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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Finally i fired an arrow up in the air and it didn't come down so i decided to sell some stuff, i went to the local shop and came back outside. I went to the toilet (In real life) and came back to find myself dead. The arrow came down. :D


Well it was 7 arrows but i did get hit by one

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I find that hard to believe, the arrow one but alright.



No, I've had it happen to me. Not in that way, but it is because they are having a space conflict. Try it yourself; pick something up, like an apple, then walk into an NPC with it. The apple will start shaking and will try to slip out of your hand. It is cuz two objects are attempting to be in the same grid cell, so one is "vibrating" to attemp to shake out of that grid cell....whew, that's a big sentence... umm, whoops, I misunderstood.... I need to start reading ALL posts... sorry...

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I just remember a time that was funny to others but annoying beyond belief to me.

i was a vampire, hadn't fed in a few days. i fast traveled to a farm in the middle of no where (i was already being hurt by the sun) and when i arrived i got my second vampire dream meaning i was even more hurt by the sun, if i stayed out for a minute i would be dead.

there were 3 farm buildings so i entered one, the time in game was about 8am, i tried to wait for a few hours in game but couldn't because it would be 'tresspassing'and waiting outside would cause certain death, and you can't fast travel when taking damage!!. so i was stuck waiting till dusk (in real time)...man it took ages.

i made up my time by going into every building there was and throwing everything onto the floor....everything!

but i got my spell skills up as i would run through the building casting my spells!

when it was eventually dusk i went outside....waited...then fed on the farm folk! :ph34r:

from that day on i hated being a vampire...it took at least an hour!!!

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there's no way i could read this whole thread cause I've been laughing for like ten min. My stomach is sore and i only made it to page three. Here it goes for my funny moment, that would be when saving kvatch. i was supposed to find the count and return with him safely. when i eventually find him, My thought were that he is laying down face first in his blood, and that there is a scamp standing over his body. i kill the scamp and lute the bodies and everything thats in the rooms of the castle. i get lots of silver and books. By now I'm disappointed and am returning to the captain of the guards. when i speak with him he asked me if i found the count floating face down in a pool of blood. WTF is what i thought cause before i went to save him the guy was like don't come back without him and when i did come back without him the guard is now psychic and to boot he gives me his enchanted kvatchian armor.



Another time in kvatch that was pretty funny to me anyways, was when i came up to kvatch. i was walking through the forest, not on any trail when all of a sudden i camera zoom in on a bush and a tree. there's this dialog i thought that the tree and the bush were trying to talk to me so i listened and it turned out to be a crazy guy that tries to stop you from saving kvatch. by running away.


One time while i was hunting deer. i was out in the wilderness and thats when i seen a adventurer out hunting like me. i notice that the guy is fighting with a deer and the deer is fighting back with him, smashing him with his hooves the deer actually wins the fight. (i might have been playing around in the c.s. before with the animals variables(spell?)). in the end i chased down the deer when he was attacking a rat and slayed the beast.


i was playing around while making a spell and i named i mudcrabmadness and what this spell did was boost all of a mudcrabs attributes so he is pretty much invinceable except to me cause i'm the one that made the spell. but i make him follow me around and kill guards and npc's all the time

+speed 100 +strength 100 +agility 100 +luck 100 +handtohand 100 there's more to it with restore healths and restore fatigue as well as having some skill bonuses as well.


One time i created a customized race. for the beginning and i altered the size of my char to a larger size and played through the main quest and then i finally make it to borrow the horse from the one brother in the blades at weyon priority and when i get on the horse i find to my own amusement that I'm to tall to fit out of the stables. and then another time i did the opposite and made every race twice as small as they were at the beginning and i also made several animals smaller such-as rats cause at half the mass those rats are as big as you are. i toned them down to be similar to proper perspective to real life and then in the sewers i killed one and that when it happened a crazy metamorphosis happens and the rat as it dies grows all the way back to it's original size. Then I'm just standing there next to a giant rat thats at least as big as me.



well thats all for now,


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I gotta say i liked Elwood's stuff. Find it on page 1 its funny. Also Theta Orionis's on page 2 ITS HILARIOS !


and heres mine:


I like killing Imperials and still not holding acountant for that, don't you ??? Well this time my little companions were 2 Lord Minotaurs. Ofcourse I didnt interfere it would spoil the show. So I caught them in a cave not far from Weyon Priory. They spotted me and started running and i sat on my shadowmere and took off to Chorrols main gate. i passed by Weyon Priory on the way but they didnt notice, or i though they didnt... So im there next to Chorrol main gate, the guards see the Minotaurs and atack, whyle i use Invisibility spell to not draw atention. So they jump on the guards (and other people nearby)... To my amuse, in the end everybody turned out dead and the 2 minotaurs are still alive. After they finished with them, they started running somewhere. Huh? i dicided to follow them. So they ran and stopped in Weyon Priory, and started killing the horses. Thats weird... the priests were alarmed so they came out to deal with them, and turned out they died too in the end ... and then the minotaurs ran back to where they came from...


Its not particularly funny the way i wrote that, sorry im no autor. But thats unusal stuff, just wanted to share.

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...I like killing Imperials and still not holding acountant for that, don't you ??? Well this time my little companions were 2 Lord Minotaurs. Ofcourse I didnt interfere it would spoil the show. So I caught them in a cave not far from Weyon Priory. They spotted me and started running and i sat on my shadowmere and took off to Chorrols main gate. i passed by Weyon Priory on the way but they didnt notice, or i though they didnt... So im there next to Chorrol main gate, the guards see the Minotaurs and atack, whyle i use Invisibility spell to not draw atention. So they jump on the guards (and other people nearby)... To my amuse, in the end everybody turned out dead and the 2 minotaurs are still alive. After they finished with them, they started running somewhere. Huh? i dicided to follow them. So they ran and stopped in Weyon Priory, and started killing the horses. Thats weird... the priests were alarmed so they came out to deal with them, and turned out they died too in the end ... and then the minotaurs ran back to where they came from...






Huh? Well, anyway, that seemed like one big run on sentence. Well, to be on topic (moderators!), I find it funny (both types) on how Weebum-Na comments on Leyawiin. He's one of the Argonians in Nocturnal's quest. Anyway, ask him about Leyawiin. And you don't want to click during his Leyawiin dialouge (sp?), I'm telling you! It's so funny.

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