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Well, logged into Steam this morning and saw they're doing a 80% off deal on STALKER: SoC. I decided to buy it, although it was a toss-up between SoC and Clear Sky, but I had heard bad reviews of Clear Sky so I gave it a miss. Took a while to download, but definatley worth the wait.


It's... Fallout without the sillyness. The free-roamings good and the sense of danger is always there. You hardly get any ammo for the rifles and it's a bit confusing; I often found myself running around, trying to figure out what to do. The animations a bit wonky and the AI has it's good times and bad times.


I'm only thirty minutes into this game, but Im really enjoying it.


Are there any other STALKER players here? What did you think of the game?


PS: I also heard of a mod called "Oblivion Lost", should I give it a go? It's supposed to add more depth...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Are there any other STALKER players here? What did you think of the game?


PS: I also heard of a mod called "Oblivion Lost", should I give it a go? It's supposed to add more depth...


I love anything to do with STALKER. It's my favorite game of the last five years.


Anyways, the Oblivion Lost mod is good in the fact that it adds all the features the developers removed from the game before release, but then again, those features were removed for a reason and unbalances the game heavily, so in the end it's a toss up between more features or smoother gameplay experience.

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