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Secret door


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The secret door consists of two parts, the lever, and the moving door (three if you count the wall that has the hole in it). The moving door needs to be a persistant reference. It does not technically Need a unique name, but things are much easier to reference if you give it one.


You could also add some special effect clouds that are enabled and disabled. These make it look more realistic. I believe there are examples of this for the secret door out of the prison cell you start the game in.



The code you are looking for is in the script of the lever.


So, go to Anvil Castle, Double-click on the lever (It is an Activator), then "Edit Base" (But be careful not to actually edit the base). Then click on the "..." next to the dropdown next to "Script". Copy this code, adjust the references, and paste it into a new script.


Essentially this is done with the commands "PlayGroup Forward" and "PlayGroup Backward"


Here is an article on it: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/PlayGroup

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For most gates and doors go to the activators and search for ID's or Names that have things like Hidden Walls, or Gate, or Moveable Pillars or whatnot. Put it somewhere and make it a persistant reference. Then go and search for levers or switches or buttons. Preferably one that has a script like this:

scn RFSwitchLever01SCRIPT

short next
short busy
short opened
float timer
ref myParent
ref mySelf

begin onActivate
if busy == 0
	set next to 1
	if ( opened == 0 )
		playgroup forward 0
		set opened to 1
		playgroup backward 0
		set opened to 0
	set timer to 0.5
	set busy to 1

begin gameMode

if ( timer <= 0 ) && next == 1
	set myParent to getParentRef
	set mySelf to getSelf
	myParent.activate mySelf 1
	set next to 0

if busy == 1 && isAnimPlaying == 0
	set busy to 0

if timer > 0
	set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed


begin onReset

set opened to 0
set next to 0
set busy to 0



Now, you do not need to be a scripter to understand it, just read it. It is all very simple when it comes right down to it.


Basically, the top, it says, Begin OnActivate, this means it works when you click on it. You can see the reference is MyParent, which means, outside of the scripting, that you have parented it to the gate. It playgroups foward, basically, "Begin Animation" in this case the animation is opening. Then, on second click, it goes backward, or Reverse Animation, basically closing.


Any script with this script name or similar scripting is a switch.








If I have helped you in any way solve your problem, feel free to kudos me! you can kudos by clicking [give] button right under my avatar next to the number of Kudos, OR you can click at the bottom of my signature where it says Kudos and click that to go directly to the window. Also, there are links to both my modding profiles for Fallout3 and Oblivion. If you feel it insufficient information or that I was not clear, feel free to disregard this, or if you feel that although I helped you I did not under the circumstances earn a Kudos feel free to disregard this.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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