Then I can add the dialogue.


Essentially when the base and dialogue complete alpha testing, beta can commence.


Sorry for taking so long :/ I'm getting ready to pretty much get rid/store everything including my computer, therefore won't be on skyrim. I want to really get this mod done and out there before that day.

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Update before bed:

Okay all bugs have finally been fixed and is working!
Everything is being called and running right, the spawning function should start producing visible results once I finish setting up all the bases and properties.

The code is 99% ready to go to alpha! as soon as I confirm the spawning works it will be alpha and it will finally be ready for dialogue. Dialogue should take a couple of weeks to implement, so once it all hits alpha we can begin thinking about beta :D


Update 2:


Pregnancy now produces a child! They function as a normal child, need to work on assigning packages via the script and sort out the inherit looks function and then it will officially be alpha and ready for dialogue!!!

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