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Werewolf Tweaks and a "setrace" Question


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Is there some way, be it a mod or messing with the game files, to make followers not freak out when you transform into Beast Form?

And these two are much less important, but is there also a way to change the roar into an actual howl, and make allies immune to its fear effect?


I'm also trying to change an NPC into a khajiit, but the setrace command usually ends up making them look really, really weird, like the lion from the Wizard of Oz lol. I'm also not sure if setrace is permanent, or if I'd have to use the commands every time I start up the game.

Edited by xaldyn93
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you have to start a new game to change race. never use the console. it messes up the save really bad.

Could you elaborate any more? How do I change the NPCs race via a new game?



By the way, I figured out that followers don't actually freak out when you go Beast Form as long as no guards or civilians are around, and I found a werewolf reskin mod that also give it a howl, so those two questions have been solved.

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oh you're changing an NPC! oh dude no! use the creation kit to do that! also you need to start a new game for that as well. never use the console to change in game NPCs.


you have to start a new game though if you change the race. now if you're just changing a feature than you just need to save the game with your character in a different cell. do the edit, start the game, wait several days and it'll be fine. for a race change you have to do the change and start a new game (delete all saves prior to the change) other wise the game will be glitch and very unstable. this is caused by the skills, level, and stats that the NPC has being all screwed up by having a species change. so you'll have to fix that as well... its a lot of work that I don't see as worth it, but if you're down for knock yourself out just don't use the console.

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oh you're changing an NPC! oh dude no! use the creation kit to do that! also you need to start a new game for that as well. never use the console to change in game NPCs.


you have to start a new game though if you change the race. now if you're just changing a feature than you just need to save the game with your character in a different cell. do the edit, start the game, wait several days and it'll be fine. for a race change you have to do the change and start a new game (delete all saves prior to the change) other wise the game will be glitch and very unstable. this is caused by the skills, level, and stats that the NPC has being all screwed up by having a species change. so you'll have to fix that as well... its a lot of work that I don't see as worth it, but if you're down for knock yourself out just don't use the console.

The Creation Kit, huh? Is that something that would take a lot of effort? I've also got a lot of mods running, so would it interfere at all?


I was actually planning on starting a new save file anyway, I just got Skyrim for the PC the other day, and have been experimenting with mods and whatnot since then - I've yet to actually play lol.


Basically I'm just trying to change an NPC, either Brelyna Maryon or Jenassa to be specific, into a khajiit, so that I can actually have a female khajiit follower/spouse with all the regular dialogue, (plus they both have nice personalities for a khajiit).

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okay so since you're new I would recommend you read up on using the console because you can destroy your game if you aren't careful.


the creation kit is complicated, but youtube has tons of great tutorials on how to use it. character editing is one of the easier things to do, so look into how to do that its really not that hard to learn if you are cool and patient. now adding mods and using the creation kit doesn't matter too much, because the creation kit is what modders use to make the mods. it does allow you to edit every part of the game and that includes the mods you installed.


be careful about modding, because again you can wreck your game. luckily you have the Nexus which has tons of great people who can help ya out and the mod manager. usually when it comes to mods any in game issues tend to come from conflicts and can be fixed by removing mods or moving their loadorder.


now if you don't want to use the creation kit (which is perfectly reasonable) the Nexus has tons of followers available for download. though as an added note if you don't want the "indecent" mods uncheck the adult mod filter in the right box.


I don't use followers so I cant recommend any mods for you, sorry bout that. I hope you have fun.


also as an added tip don't install more than five mods at a time. just install five check if the game runs fine, if it does install 5 more. this just helps incase you get a conflict you know which five you just installed and you can easily troubleshoot. though generally mods that just add forgeable weapons and armor don't cause the game to crash.


I hope that helps, and welcome to the community friend.

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