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Altering the Assassin's Blade perk


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As we know, if you have the AB perk, you do 15 times damage when sneak attacking with daggers. This usually means insta-kills abound, but it's not guaranteed. Could someone alter the perk, so that you instakill all enemies, except for big enemies like dragons, giants and mammoths? It annoys when I stand silently behind a bandit chief with dagger in hand, still unable to slit his throat without the ugly Dark Brotherhood gloves.


If you want, you could also give said gloves new enchantments, seeing as the vanilla ones will become obsolete with this mod, although I can do that much myself at least.

Edited by faffman
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Well that would certainly make an assassin overpowered as fudge, wouldn't it? Again, there are the big enemies that a dagger strike should barely do any damage at all to, even when sneaking. You could say I want a more logical assassin playstyle. A single dagger strike should not be enough to kill any living being.

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That does seem like a good option, though I should have been clear on another thing from the start. I want throatslits to be independent of your one-handed skill. It doesn't make sense that you have to be a good swordsman just to slit the throat of an unaware victim. This would also help playing more varied assassins, if you don't want to waste any perks on the one-handed tree.

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The Modify Sneak Attack Mult entry point has a Target tab, so you can use that to make the effect vary depending on what you are attacking.


The second request is a bit more difficult. You can easily make damage with daggers dependent on sneak skill AND on one-handed, but removing the benefits from one-handed to daggers entirely is more complicated.

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