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Fallout: The Rejects


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Zephy smiled with a rare lopsided grin " No I could care less about riding some high horse killing in the name of justice for some caps. I'm pressed for caps and i can claim the bounty on him from three different people thats a hell of a lot of caps. Tag along and youll get half plus a couple of people that are actually sane to talk to. One more thing though if enclave bothers you or the thought of killing them does you might have a problem." Zephyr had a fierce gleam in

his eye.


OOT: Sorry using my ipod so its a pain to type.

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Ever since the missile mishap, Matoaka had been meditating in her cave, when she was disturbed by a wild yao guai, whose home she apparently was trespassing in. She decided she needed to leave the cave that instant, or evict the current resident; but how, she had no weapon beside her missiles in orbit, but that would kill her too. She had no time to waste, she began searching ulterior functions of the Military Satellite and found a small self defense laser for shooting down enemy missiles. Matoaka began to quickly reconfigure it to operate on only 10% power, as it might be just enough not to kill herself and drill a hole out of the cave. Her only issue is the laser leaving a giant light leading right to her, but she feared the Yao guai more at this moment than slavers. Moments later the satellite was reconfigured and the laser began slowly drilling at the surface above her, leaving an incandescent luminance, which lit up the sky and turned it a bright red.
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((I'm sorry I been AWOL for a while! I've been busy with work, doing double shifts. But nooow I'm back and I can put some free time into RPING! The Rejects isn't dead! lmao It was just on break :thumbsup: ))


Jack face went blank - paler than usual, then he broke down into laughter into laughter as Cale headed for his android companion after hearing of her malfunction. His amusement went on for a few long seconds, and it was awkward since he was the only one laughing at the thing. Daniel could barely hear the faint muffled noises coming from The silver haired woman direction but shook it off as nothing. He raised his brow, and gave Jack a serious stare, then Jack final calmed down from laughing, took a deep breath and gasped before saying,


"Whaat?! I knew that Android had some sorta weakness! To bad it happens when no ones around though.."


"No need for us to know what the Android's weakness is. If Cale is going to join us so is that Robot."


"And if it Malfunctions, turns on us? Tries to eat us alive?" Jack said excited.


"Eat us alive? you're the damn canniba-" Daniel paused before finishing, then sighed. "The day Athina wants to go Rogue Mr. Gutsy we'll deal with it. But until then.. Its not an issue okay?"


Jack nodded, then followed Danny as they left the alley way. Joining Cale's side they were surprised to see Athina on her two feet. and were baffled, along with her as to what had happened. Jack became fascinated by her once again. Staring at her figure. The mechanics that ran up and down her frame, as if he were trying to dissect her with his eyes. Daniel was focused on something else. Beyond the shoddy buildings of the town, off to the distance wastes, he could see the color shift in the sky. The glimmering crimson aura lit the sky from far off, and it began to fade back into its original blue tone.


"Well thats new.." Daniel said to himself. He scratched his head, thinking of what could have caused such a phenomenon. While doing so, he circled his sight around the town scanning the sky above to see if it would happen again, from another point. Passing roof tops of ruined homesteads and the building he saw nothing of interest. No miricale from the sky caught his eye. But he did see something - Someone spying down. A woman.


He didn't stop his focus while his eyes passed her direction. With a high perception he's learned to spot things carefully and make them out clearly without looking directly at them. Who ever thought being an Assassin wouldn't help him after he left Talon Company? It was the silver haired woman. And with them not being attacked by now He could tell She wasn't after Him. Regulators go in guns a blazing. Shoot first ask questions later. But she was different. Came in close, then observed from afar. A scout, Daniel thought. But for who? Couldn't be Talon company, Their reach isn't as far as they claim. And Other than Regulators, Jack has no real enemies. So the other alternative would be his new acquaintances, Cale and Athina.


Daniel turned over to them as if he saw nothing, then let out a big stretch. He slowly waltzed over to Cale and rested his arm on Cale's shoulder casually. Knowing how Cale took offense to someone saying something about his height, Daniel figured he wouldn't take kindly to someone using his height as leverage. So he made his words quickly.


