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Mods that make NPCs in general look prettier?


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Hello folks. First, let me say that I'm sorry about the trouble. I know this is probably a stupid question for people who are old users of mods in Oblivion - I myself haven't played Oblivion in ages, and this is the first time I am actually planning to use mods.


So, here's the question: are there mods that make NPCs of the game look better by giving them new models? Yes, I've given TES Nexus a look, but with thousands of mods around and with no previous knowledge I'm kind of in the dark - and I'd rather get into the game sooner than later, which might take quite a while if I start looking out for mods without previous knowledge. And to clarify; I mean mods that do not simply effect your character, but the NPCs of the world in general. I've just started the game, and I have already had enough of those ugly faces. So, could experienced people answer my question, and provide links to the mods if available?


Sorry about the trouble folks - I appreciate the help. :thanks:

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First, get better facial textures. It can make difference.

Usually recommended are:

- Natural Faces or Improved Facial Textures(both have better age maps, so you can use only either of them for vanilla races)

- Enayla's facial textures or any other better facial textures(usually packed with body texture pack)


For better NPC faces, check TNR(Tamriel NPC Revamped). And I think there're some other NPC revamp mods.

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