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Um, I don't have any idea how people make the amazing mods that they do, but I was wondering if someone could please make me a Gin Ichimaru follower that you can marry :ninja: is that possible?


This is the man in question, sorry about the size, I have no idea how to post pictures :ermm: Sorry, I know its my first post, though I do chat in the nexus chat room from time to time so not a complete stranger :mellow:


I understand that it is probably impossible to make a anime version of him, I'm absolutely fine with a realistic version, I had a really good realistic version of him in my Dragons dogma but that's on my PS3 :pinch:


Also his eyes don't have to be shut, open a little is fine, there blue by the way. I really hope someone can help and Thank you in advance. :blush: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25400000/Gin-ichimaru-gin-25479258-1407-2058.jpg

Edited by Glow0910
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sadly theres not a lot of follower modders on the forums lately so I recommend you go find a modder you like and ask him on his comments page for his mad. it'll get some attention brought to this.

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