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Moving the Academy of Winterhold


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Hi, i'm working on a mod that involves a Skyrim conversion, and one thing that bothers me in the mod is the Mage Academy's location. I'd like to move the entire Academy, with the NPCs and all the stuff, but it's too difficult for me and i'm afraid of creating bugs with the Academy questline.
Could someone move it to somewhere near Falkreath and adapt the NPCs AllPackages, the questline script and events to it ?

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dude you're asking for an entire rebuild of two map cells... you do realize how hard that is? you cant just copy and paste this stuff. I doubt there are modders with the skill to do this who are still active.

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dude you're asking for an entire rebuild of two map cells... you do realize how hard that is? you cant just copy and paste this stuff. I doubt there are modders with the skill to do this who are still active.

I know that's hard, that is why i'm requesting it...

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its more than hard dude... that's like full on game designer level of difficulty. you have over a million individual things to move and to adjust to make this work. I am basically saying is that you are asking to have a massive chunk of the game remade. which is not possible.

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its more than hard dude... that's like full on game designer level of difficulty. you have over a million individual things to move and to adjust to make this work. I am basically saying is that you are asking to have a massive chunk of the game remade. which is not possible.

Yeah, in fact, you're right...


Do you think i could, instead, easily delete all Academy, plus the quests and the npcs ?

Edited by XMen19
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maybe... that would be hard, but possible. why do you need to remove it?

Well, i had a project of a Game of Thrones conversion for Skyrim but i stopped it for personal reasons, and there was another similar mod made by Kualan. Now i decided to restart that project and I would like to convert Winterhold into Castleblack and The Wall, and leaving the Academy there has no sense... ^^

Edited by XMen19
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Hi, i'm working on a mod that involves a Skyrim conversion, and one thing that bothers me in the mod is the Mage Academy's location. I'd like to move the entire Academy, with the NPCs and all the stuff, but it's too difficult for me and i'm afraid of creating bugs with the Academy questline.

Could someone move it to somewhere near Falkreath and adapt the NPCs AllPackages, the questline script and events to it ?

You're asking something colossal. Only modding masters like Arthmoor could handle a project like that.


But that's not the problem. Your project is not something impossible...absolutely. The problem is another.

(more or less) Nobody would be interested in moving out the College. Because 95% of people wants the College where it has always been.


Requests like "could you create an overpowered iron sword" and "could you export the cities in Tamriel worldspace" are completely different from requests like "could you move out the College of Winterhold".

Nobody cares about an overpowered iron sword, but someone could take your request because it will be an easy task. A generous favour...

Everybody was dreaming about completely exterior cities: that's because someone realized a project like that.

On the contrary, nobody would move out the College: a very difficult mod can only be created if a lot of people are interested in it. Nobody would realize that huge project for only one person.

Remember: a huge modification project requires huge motivation, determination, time and efforts. Those requirements can be achieved only if you are creating something for yourself or for a lot of people.


Hey, no offense. That was my opinion and I hope for you to be completely wrong.

Edited by DavideMitra
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Remember: a huge modification project requires huge motivation, determination, time and efforts. Those requirements can be achieved only if you are creating something for yourself or for a lot of people.On the contrary, nobody would move out the College: a very difficult mod can only be created if a lot of people are interested in it. Nobody would realize that huge project for only one person.


Hey, no offense. That was my opinion and I hope for you to be completely wrong.


Well, i think you're right, this is not necessary in fact, and moving it would bother people more than if it stays. ^^ Thanks for the tips.

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