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Drop items on command?


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Here's my problem,I want to make a device that makes stuff let's say a key maker,a small device who cares what it looks like as long as it works.I want to keep it simple like player activates a switch witch makes a key drop out from the device.Ok but IDK how to do this the "Drop" Function is for player I think I don't want that.



I was thinking I would use "DropMe" function to drop the item from a container,would that work? But where does the item drop To/From anyways? the bottom of the container?


or I was thinking maybe scale a door or wall or whatever scale it way down and set the Item I want to drop out on top of the really really small door/wall,then make a switch and make a script like (OnActivate smallWall/Door.Disable).Then the item will fall I think?


Then something like(if Player.GetItemCount keyWeMade > 0 && SmallWall/Door.Disable) Then (SmallWall/Door.Enable) Im still learning this stuff don't make fun of my newbie code please LOL...Can you even scale something that small and would it cause problems?


Also I don't see how I could make the key respawn to it's previous position when the player picks it up.so far this Key Making device doesn't look possible,Anybody got any Ideas to get this thing working?

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