"I've only known you today.. And what you've done before now is none of my concern." He gently gestured his head to the side, directing towards the building he spotted Grey upon. "Don't look. But our Silver-haired friend is watching you. So if you're not looking to see what shes after or who she's working with I suggest we head out. What do ya say?"

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Cale rubbed the spot where Athina had hit him. "Sheesh Ath. Remind me to never poke you while you're out again. And i have no idea. That Grey chick just came running up and said that you had fallen over. You've probably just overworked yourself is all." He started to laugh. "I guess even Androids need to take it easy every once in awhile." His laughter was cut short once he caught sight of the red sky. "Well there's something you don't see everyday." His fascination was cut short by Daniel telling him about Grey spying on him. He let out a small sigh. "Well that tells us who messed up Ath. So what the hell is she spying on me for?" He said to himself.



After what seemed like hours of running Luke had finally made it to the town. The tracking unit he had installed on the radios helped him find Grey in no time. However the unit wasn't entirely accurate. He ended up not even fifty feet away from the very same purple haired android that he had warned Grey not to get near. He caught sight of three others just before he took cover in a alley close by. Two we too tall. The other one could just be some kid. He's have to get closer to tell but he didn't want to be noticed. He sat down against the wall and sighed. "Well this should be fun." Stealth had never been his strong point and neither was blending in. His mind kept going back and forth between two options. He could either simply throw caution to the wind and find out who the kid was the old fashion way by walking up to them. Or.... Toss one of his smoke grenades at them and drag the kid away from the group. Before he could decide however the sky lit up in a bright red shade. He looked up at it with a sinking feeling in his gut. "Oh that can't be a good thing."

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Athina rubbed the back of her neak with an apologetic grin on her face, but the moment Grey was even mentioned her whole attitude changed. Athina got to her feet and looked directly at Daniel, her feirce expression on her face."We won't have to....." a short pause followed as she turned round and started to casually walk towards the roof, "because there won't be anything left of her when im through..." With that her original programming kicked in and she raced towards the roof, quickly scaling the building like it was no ones buisness. There are many things about Athina that are unknown, the most of that about her true origin, but what is known, is if anyone seems to get her to the right state theres not much left of them when she's done. It could be guessed that it's Athina's original programming or 'directive' that causes her to be like this as anyone who knows her for an extended period of time would tell you that these acts were completely outside of her usual behaviour.

Athina pulled her self over the ledge and started at Grey through her menacing eyes, a fearsome sight. "what did you do top me..." came the words from her own mouth, although sounding more mechanical than they ever would normally.

Grey reached for her two way and calmly signaled onto Luke, "I might be a little late for the party. I have uuuh..... a little something or other to take care of." with that she threw the radio to the side, knowing that she wouldnt be able to get the right signal again, that and athina would have already taken it from her bfore it happned.

Without warning athina lunged forward, her palm flaring to life as well as the tips of her fingers.

"This should be interesting.." Grey said with a wide grinn on her face. She brought forward her gatling lazer and squeased the trigger, the rest of the world becoming but a blurr to the two on the roof who were now enaged in a heated battle.


Kiza let off a grinn and jumped forward to stand beside Zephyr "no problem with the enclave.... as long as you have no problem with me taking what i want from random people." she said befoe scrounhging in her pack and brought out an unusually shiny pre war coin and started to flip it in her hand. "Lucky coin."

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"Fantastic." Zephyr said with a grin then when Kiza took out the coin, "Let me guess. Heads we join forces, Tails we split." He said with a growing fondness of Kiza's devil-may-care personality. I'd stake a hundred caps on heads, laughing in his mind, I feel like this could be the beginning of a very profitable run for Mars and I. In his pocket he carefully positioned a small but extremely powerful electromagnet, chance would have nothingto do with the outcome...
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Ying and Yang remained crouched on a hill as they contemplated the people below. Ying had an insatiable urge to use her medical skills for the benefit of others, while Yang needed people willing to test his experimental weapons and equipment. They'd been following one particular group for a while now, and were discussing whether or not they should make their presence known.


