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werewolf sounds


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You can uses the werewolf sounds that I included in Lost Paladins of the Divines if you'd like to use them.


Also, I think there was a mod that added voice "themes" where you could sound like one person/actor or another. Obviously, only one sound pack could be active at a time but you might be able to modify that mod to create your own werewolf sound pack.



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Here is the link to oblivion sound sets http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12588

this mod makes your character make random comments about lots of things,you should try to use it.(for yourself only,otherwise you would have to ask for permission).

And Lost Paladins of the Divines is in Lhammonds signature.

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Ah found it

you might have to use this program


to unpack the voice files you need because oblivion looks in the bsa folders first than data so do the following

Create a file named "ArchiveInvalidation.txt" in your Oblivion folder (-NOT- the Data folder) --there may already be one there.

inside this file list any file you want to overwrite



(i dont know if this is right take a good look on the directory)

then put the sound where you want it.



I tried and it seems to me that only the npc's are located there, how do i get the player voice?(final problem)

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