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How to disable white tinting


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Is there a mod to disable the white/yellow tint (or outline) on a character that appears whenever he/she recieves stat/skill bonus or fire shield. It really stands out in the dark, and it is annoying to see player light up like a christmas tree whenever a "fortify" spell is cast. The effect is even worse when using Enhanced camera mod.


Any suggestions are appreciated. Thankyou.

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Is there a mod to disable the white/yellow tint (or outline) on a character that appears whenever he/she recieves stat/skill bonus or fire shield. It really stands out in the dark, and it is annoying to see player light up like a christmas tree whenever a "fortify" spell is cast. The effect is even worse when using Enhanced camera mod.


Any suggestions are appreciated. Thankyou.

Thankyou! That helped.

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