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Ayleid Sky town


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Hi everyone.


Im currently putting together a team, for a new town mod. This will be a preserved ayleid town in the sky, (the teleport linked to there being located in a new ayleid ruin on the ground.)


This will be a full town mod with a main quest line and side quests including a house for sale quest. It is NOT however going to be a exceptionally large town as that would simply be too time consuming!


Currently there is me and Demonman, between us having decent ecxperience with interior and exterior decorating, etc, and some small experience with model creating; and some even smaller experience with scripting and creating quests; but not nearly enough!


If you are interested to join our team, and you have good experience with scripting and/or creating quests or have anything you could bring to this team, please add a comment!!!


Thanks a lot for reading,


Matt (Inggrish); and Jack (Demonman) :thanks:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sound great, sadly i canot join the team, but i can maybe provide a few script...


just an idea, will it make more sense, if the player would get a teleport scroll on a dead aylied insted of a complete new aylied ruins... and simpler too, so you can concentrate on the town itself insted...


what kind of script your looking for ?

Please, private msg me please as i will not be back on this thread !

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