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Underwater is completely clear, not murky at all


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So I'm using Realistic Water Two with Project ENB, and when I go underwater I can see for miles. Changing any of the Underwater settings in ENB's in-game menu seems to have no effect on the game at all: I can set all the values to 5 and then to 0.5 with no visible changes.


I also read that putting the following lines in SkyrimPrefs.ini fixes it:






But I did that and it made no difference whatsoever. And toggling ENB off actually makes water a bit clearer!


Can anyone suggest a fix? It's not a game-breaking problem of course, but it just feels all wrong! I've attached a picture to demonstrate the problem.



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When making changes to ENB from in the game , some things you can watch change, other things need to be loaded to see the change, first you have to "Save the configuration", then "Load the configuration"


IF you are just "load the configuration" its loading in from whats in the INI file, and you are losing any changes you are making.


EDIT: Ohh, and what PIC?.. :)

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Oops, I forgot to attach the screenshot! Here it is! I've quit an restarted Skyrim several times after making changes and I still don't see any difference :\ I think the problem may be caused by Realistic Water Two, since turning ENB off actually makes it worse.



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Diden't mean restarting the game..let me elaborate.


Once in the ENB Menu (in game) make a change, then in the upper box, click "Save configuration" then click "Load configuration" the screen will freeze for a few seconds while ENB reloads the INI with your new changes, all this is done without restarting Skyrim.



PIC <<<enb settings windows to help


In the upper box (where it says ENBseries FPS=33.5) you see 3 boxes next to <<<<Apply>>>> , load and Save. after making a change, click box by "save" then you can go ahead and either use Load or apply.


In the lower box, under where it says "effect" these are all Global settings, IF an effect is not enabled here, none of the setting farther below under its heading will work. in the pic you can see the global setting for Water AND Underwater tick both.



Edited by camaro_69_327
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Thanks for the information. I was already aware of most of it, and Use Water and Use Underwater were both set to true. I didn't know that you had to Save and then Load the configuration to see lots of the changes, though!


Like I said, I think the problem doesn't lie with the ENB but rather with Realistic Water Two, since the problem still exists (and is actually exacerbated) when ENB is turned off.


But I've tweaked it a little more and I think I've found the solution: Realistic Water Two makes underwater very clear, way more so than vanilla, which is what ENB's tweaking system was designed for. This means that you just have to raise the Transparency values to ridiculous levels in the ENB menu in order to re-murkify (new word) underwater environments. I set TransparencyFade to 100 and TransparencyCurve to 8 (their maximum values) and it appears to have solved the problem.


Thanks for your time and I hope this helps others who might be looking for a fix.

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While in the ENB Menu...(gonna be hard to explain this) Click on a line to change , hold -n- Drag the mouse slightly away, you will see a line appear, hold mouse click, and you now can "rotate this line around the circle" , the setting will change as you rotate ...you will see the circle have a red line as you move away from its present setting ( a way to return to what you had).


Easy to do, hard to explain. You probably already know that and i waste my time...lmao.


Wonder what can be different here, I am also using RW2 and my ENB is Serenity...i have these settings...

Way different then what you have... you have 100 and i am barley to a 1 ?? Gonna take a PIC underwater...could you do the same?...a newer edited one...
EDIT....Serenity ENB "default underwater settings" with Realistic water 2.
Edited by camaro_69_327
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I have no idea what you mean by the red line thing but I'll check it out when I'm at my desktop tomorrow! If you're using Realistic Water Two as well and you're not having this problem, and also considering the fact that when I turn ENB off the problem doesn't go away, I can only assume it is caused by one of the other ~350 mods on my list (not all of those have .esps, of course.) I can't think which other mod might edit underwater, though, since I don't use any other mods directly related to water.


I'll post screenshots of my game at those high settings tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

not sure if that's the case, but you need to put bDoRadialBlur=1 in skyrim.ini NOT in skyrimPrefs.ini also if you have something like that in the skyrimprefs.ini under [imagespace] you should delete it. I guess putting bDoDepthOfField=1 (or larger numbers) along with the above tweak could help making the view even more blury.


Edit: ok I noticed you had solved it already.

Edited by gedocs1217
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