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Howl in human form.


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Hey guys, I want a mod that when you're a werewolf you can howl in human form, (sounds like howl in werewolf form) and you can gain your werewolfs speed or strength for like an hour, I just thought it was a cool idea.

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It adds some nice features but at the cost of being a badass werewolf. If I get this, I have to eat to regenerate magicka, I can only transform at night, and I also play as a vampire, and it doesn't add anything I like. So all and all the debuffs outweigh the buffs for me personally.

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Just to clarify, you can transform once a day just like in the base game. The transformations at night are in addition to what you can do already.


Also you can tweak the settings so that you only have to feed once a day to regenerate magicka.


But none of the vampire stuff can get disabled unfortunately, so Oh well. You're welcome to download it and pick it apart to see what I did to make the werewolf howls available in human form though. Might be you can figure out how to make the mod you are looking for.

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I have a mod that lets me transform anytime, and even feeding once a day is to much pressure, I play the game for fun. I'd get it if the vampire stuff wasn't included and I didn't have to eat everyday, but its a good mod overall, for people who want to make the commitment that is.

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