"We'll need to deactivate our modified Stealth Boys soon." Yang stood up and folded his arms before continuing. "They need to be recharged. So what do you think of this group, sis? Scar seems like a good candidate for testing some of my experimental melee weapons."


Ying stood up, and folded her arms, mimicking her twin brother. "They're rejects. All of them. I don't normally acquaint well with this type of hooligan mindset, but I haven't had any decent injuries to cure lately. These people could keep me busy…"


"It's nice to know Athina remains functional. Type X37 class Androids were thought to be impossible creations…until the head of the Orion project creating one, of course. I was so good at my job, wasn't I? My creations have a true sense of self, so don't call her a robot, or "it". She'll be offended. Even still, her systems aren't as advanced as they could be. I never had the chance to finish my final set of improvements. I would love to tinker with her components once again..."


"What of Cale?"


"Fascinating hardware." Said Yang, fixing his glasses. "His modifications stem from Dr. Preston's work. They're extremely high quality. However, they're not to my level of expertise…and he seems to be in need of repairs."


"I heard Zephyr killed General Dungy." Said Ying, fixing her glasses. "Rumors say he likes to keep trophies of his military kills. I wonder if he has the General's chevrons…"


"His guns are crap. Nothing like the stuff I make. I'd love to sell him some real weapons."


"I don't care about him. That Deathclaw is what interest me. I have to take a tissue sample, and see what kind of genetic abnormalities I find. Do you remember Collins?"


"Dr. Collins? The Enclave scientist?" Yang asked, putting his hands on his hips.


"Yes." Answered Ying, mimicking her brother's posture once again. "I have a feeling he stole segments of my genetic work, and used them to create speaking Deathclaws like Mars…"


"Interesting. But why are you so edgy?"


"These people piss me off. They inject themselves with a dose of meds, and think they're cured! Half of Daniel's crew is probably on the verge of heart attacks and don't even know it. They need real medical care. Take that Matoaka character for instance…she's on the verge of heat stroke, and probably doesn't even know it."


"Well sis, I think it's time we speak with Daniel and see if he can find some use for my scientific skill, and your doctoring. We're running low on caps. Besides…if we don't give Jack the cure soon, that poison flesh he ate is going to kill him."

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"This just doesn't seem right.." Daniel said to himself as he scratched at his rough hair. His eyes were locked onto Athina dash off into her skirmish with the silver haired woman. Tightened his eyes, even winched when it seemed like the other got the upper hand. He looked over to Cale and whistled, amazed at the scene developing on the roof top. Jack on the other hand was pretty excited. He cheered on and pulled out a few caps from his coat pocket and jingled them in Daniels direction.


"30 caps on the robot!" Jack screamed out to his comrade sinisterly. Daniel shook his head cautiously, then bit his lower lip as he watched the roguish woman wield her heavy weapon like it was a child's toy. He sighed then laughed gently.


"Dunno If Ill take that bet Jacko.."


"Aw come on MAN! Wheres your sport nowadays? fraid to lose a bet eh?" Jack complained. Daniel shrugged his shoulder lightly then patted Cale on the shoulder.


"What you think? You're friend gonna need a hand?" Daniel questioned as he continued to watch the fight ensue.

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Scar got up and looked around till he saw Daniel and walked to him


"Well we leavin yet or are we just gonna stand here?"

"Look I think we should get moving the city gaurds is looking for me Oh speak of the devil here they come."


The guards and most of the townsfolk had grabbed their guns and went hunting for the criminals that were considered dangerous for some reason now they had found them.


"Well I think we should run now see you later."

Scar started running away only to find a dead. End he ran back.


"Well were *banned*."

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Once the laser ceased blasting the cave through, she looked up and saw the night sky and the Yao Guai noticed her, she began to frantically scale the hole to the surface. She climbed until she felt grass and then she felt someone grab her arms and pull her up, she was also thrown to the ground where she saw the barrel of many guns and heard their metallic clicks of chambering rounds. It appeared her light show attracted many things.. above all her captors. They chained her so much she could not move a finger and could barely breathe.
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